
  1. P

    First time feeding Galah cockatoo.

    We got our first cockatoo who is just 3 weeks old today and tried feeding baby bird formula for the first time. At one point he turned his head and some of the feed got spread over his eye. I wiped it immediately but he started making a fist with his toes. After a couple of minutes he went back...
  2. G

    Help from Cockatoo Owners?

    Hi everyone. I am an undergraduate student doing work on cockatoo play behaviour. I will be working with 12 hand-reared individuals in a lab but will have very limited time so I don't think I will be able to do pilot testing. So I would like to know if parrot owners (specifically Goffin...
  3. Finocolada

    Depressed cockatoo ��

    I was wondering if anybody could help me with my cockatoo, he has been living with an old man for the last 30 years and I'm not sure how he was treated, we have had him now for 3 weeks and his behaviour keeps changing at first when we opened the cage he wouldn't go back in and now the cage is...
  4. AshMGon

    Considering a Little Corella: Need Advice!

    This thread is for the purpose of getting advice and hearing experiences from little corella owners. Anything is appreciated! (NOTE: I am extremely well-researched on parrot species and am very much aware of the amount and kind of attention cockatoos require. So I do not approach this lightly...
  5. mwright1972

    Cockatoo chewing not plucking - Need Advice

    I have had Bob (Umbrella Cockatoo) for 2 months. He is now 9 months old. I work so he stays at home everyday in his very large "Macaw size" cage full of toys and chats it up with Marley (sun conure). They are the best of friends. They stay in different cages when I am not home but love to be...
  6. R

    can someone explain this behavior (Video link)

    ok so Roxie is one year old and recently she often does what she does in the video alot!! and it hurts! i dont know why this is happening she is healthy, plays and everything but once she is out her cage and on me she starts doing that! she once did it on my face and thank god i evaded. and just...
  7. gnatnlucy

    merry christmas from lucy and me!

    Merry Christmas everyone! This morning after breakfast Lucy and I made some toys and here are the fruits of my labor! She is very happily foraging and enjoying some shredables! :white1: Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
  8. gnatnlucy

    Beautiful day for some outside fun!

    I took her outside today and we took a few pics just thought I'd share :white1:
  9. gnatnlucy

    So she thinks I am her boyfriend...

    I am new here but my reason for joining was due to this issue. Lucy my 6 year old Umbrella thinks I am hers and only HERS. She adores me ADORES me... to the point that no matter what I do she lifts her tail, quivers, does the uncomfortable heavy breathing and has even regurged for me (the...
  10. R

    Urine Color!? help!

    Hey all! Roxy (6 month old) is doing fine playing,preening, eating and drinking. There is no unhealthy sings! But when I noticed her droppings today just now I got worried! I'm going to travel in few days and I really hope I can squeeze a vet appointment tomorrow! She is eating colored fruit...
  11. Mekaisto

    Any black cockatoo owners out there?

    I'd love to connect with any other black 'too owners that happen to live on these boards! Although I work with two RTBs, I didn't have them from a young age, and they're not really 'mine'. They play with me, they love and snuggle and kiss me, but they spend their time at work, and I go home to...
  12. R

    Roxy is being weird + Pictures.

    Okay so, i had Roxy (5 month old U2) since a week now. *sorry i don't know how to rotate the image here :white1:* I've noticed; 1- she sneezes 2-3 times a day. 2- she put her claws on her neck and opens her mouth wide, she does that often. 3- she thinks my fingers are chew toys, how...
  13. R

    My first Cockatoo! (Questions)

    Hello there, First of all i would like to inform that i have done my research about cockatoos and I've seen a lot of videos, and forums explaining the life with a cockatoo. so i can say i know what I'm getting myself into (i hope, lol.) <3 lets start about myself Im a 21...
  14. F

    How do I get my bird back in his cage?

