
  1. F

    Noise Reduction Aratinga solstitialis (Sun Conure):

    Hello, Purchased a Sun Conure last year. This Sun Conure has bonded with the household. Therefore, she contact calls my roommates when she is on my shoulder if my roommates are out of sight. The Conure also screeches if a truck passes by the house which is problematic as I live in a...
  2. Lillie

    what do you wish you knew?

    I'm planning and saving to adopt a Goffins cockatoo in 1-2 years... Not that long to wait for a lifelong companion, so, I figured, why not start asking questions now? I'm currently trying to get more and more used to handling large parrots, being less nervous holding them, etc. Right now I have...
  3. alsonlupin

    rescue Blue updates II

    since i got Blue home at Sep 16th. blue lives with me for a month and 7 days. last week i did the DNA test for blue. Check for the APV(Avian Polyoma Virus) and PBFD(Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease) and sexuality for her(found out Blue is a girl). and good news is blue has no APV and PBFD...
  4. alsonlupin

    DIY your own toys

    hi guys, I love to DIY my own parrot toys. if you are interested as well, here are some tips for you. this is the one i made at Sep 14th. 1. first, to get all kinds of little components. all of my materials are from chinese eBay. i think you guys can use whatever you can find in this way...
  5. S

    Soon to be cockatoo owner *hopefully*

    Hi there! I have had several cockatiels as pets and currently have one. I’m not sure that he got the memo about cockatiels being an “easy” bird as he is quite demanding and needy. But I love him dearly. I’ve recently decided to add a larger parrot to my home. Against all advice, my hearts desire...
  6. alsonlupin

    rescue Blue updates:blue come home with me now!

    hi guys, i finally got blue home with me! yeah! the lady said i treat Blue "too good" which makes her the bad guy. She felt uncomfortable for my behavior and one day, she took blue home with her. after 2 weeks, she called me whether i can take blue home for a while. then the coffee shop manager...
  7. alsonlupin

    rescue Blue

    hi guys, I've talked to the owner last sunday. she have been out the town for a long time, and she is very happy to see blue is so much better now. she thanked me for helping blue. she seems nice, but since blue is getting better, she is very hesitating to sell blue. she said she will...
  8. alsonlupin

    just want to blow your mind!

    After reading the message form MonicaMc and I notice that there is a big difference between US market and China market. I checked the price on today. and I realized how cheap parrots are in china!!!! Trust me if you come to china, you guys could be crazy shopper! Let me tell you...
  9. H

    New England hazards?

    Hello everyone, new member and fairly new bird owner here. My first bird, Chicken, a sulfur crested cockatoo, is my best friend and she has strongly bonded to me. I'm building an outside aviary in my back yard for her. I need to know what kinds of things I need to be cautious of in...
  10. X

    Ducorp's Cockatoo Fearful Behavior

    Hello all, I have a 4 year old ducorp's cockatoo named Willow who has been with me since he was 7 months old. Previously in the years past, Willow would willingly step up out of his cage, but starting last year, he has become quite reluctant to step up out of his cage. He used to also...
  11. M

    Hey there!

    I am the proud owner of two beautiful birds, a male Cockatiel named Onni (after the Japanese mythology creature) and a male baby Umbrella Cockatoo Mamés Dango (yes I like the Japanese theme thing). Onni is about 2 years old, he keeps to himself, doesn’t act at all like other cockatiels I know...
  12. J

    What is the best parrot to get?

    This isn't for a long time yet, I like to have all the information possible before getting a new bird. But, what would you say is the best parrot? Ive always wanted an African grey or cockatoo... but I just wanted some insights of what kind of behaviour problems etc people have with their...
  13. A

    Please help umbrella cockatoo 'issues'

    Hi my name is Liam and I am a new member to this forum,my dilemma is I rescued a 3 and a half year old female umbrella cockatoo today and she is untame as she was isolated, I quickly noticed that she smis very defensive of her space (most likely due to stress of moving around to a strange...
  14. I

    Quiet cockatoos?

