Hello! I just moved my Green Cheek Conure, Zuko, into a much larger cage then what he was in before, which I assumed hey he would enjoy this! but He has never really enjoyed being in any sort of cage but he has been not sleeping very much or even in his bed while in the new cage even though we...
We have a 15 year rescue bare eyed cockatoo, had him for around about a year now and has all of a sudden over the past month started plucking underneath his wings, which is getting worse where he makes himself bleed. It seems to me that he has very itchy and irritated skin, he can sleep and jump...
After fostering Jojo the Moluccan Cockatoo for a month this Summer he has finally stepped up and liked it!
This Summer I wanted to train a bird for Florida Parrot Rescue. I asked my foster coordinator if they had any "difficult" birds that may be hard to adopt out or are at risk for permanent...
I have had birds all of my life Manny the parakeet, Feathers and Snowflake cockatiels , Arthur a nandy conure, Merlin an ele sulphur crested cockatoo who just passed away in January after being a member of our family for 30 years.
Merlin was a special bird he could tell when I was going to...
I know there are a ton of these threads, but I have some specific questions regarding my 'toos.
Bird, my triton, came to me in 2011 as a plucker, but never plucked while he was with me until recently. We did move in December but he didn't start plucking again until April-May.
Chula, my...
So I have Sam a bath yesterday when I got done showering, we have a shower perch that the other birds use. I had read that cockatoos love strutting and dancing when showering, which he did but it seemed like he wasn't able to fully do as much as he wanted on the perch.
So I was thinking about...
I have a few other parrots, but Sam is our first big parrot && he just happens to be one of the most demanding parrot species. He belonged to my mother, she recently passed away. She asked me to take him, && I promised to do right by her. I knew I was going to be getting him soon before she...
Hi everyone.
I'm here shamelessly plugging my blog. I have a Galah called Kynuna, I have a website blogging my life being owned by a Galah/Rose breasted cockatoo. It'll cover everything from training, toys, caging, play stands, foods and much much more I'm sure.
I also have a FB page and...
I have a 1 year old Umbrella cockatoo, and have recently been attempting to use a flight suit on him. It has been 3 months now of introducing him to thr harness, janging it in his cage, letting him play wiyh it, and just simply laying in on top of him. Yet he still hates it I yried to put iy on...
We have a sulphur crested cockatoo named Cocky. My dad has had him since he was 8, and Cocky is now 45 and still living happily with our family.
He's not very tame, we can't handle him but he doesn't mind being scrathes or hugs every now and again (he adores my mum and my brother...
I have a 15 year old M2, I got her when she was 9 months old ... she is spoiled and for the past two years, has begun to pluck and self mutilate ... we are trying many things, but she gets better then worse again ...
I am currently wanting to sell her Animal Environments macaw cage, so I can...
So, I went to the parrot store where I get tubs of mixed fruits and veggies for Nalani. The owner knows Nalani really well and informed me that there are Eclectus eggs that are currently nesting. OH BOY!!
Ever since I got Nalani, I have always been interested in getting another bird. I had put...
Hello. I've had my parrot for 8 years now, but I have only brung him once to a vet. Today randomly he started attacking me and biting me. He has never been like this ever! Usually he comes and cuddles, but just a few minutes ago he began to lunge and even fly at me in a furious attempt of...
As a few of you (Although since I posted about another bird type before, you most likely won't be in this forum) might know, I've been looking for Conures. So I went to the Local Avian Store, Golden Cockatoo. There I found that Conures weren't the right bird for me. Luckily for me, two employees...
I love when Rosie does her happy wings + squawking, she's now doing this about 3 times a week in the evening.
On accident I'm covering the microphone on my camera for the first part so you'll have to turn it up, in the third clip make sure to turn it back down or it will be loud lol
Coconut is a 4 year old Umbrella Cockatoo I adopted from a family 4 days ago. When I met him he was screaming and banging his head around in his cage. It was honestly frightening since this is my first experience with a large parrot. The owners let me put my hand inside his cage to show me that...
We are looking for input into cage setups and ideas for water/food containers for our male cockatoo who is at this point blind. He previously has only been able to use a lixit water bottle due to the beak overgrowth. any input is much appreciated!! We are specifically curious about appropriate...
