
  1. B

    Help find ways to get my birdie to the vet! Please!

    Hey guys um this is my first time posting here, i hope i'm not messing anything up, and i don't really know much about how this works but i've been needing help getting my little one to the vet and i had no one help me in my life! So i need to figure it out! Maybe you can help? Vet is 4 hours...
  2. F

    Taming a skittish but friendly lovebird

    I got a new lovebird ~6 months ago (he's almost one and a half), and I've slowly made some progress taming him, but it's been especially slow for a while now. He can fly, so I bring him to a bathroom for clicker training to limit his flight space. I'm able to get him to step up and sit on my...
  3. H

    Need advice as to what to do over bite

    So my lovebird was out flying around and landed on my Quaker’s cage and one of my quakers immediately bit him and latched on, he let go before it got to bad and cut my LB a bird. He’s overall ok and acting normal, and we cleaned up the cut immediately with salt water and we’re on our way to the...
  4. T

    Leaving my Lovebird for a Bit

    I have had this lovebird for around eight months (unsure of gender, referring as "her"), and I absolutely love her. My family and I work from home, so we always have her flying around the home, eating fresh foods, and bonding with us. She is always sitting on one of our shoulders or playing...
  5. Sparklystars

    How old are lovebirds supposed to get? Theres so much conflicting information!

    Hi, I've had my lovebird Sherbet for 13 years now and I know she's old but I don't know roughly how long I have left with her. I know different types of lovebird have different lifespans, but I can't find anywhere how long Sherbet's type lives for. I've seen pages saying 10 years, 15, 20+. She's...
  6. P

    Lovebird makes twitter notification sound

    She also makes a slower version ,that sounds sad for whatever reason , if anyone wanted i can share
  7. P

    lovebird doesnt seem to sleep

    hello , i have a pair of lovebirds , M and F , F lovebird simply doesnt seem to sleep like ever ,the M one i can see him get sleepy,sleep or tuck or have one eye closed but the female one i could swear never sleeps ,somehow shes VERY energetic ,i am a late sleeper so i always check her out and...
  8. L

    Lovebird is sick

    My lovebird is almost a years old. She is currenltly feeling sick, she is not eating and only do drinking. She fluff up her fur and becomes so clingy to humans (which usually doesnt do). Her droppings is only white I assume that because she doesnt eats. It has been a day... please help I dont...
  9. K

    2 love birds died

    Hi. Two of my little guys passed away, I have no idea what the cause was, they just suddenly died. I recently adopted these two baby lovebirds last October. They seemed very healthy and they would play all the time and were the cutest little joys to have around. They weren’t hand tamed so I was...
  10. J

    Please help make parrots recognized ESAs. Some of us rely on their intelligence to help with physical pain.

    Hey there. I'm new here--I've lurked for years, but I've got a conure, a cockatiel, a lovebird, a medical degree, and a neurological disease where emotional distress causes me physical pain. I know your birds matter to you, and I know for many of you, you wouldn't want anything to separate you...
  11. kyladoodle

    Hi everyone:)

    Hi everybody- i’m Kyla from NZ. Crazy about parrots - I had a lovebird named Tangelo that unfortunately got sick and passed Dec 2022. I have since adopted an 8year old Rainbow Lorikeet by the name of Gizmo - loving Tangelo and learning from him enabled me to be a savior for this lori, as she...
  12. PXL_20221018_220621336_5.mp4


    Mango gives daddy a sweet kiss as Red looks on
  13. M

    Drooping and Swollen Lovebird Wing

    Hi Everyone! My male lovebird Milo has had a droopy wing with a lump for about a month now. I did see a vet and he said he thinks it’s a fractured wing and prescribed Meloxicam and Enrofloxacin. After finishing the meds my bird still appears the same and I’d say his wing lump is even bigger...
  14. B