    My cousin owned 2 cockatoos awhile back (even though she shouldn't have...). I dont think they really spent any one on one time with the birds and if they did it was rare. The birds were out of the cage though and free to roam I believe most of the time they were home. However, I noticed that...
  15. Jferrand526

    Story Time #2

    I guess I’ll make this a thing since i visit bird stores a little too often and have some experiences or spot some things that shouldn’t be done towards birds. This post will involve two stories 1.) Today I visited the store known as Omars Exotic Birds, I don’t know if anyone has heard of this...
  16. M

    Can you train your birds to stop chewing wires?

    Okay, so I've never had much of a problem with my Goffin chewing wires until recently and, with the profession I have, it's hard to keep wires out of the way. I'm an open cage believer, which means my cages are always open; open door, open top all day long - as long as it's not bedtime or I'm...
  17. M

    Work and bird?

    I am looking into getting a bird, I've done an unimaginable amount of research, I have always wanted a bigger bird since I was young, my top ones are Conures, African Grey, and Cockatoo but deciding factor, I work a 9-5 job at a vet 5 days a week with weekends being completely free. Is that too...
  18. Sugar


    16 years old. My sister rescued her and surprised me 1 1/2 years ago. Oddly, Sugar and I share the same birth date!
  19. C

    Salmon-crested Cockatoo Rehome

    Mature Moluccan in the Phoenix, AZ area. Will personally deliver anywhere in AZ or meet at the border of CA, NM, NV. Will not ship!! Asking a rehoming fee of $1300, will come with large beige parrot cage, toys, treats, and year supply of food. Male, salmon-crested cockatoo :white1: We have...
  20. K

    how to introduce cockatoo to conures? Somebody got bit yesterday :(

    We've had our conures Charlie and kiwi for almost three years. We weren't planning on getting a larger bird anytime soon but my cousins didn't have the time for their cockatoo Nigel because of work and their kids so they sold her to us. We've had Nigel since last Monday on the 20th. Since we've...
  21. K

    Choosing the right parrot

    Hello :) So after years of dreaming about having a big parrot (I mean bigger than cockatiel and budgies, I had those since I was 10yo, not anymore though) I finally can get one. I do not work and I have a 7yo child, plenty of experience with many medium sized parrots (second hand experience from...
  22. S

    My Little Corrella is aggressive towards other people!!!

    Hello, I am new to the forum, I have joined in hope of finding help. I rescued my little corrella, Buster, 6 months ago. I was told his owner had unexpectedly died and he had been passed to two other people before he was with the couple I took him off. The first people who rehomed him couldn't...
  23. B

    Buying A Cockatoo

    I'm looking to buy a cockatoo and I don't have much experience with it and I was wondering if this seems like a reliable place to buy a cockatoo
  24. I

    Growing behavior issues

    hello everyone , My name is Irving and my girlfriend and I adopted a 12 year old cockatoo nearly a year ago. Up until about 3 months ago she was practically the perfect bird , give or take some property destruction and a little screaming she instantly took to both of us and even interacted with...
  25. S

    Cockatoo afraid only most of the time?

    Hi, I'm wondering what to do about my 3 year old Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. She's always been jumpy and afraid of people and passing cars/bikes; Suddenly one day about a year ago she decided she was terrified of me, especially my hands. I still let her out of her aviary into the backyard every...
  26. J

    Young cockatoo not eating

    Hello, I have a 9 month old umbrella cockatoo. I've had her for a little over 2 months now and I'm struggling to get her to eat When I first got her she would eat but not that much which I was told was somewhat normal for a young cockatoo. She eats Pretty Bird Natural Gold, Fruit Zupreem and...
  27. E

    My First Cockatoo is a Rescue

    How it started: Hello my name is Erick, and I just recently bought a Cockatoo from a local pet store very recently. The reason I bought him was because when I went to the gym very late at night (anywhere from 1AM- 4AM) I would past a pet store and see him all alone in a cage and I have to say...
  28. H

    seeking advice on constant M2 nesting/aggression

    My Moluccan - who I've had for 15 years - has been becoming more and more aggressive as he ages. This I expected and have worked around for years, and is usually not a problem as I can read his behavior better than anyone. But his interests are almost exclusively limited to nesting and nesting...
  29. A

    Galah Cockatoos.. cuddly?