We are looking for input into cage setups and ideas for water/food containers for our male cockatoo who is at this point blind. He previously has only been able to use a lixit water bottle due to the beak overgrowth. any input is much appreciated!!
you can read more about their story here --->...
I am a potential Cockatoo owner. Recently, there was a Cockatoo rescued from an animal hoarder. I was first in line to offer it a new, safe, loving home. I am going to take her to the vet when I get her to make sure she's not sick: but she's not ready to be rehomed just yet. So, while I wait.. I...
Hi! I am in the market to get an exotic bird, preferable a medium-large to large bird, like a Patagonian Conure or an Umbrella Cockatoo. Even though I have never owned an exotic bird, a good friend of mine has an African Grey and whenever I'm around him we get along very well and he seems very...
I feel like whenever I look at a cage I get paranoid and think of all the dangers, and just that I'm not seeing them in person. If anyone has used the cages before or knows someone who did, or maybe just have useful info please share :)
I've been browsing at pet stores, birds stores...
Hey guys im new here,
So i have been having parrots and other animals for years since i was about 5. So now im 17 i thought a big bird would be amazing and after watching all the videos and seeing how joyful they are i had the choice to choose between a macaw or a cockatoo. However after reading...
I've posted on the cockatoo thread about Gwynn, so a quick read there will give background - he's had a bad time, I haven't had him long and I'm still finding out why he's been through so many people in a short space of time.
This evening things were going really well. He was flying from the...
Dear, Cockatoo owners!
I've got to ask, how loud are your Too's?
According to internet research, Cockatoo's make your head split, eyes pop and ears bleed with their screeching! :18:
Are they really that bad? If so, how on earth do you cope?
Anyway, I'm aware of morning and evening screaming...
I hope you guys could help out.I have been doing a lot of research on other parrots because I'm getting one on my birthday but I don't know which one I want to get.Its between the African grey timneyh parrot, Hahn's macaw,or the cockatoo.I'm torn between the three.If anyone has personal...
I have an African Grey and a Citron crested Cockatoo. One thing I've always struggled with is how expensive their toys are, and then how quickly they rip them to shreds (cockatoo especially!)
Recently I reviewed some toys that are hand made, very durable, safe, and also affordable (a...
Male, Max is 6 yrs old with papers. Loves to eat dinner with the family and cuddle every night. He's friendly with everyone.
I cannot give Max away, as he is a very special bird.
1200.00 is the price we are asking. He would need a new cage, as his is getting really old.
Email g8trland@aol.com...
Hi there! This place was actually recommended to me by someone on LiveJournal, but sadly I do not know their username on this forum.
I care for a Bare-Faced Cockatoo named "Baby". Whether or not he's "mine" is somewhat fuzzy, but he's my responsibility. As far as I know I'm his third living...
so if you could have any bird what would it be. lets just say we live in some dream world where you dont have to worry about mess, noise, and we all had the experience to own any bird negative qualities and availibility asside. even if its extinct! i would have a palm cockatoo, hyacinth macaw...
im on vacation in MA, and our neighbors accross the street have two peach faced lovebirds and an umbrella cockatoo whos 25. i was walking to the beach when i heard the lovebirds. immediately i went on some sorta quest to find out what birds they had . i must have looked pretty creepy staring at...
Our family has recently adopted an Eleanora Too named Nic Nic.
Nic is 15 years old and has had, from what I gather, at least 2 other homes.
He is very relaxed, friendly and nearly silent (squawks approximately once every other day or so). He entertains himself beautifully, although he loves...
I have a 15 year old Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. Last December she laid 2 eggs, which surprised the heck out of me. She laid her first while sitting on my shoulder!! She had this 'kicking or digging" behavior which I've never seen until this past year.
The holistic vet started her on a...
Hi, My name is Catherine. I stumbled on this forum while doing some research and really liked it. I own a Ducorps Cockatoo who is still very young. I work from home so he/she (not sure and not really bothered which...but if I could guess I would say boy ;)) is a very lucky little boy because he...
I am going to start volunteering at a local parrot rescue and they have alot of birds with many different temperaments. I was just wondering if anyone knew ways to maybe keep them calm or just body language that won't make them angry. I went in today for just a little while to talk to the owners...
well today we were at the pet store petting an maluccan cockatoo. he was the sweetest thing! we visited him a few times before this and he would swing upside down on the cage bars going "wooo" and my mom would count his swings and when he finished he would run up to her as if to say "how did i...