
  1. veimar

    Coco loves good music!

    We are a family of musicians and have to practice good and annoying stuff at home. I noticed that whenever any of us or we together play something really nice Coco start screaming to get out of her cage if she is there, and as soon as I open she would fly over to the piano and quietly sit either...
  2. Luffbox

    How can I make my senior lutino comfortable?

    I've had my baby girl for roughly 7 years. She is an estimated twenty years old. I rescued her from a negligent owner that caused her permanent liver damage, arthritis and partial blindness. I've done all I can for her health wise, but she has gotten to the point that anymore car rides are out...
  3. R

    Say hello to Mimi!

    Hello there guys, yesterday i welcomed a new member in my family. she is such a cutie little birdie, aged 6-7months. she is a little bit nippy on everything.. well specially my fingers :chomp:. maybe it's the nerves, but if you guys have any ideas to lower down the nipping a bit it...
  4. J

    New lovebird Fischer's morph

    My daughter got a new lovebird today, a fischer's with a pretty uncommon color morph. He/she hasn't molted yet, so we'll see, but right now he looks like a sea gull!
  5. veimar

    I'm not sure what to do...

    I just want to hear about female lovebird owners. How do you keep your bird happy without a mate? I have an adorable and affectionate rare color lovie, and as she is maturing (she is around 10-12 mo old) I noticed she is getting more and more frustrated. One of my budgies was trying to mate with...
  6. D

    David from El Paso

    I just bought a beautiful little 14 week old lovebird. She's really sweet and seems to be settling in nicely to our home. I have a quick question to start with... There are conflicting methods on how to gain your parrot's trust. A lot of people have said that I should just let the parrot be and...
  7. veimar

    Naughty Coco

    I just want to share some funny pics of Coco opening the kitchen cabinets and going in there to explore! She is so curious! It's never a dull moment in life if you have birds at home! :D
  8. R

    why is my baby love bird like a zombie

    Hi, please can someone help me, I have a baby lovebird thats supposed to be abt 5weeks old. I've had it for 3 days now but its like a zombie. Its just frozen, if I place it somewhere just stays there frozen doesn't even blink. Is it just afraid or is it sick. Even when I leave it in its box for...
  9. EVbaby

    Name that lovebird!

    What kind of lovebird is this? Hello fellow lovebird owners! I have a new baby lovebird named Jax who is 7 weeks. When we got him, it just said blue peach face lovebird, but can anyone please identify my lovie and give me a specific name as to WHAT KIND of lovebird he is? I attached a photo of...
  10. christine

    Zinc Oxide Sunblock?

    Today I had zinc oxide sunblock on my arms cause I was gonna do some gardening and then like 6 hours later at the end of the day my lovebird was running her beak/tongue along my arms (probably to try to remove freckles...whole 'nother problem) and I realized "CRAP the sunblock!" Anyone know...
  11. R

    My lovebird is scared to death

    Hi, I suppose this will be stupid question, but I'll try :) About 3 weeks ago we've got cute lovebird named Kriplik. The problem is that it (I would like to be more concrete to call it she or he, but I don't know its gender) is scared to death when we are around it. It can't fly, because of its...
  12. B

    Abnormal breathing

    Hi guys, Kiki my lovebird has been having trouble with breathing lately, it is heavy and her tail bobs. She also gets nasal discharge and sometimes 'clicks' when she breathes. We changed her preening material she uses to make a nest with as we thought the dust was causing this, but just now i...
  13. M

    Hand anxiety

    My 13 year old male lovebird has developed a seemingly sudden fear of hands over the last 2 months. He has always been very social and affectionate with the family, but will no longer step up. He flys away in fear when a hand approaches him, but is happy to step on someone's shoulder or head...
  14. veimar

    Love story

    I'm posting a lot today, but I just have to share this:
  15. X


    My name is Liz and I live in Buffalo, NY. I do not currently own a bird. I had a lovebird named Budgey (because my mom insisted she looked like a budgie-which of course she didn't, but the name stuck!) who recently passed. I had her for 14 years. I'm hoping someday to adopt another bird, but...
  16. M

    Help! My bird has zero interest in training

    Maybe a bit of background story: So I have this 1,5 year old Lovebird called Pigwidgeon (I really just call her pig). I got her when she was about 12 weeks old I believe. She was hand reared and could step up. She is a really lovely bird that always flies to me or even after me when I move...
  17. veimar

    Little diva is home!!!

    We finally brought home our new American cinnamon lovebird tonight! :yellow2: She is so cute - white and yellow, with little blue on her tail. She ate right after I put food in her cage and seems to adjust nicely. She is such a little diva - although she is not sexed I'm sure it's a girl (her...
  18. veimar

    Do I need a nesting box? some other questions too...

    Hi again, I'm new to lovebirds and I've read some contradictory information online about nesting boxes. I'm getting a single unsexed AC lovebird this Sat (cannot wait!), and I wonder if I need to provide a "nest" in the cage. My conure doesn't have anything like that and hates big objects in his...
  19. F

    New Lovebird help?

    Hi everyone. So this week i got a new little Lovebird. its a blue mask that i named 'Zura'.He is roughly 3-4 months according to the lady i got him from. He is parent raised and hasn't been held much by humans. So obviously he is very timed around people. I know it'll be some time before he has...
  20. veimar

    New lovebird!