    Hello! A pet shop near me is going to be bringing in a Galah cockatoo soon, and Ive been thinking about it ever since the owner told me :) This is just in time since Ive been trying to find the right bird for me for a year and a half, and after lots of research, I never really was able to be...
  30. L

    What to do for fly by attacks

    We got a couple Cockatoos a few months ago. When we first got them they were great with both my husband and myself. About a week or so after Chevy, the female decided she hates my husband. He has not done anything to her, she would lay with him and let him scratch her head before. Now if he...
  31. P

    My Ducorp Monty

    It has been quite a while since I have been on the forums, I believe it was before we had Monty at home. Well since Monty has been home we added a U2 (Ollie 32yrs. rescue) that he would LOVE to play with, he is such a little clown! So let me back up a little, we have a rescue B&G, Max (7yrs) &...
  32. L

    Banging head on my shoulder

    Chevy one of my Cockatoo's just started yesterday banging her beak on my shoulder, repeatedly. I have no idea why she started doing this. She will just climb on my shoulder and bang away, I tell her to stop, she will, for about 30 seconds and start again. I thought maybe it was just something...
  33. OMG

    Are you SURE you want a 'too?

    I remember reading somewhere (probably on this forum, for that matter!) that if you adopt a cockatoo, being bitten isn't just a possibility; it's a certainty. And you have to be okay with that if you're going to be a parront. Today I spent a couple hours at my friend's apartment (the friend...
  34. Puck

    Lucille: Looking Pretty in Pink

    Jim mentioned that it's been awhile since I posted any pictures of lovely Lucille, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of Gail and Rickeybird and make a scrapbook that I can update! Only I'm going for digital because I don't actually have a printer to print out the photos of Luci! Name...
  35. P

    New in South West Florida

    Hello Everyone and thank you for allowing me to join! I am new getting back into birds but not new to having birds. My Mother raised Canaries when I was a child, later I had a Cockatiel and when my oldest children were young we had rescued an abused Red Headed Amazon (That I later gave to an...
  36. M

    Cockatoos compared to Macaws?

    Hi, new here. I am wanting to get a larger bird within the next few months. I've done a large amount of research and have come to the conclusion that I want either a cockatoo or a macaw. Both are very affectionate birds, which is what I would like. As for my home (and their home as well): I will...
  37. Falconbiscuit

    New bird troubles?

    Lately, I have been thinking about getting another bird. A cockatoo, actually! I've done lots (I tell you lots) of research on this bird as a pet. It won't be for a while (around feb next year) but I was wondering what effect a new bird would have on my Sun Conure? She's bonded to me, and hasn't...
  38. J

    In Need Of A Foster Family For Umbrella Too

    Hello everyone, nice to meet you for the first time. I'm (as you can see) brand new to the site, but definitely not new to birds. My husband and I have had a very insane last 2 years, and our world is changing yet again. We live in NJ and would appricate any help from someone within a 4 hr...
  39. S

    Cataracts... Help!!

    Hello everyone, I'm really worried about my Cockatoo Sabrina... He is only 18 Years old and is having problems with his eyes.. I rescued him 2 years ago and when i got him, he had a small Cataract in the center of his right eye. Since then, i have become very worried that it is getting worse. I...
  40. Mekaisto

    Ash is finally here!

    I picked her up Friday afternoon :D She had been on a long trip - Grafton to Sydney to Melbourne in two planes! She was a little scared when I collected her, obviously, but as soon as I got her home into a quiet place, she was feeling a little happier. I wasn't quite sure how she'd take to me -...
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