    Looking for Specific Naturally Molted Lovebird Feathers for Crafting

    Hey, I'm looking for some naturally molted feathers from these specific mutations of birds for a crafting project to add some feathers to a trinket jar. Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some?: Normal / Wild Coloration Peach-Faced Lovebird Feathers Example pictures: I know...
  15. B

    Looking for Specific Naturally Molted Budgie Feathers for Crafting

    Hey, I'm looking for some naturally molted feathers from these specific mutations of birds for a crafting project to add some feathers to a trinket jar. Wondering if anyone would be willing to provide some?: Sky Blue Recessive Pied Budgie Feathers Example pictures: SF (Single Factor)...
  16. Dylan Longman

    My bird just died after only 1.5 years.

    My lovebird just died and he was only a year and a half old. I don’t know what to do, because he helped me during my darkest times and it’s not like if I get a new bird it’ll be exactly like him. He died from lead poisoning and I’m stupid for not realizing it earlier. I loved him so much, and...
  17. Quetki

    Aggressive lovebird

    I have a crippled lovebird and it hates hands. It only takes treats from hands and even then will try to bite you sometimes. Does anyone know how I can tame it? I also have a Conure and am too scared to see if it'll bite it. They were chatting but when I got him closer to the cage he started...
  18. S

    My 3-4 Month-Old Rosy Faced Lovebird won't eat or drink

    Hi everyone! My dad found a Rose-faced lovebird yesterday and long story short we're keeping it. (It was definitely a pet that escaped, we asked around but no one had any clue so we brought it home). Took it to the Vet for a general check-up and they found nothing wrong with it. I told them...
  19. Same-Sex Couple Incubating Their New Eggs

    Same-Sex Couple Incubating Their New Eggs

    Rosie and Jaybird incubating their new eggs. I knew Rosie was expecting an egg since she had egg bum, but Jaybird’s bum looked normal.
  20. Unfertilized Eggs Sharing a Nest

    Unfertilized Eggs Sharing a Nest

    Rosie and Jaybird, newlyweds, both laid an egg today. Obviously not fertilized since Rosie was the one who was doing the humping.
  21. S

    Lovebird clicking noise and tail vibrating (or bobbing im unsure)

    Hello! Does anyone know why my lovebird is doing this? Is this just a behavioural thing or does he have an illness? His tail moves up and down very fast like it’s vibrating and he would make clicking noises. He acts normal and is very active! Any thoughts? Thanks :)
  22. I

    My lovebird is just too scared

    Hello! I hope you’re having a good day. Alright so I’m new lovebird owner I know absolutely adore and Love mine. I got it about 2 weeks ago from a bird store. First of all, they weren’t treating the poor guy well there, and they were keeping Like 20 of them in one small cage and grabbed them...
  23. L

    2 month and half lovebird care

    Hello everyone, I just had my Lovebird from the breeder, he told me it is 2 months and half, but until now she can't eat the seeds. It is lazy a little bit, she doesn't drink water I have to give her water with syringe, is it normal? When can I give her bath? How often should I feed her the...
  24. A

    Swollen eye, dont know what to do

    Hey guys, i would like if someone can help me understand what is wrong with my lovebirds eye, he is able to close its eyes over the swollen part and is doesnt look like he is hurt, but i have no idea what is should do, thankyou in advance
  25. Mustikka

    My lovely lovebird passed away suddenly...Needs help

    Hi Everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read. This is my 1st time posting on this forum. I have been so devastated by the sudden death of my lovebird, and I found this forum. I thought it would help me to get some helpful opinions. I just find it extremely hard to get a closure on this...
  26. L

    Tissue paper twine?

    Hi everyone, me again! I’m looking for help with another question. I’ve been really struggling to find safe rope to use for toys for my new lovebirds. I came across a way to make twine out of tissue paper. Is this a safe option or is it toxic/harmful?
  27. L

    New Lovebird Mom!