    Hi everyone! I'm probably getting an American Cinnamon lovebird this week! :yellow2: It was not planned - I was looking for parakeets, and the lady who had them sold them out, but offered me a lovebird. I just wanted a few more smaller birds, so that's fine, and she looks so cute. He/she (not...
  21. christine

    lovebird doing weird head/neck thing (VIDEO INCLUDED)

    Hey everyone, Wondering what you guys think about my lovebird. Its doing this weird thing--backing its head into its neck like something is stuck in his throat or a feather that's bothering him. What do you think? IMG 1475 - YouTube
  22. christine

    Bitey Lovebird

    Hello fellow parrot fanatics! I need some suggestions/ideas on what to do about my bitty boy lovebird. He loves to bite. He will bite my lips if I offer him a kiss, he will bite my cheek or neck if he can manage to get a biteful, he bites my earlobes, and he especially likes to bite my hands...
  23. christine

    Health Concern: Lovebird Rocking Back & Forth with Open Mouth?

    Hey guys, I just picked up my birds from a boarding facility after a weekend trip. They screen the boarding facility for all major bird diseases and its a really high quality place. Since being brought home, my female lovebird has been sleep/chirping on the heated perching rod. I went to...
  24. christine

    Lovebird with Hurt Wing, When to go to Vet? How to treat?

    Hello everyone Can you help me figure out the best thing to do with this wing injury? Its my first lovebird injury and I cant tell if its minor or if I should go to the vet. My female Lovebird's left wing has been bothering her for a few weeks. The last few days it seems more severe. Her...
  25. S

    Bitey Bird!

    Hello, this is my first (but definately not last!) post here at ParrotForums. We have a 1 year old Lovebird (Roseicolli) called Kiwi. We are having some trouble with him biting, it's gone past the exploring stage and is now becoming aggressive. He is tame, completely comfortable with us. He...
  26. A

    Lovebird Entertainment Help?

    So I recently got a female Lovebird and she has no mate to really keep her company and she really doesn't enjoy my young male parakeet. But I have realized she is extremely smart (she is my first Lovebird) so I've been trying to challenge her with some toys I find around in my old toy bin but I...
  27. christine

    Lovebird just preened my face

    It's 9pm & my little lovebird just decided to preen my face for me for the last 20 minutes. No need to go to the facialist anymore, every bit of my face has been careful cared for by my little girl. I was propped up on some pillows in bed planning out a vacation and decided she had the perfect...
  28. christine

    Lovebird Sick After Eating Pomegranate

    Hey Everyone, My instincts are saying that my lovebird is just fine and this event doesn't warrant a visit to the vet but I wanted to get some feedback from you guys. I just had my first case of my lovebird vomiting. Full on vomiting--not just regurgitating. I bought a pomegranate and was...
  29. B

    little cute lovebird

    Hi everyone, I want to share this video with you, it's my little sweet lovebird (some time ago already) Girl petting cute baby lovebird - YouTube let me know what you think!
  30. A

    Smelly Female Lovebird?

    Hello, Before I explain the issue, I want to tell everyone yes I found her abandoned in the wild before taking her in, printed out fliers for her and added her to "lost and found" in the newspaper, took her to the vet they said she checked out fine and no one ever claimed her so now shes...
  31. Wolfiea1

    Plucking love bird. Help!! :(

    Hello, I'm new here and the only reason I'm posting this is because I want to know if there is anything anyone can tell me to help my bird. I have an 8 year old love bird named Cash. I've had him since he grew feathers and was aloud to come home from the pet shop. A few years ago I was forced...
  32. christine

    Pair of 1 Yr Old Lovebirds--Baby Boy Died Sunday--New Mate?

    Hi everyone, my name is Christine. I have a pair of lovebirds that I got around December of last year (they are about a year old now). Since I have gotten them my life has totally revolved around them. I got them tested for every bird disease they might have--they are all negative. They have...
  33. H

    Lovebird help!

    Greetings, I recently found a lovebird perched onto my window grill and I decided to keep him as a pet as I didn't know of anyone who lost it. It has a rusty golden ring around its leg and I'm thinking maybe he escaped from a neighborhood bird shop? Anyway, I lured it in my house(don't ask me...
  34. T

    What is my bird doing???

    Ok, I have a female lovebird, her name is Twilight she is about 2 years old and I have only had her for about 3 months. Her previous owner hand raised her from a chick but neglected her after the first year, so it has taken a little bit of work to re-socialize her and she is doing great though...
  35. R

    Does my lovebird like it when I do this?

    I have an 8 month old peach-faced lovebird that I got yesterday. It got given around and went back to the pet shop, and was hand-fed, so it's already used to being handled. It doesn't like it when I reach for it, but when the door is left open, it jumps out and onto my shoulder. Sometimes I pet...
  36. M

    Help new lovebird parents

    Hi I had them from a year now and I decided that I want to breed them. So I added the nest box. The female laid 2 fertile eggs. The first chick hatched the female didn't fed it. So it died due to dehydration Two days later the 2nd chick hatched. The same thing she did feed it. So I tried...
  37. pityu

    A behavior of sickness?

    Hi, my peach faced lovebird is behaving kind of weird. This morning he woke me up as usual, chirping, but then i realized that he did not want to drink or eat anything. He was breathing a bit heavy and he pooped more watery then normal. At this point i would go to the vet, but sadly we do not...
  38. M

    Taking on my biggest challenge yet.

    The name's Jo, I've got two peach-faced lovebirds, and I just found out this place exists. Me: I'm a young animal lover and bird enthusiast; I grew up surrounded by animals and I can't imagine life without them. I used to have two budgies when I was a kid, at which point they were mostly cared...
  39. I

    Sick Lovebird - Severly loosing it's feathers.

    One of my two lovebirds is loosing its feathers (severe case). The pet shop suggested we use this: but it's not helping at all. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Please help! :rainbow1:
  40. F

    Dilemma: Could 3 be a crowd?

    Hello, I have recently become an accidental newbie breeder and have really been enjoying it. I need some advice, here's a bit of background:- I originally had a pair of lovebirds. The hen laid eggs a few times, but none hatched. I have had these birds for 2 years now but I am unsure of their...
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