    Hi everyone, I have just purchased two female baby lovebirds (they get along just fine as they were raised in the same home). My question is has anyone successfully been able to have their lovebirds bond with them when they have two lovebirds? I’ve heard they will bond with each other and be...
  28. Zhin

    mite or bug lovebirds eye

    mite or bug in lovebirds eye Hello fellow parrots My Fisher lovebird has something in her eye. How do i go about removing this mite / bug/ tick , from her eye? i just noticed this in her eye, some thing felt off, and i checked to see and it looks like a bug what to do? i dont have any...
  29. X

    What can i do to help my plucking lovebird?

    Hi, I have an 8 year old peach-faced lovebird who has a feather-plucking habit that started suddenly when he was 1. We took him to the vet and she said that it's not anything medical but rather he was hormonal and without a mate, he was sexually frustrated and therefore resorted to plucking. She...
  30. J

    Jeff is looking for a new home

    Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and coping ok in these weird times. I am posting with a heavy heart, because I find myself needing to re-home my gorgeous peachfaced lovvie Jeff Bridges (I know, the name is silly!) 
 His mate, Pearl, passed away about 10 days ago and Jeff is now sadly on...
  31. K

    Two of my lovebirds died suddenly after being wraped in blankets

    First we had two female lovebirds, one of them looked sick, one day she lowered her head so we took her out of the cage and cover her in blankets, for the rest of the day she seemed fine and ate well, her poop was also fine, the next day she once again lowered her head, we did the same and after...
  32. W

    Lovebird laid 2 eggs! When can I take them out?

    Hi guys, long story short: Whiskey laid 2 eggs which is adorable. They are clearly duds (we checked) but we left them for her of course so she can take care of them and follow her nature. I read that they usually abandon them after 3 weeks but it´s been 4 weeks now and she´s still all over...
  33. L

    Lovebird plucking own feathers

    Hi guys/gals, :rainbow1: I have a lovebird that is about a year old and he's just started plucking his right wing feathers to a point that the bald patch is half of his right wing & part of his lower neck. We've brought him to the vet and they've said that it's definitely not mites & probably a...
  34. Sparklystars

    How to give lovebird oral medicine?

    My little lovebird sherbet is unwell, and while we don't know why yet, the vets have given me some medicine to try her on. How do I give it to her without her hating it/me? I tried this evening to give her her first dose and my friend had to hold her while I tried to feed her with the syringe...
  35. K

    Urgent 3-month lovebird help

    Please help. I'm a very concerned bird mom. I myself am physically stressed about the well-being of my little baby. Dylan is a peach-faced lovebird I got at 5 weeks old, and hand-weened him on to a pellet diet. He got an infection at about 7 weeks, and I took him to the vet, had him on...
  36. L

    What species of lovebird is this?

    (picture in attachments) He's almost 4 months old.
  37. L

    Wing Injury Tips/Help?

    I recently adopted a supposedly 4-month old lovebird, my first lovebird. The previous owner did not make me aware that he has an injury to what looks like his outermost primary feathers. :smile032: Looks like it was an attempted clipping as his feathers are quite short in comparison to the...
  38. W

    Hello from Martin, Whiskey and Nebula

    Hi everyone, my name is Martin and I am joining along with my two lovebirds Whiskey and Nebula. :blue2::whiteblue: They´re blue, just born last year (June and September) and absolutely amazing. I wanted to join this forum to talk some more to other lovebird owners and get more experience...
  39. L

    5/8'' Bar Spacing for Lovebird?

    Hello, There doesn't seem to be any consensus on what spacing is appropriate for a lovebird. Would 5/8'' be okay? Has anyone had any experience with this spacing for their lovies cage? Thank you!
  40. L

    Is my new lovebird okay? Please help :(

    Hello, I am new to this forum, but I was brought here due to being concerned about my new lovebirb. He is behaving fine, eating fine, etc. however, I noticed his face was either missing some feathers or it looks wet or something? I got him around a week ago, I believe the petstore person said...
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