    I've had Loki, an older Goffin's cockatoo, for about a month now. He loves to play with toys and chew on things, loves treats, and loves head/neck scratches. He does not step up, ever, for anybody. When I let him out of his cage he sits on top and plays quietly by himself and will come over for...
  15. C

    Feather degreaser

    Hello there! I've had several birds, but never cockatoos, and I just went with my mother-in-law to buy her first bird. Tiki is a stunning, wonderful, 13 year old Umbrella cockatoo. I wouldn't normally advocate for a large parrot as a first-time bird, but she's in her 50s and they took so well...
  16. A

    My bird hates phones

    My bird absolutely detests cell phones, iPods, and things if the sort. I've tried to get her used to them, I've put them near her cage. She's seen me use them before but she just won't stop attacking them and the people using them! HELP!
  17. F

    Loki singing the song of his people at midnight

    Hello all! So Loki (Goffin's cockatoo) and Mango (sun conure) are finally here with in San Diego! It's been about two weeks and it's already been a crazy ride. Amongst the weirdest of the behaviors I've noticed is that every two or three nights, Loki will start screaming every 10 seconds or so...
  18. A

    Aria won't go back in her cage

    I can't get her to go back into her cage. I have to force her. Help!
  19. A

    New cockatoo, need help

    So I recently bought a bare-eyed cockatoo from an elderly couple who said she was agressive. I realized she wasn't agressive and that they just didn't know how to handle and keep her entertained but every time I let her out of her cage she only wants to cuddle. I was hoping shed get bored and...
  20. M

    Smaller cockatoo

    Hi everyone, I have never joined and or posted on these forums before, but I thought it would give it a try for some honest input. A little background information about myself, I grew up with an umbrella cockatoo since I was 8. Out of everyone in my family she liked my dad and me best. She...
  21. Y

    Keiko's progress!!!

    hey guys!! so here's an update on keiko the lsc2 that i brought home about a month ago!! he has been progressing well and plucking has stopped(fingers crossed!). at least i haven't seen him pluck anymore~ he steps up and we've taught him some tricks in addition to stuff he already knows :D will...
  22. D

    Cockatoo Grump

    I just wanted to see if anyone has been having similar issues to me. I have a female 1 year and 4 month old Corella cross Galah cockatoo, she's been handled from a young age and for months she was sweet and calm, but over the last few months she's been a real horror, she'll bite your fingers...
  23. F

    Air travel with cockatoo

    Very long story short, I recently inherited two birds, a Goffin's cockatoo and a sun conure. They are currently located on the East Coast, and I live on the West Coast. I am planning on traveling by air with them either as carry-ons, or with them in cargo. Either way, my question stands: WHERE...
  24. O

    which parrot is right for me? CAG, RB2, pionus, eclect

    Hi all: While we are not ready for a new flock member just yet, we are starting to think about our next parrot(s). I thought I would come here and ask advice. This will be a long post, so please bear with me. We have had some experience with birds, through my veterinary practice ( it was...
  25. Empath

    Screaming S2

    Long screaming Sulphur Crested Story. Skip to the bottom if you dont want to read the essay below :P I've had Freddy for about 12-13 months. he was brought to my avian vet as a "lost" bird. I had brought my quaker in to the vet shortly after Freddy arrived and they told me it had been...
  26. Y

    He's Home!!!!

    Finally finally~ it been just a little more than a month ago that i saw tis fella there and my heart can be at peace now since HE'S AT HOME WITH ME!!!:D first thing i did was shower him when we came back and thankfully the weather was good. but the shower just made the plucked parts more...
  27. Birdies


    Love 'em
  28. R

    Cockatoo Right leg ring

    Hi I was wondering if it possible for someone to help me out iv got a Ducorp Cockatoo he has a ring on his right foot my left and it says 4SPUR 1 485 Could anyone tells he what is mean if so i will really appreciate it Thanks Ryan
  29. Y

    Taking in a too?

    hi everyone! recently i saw this cockatoo that really made me want to bring him/her home. she's plucked down the back but her chest seems okay still. she was chained on a stand with no food and very dirty water in front of a bird shop that was closed. next to her was a dispenser that would...
  30. M

    new member(help) my bird has cancer!!!!!!!!!

    Dear friends, Yesterday , I got some very bad news. I have worked with animals my whole life and have faced similar decisions with other animals, but with my Bird "Fred" it seems so much harder. Seeking wisdom and help in your forums. Fred is a sulfercrested cockatoo.. I have had him...
  31. Y


    Hello! I was just wondering if anyone could give me some guidance here, I am the owner of a year and a half old Ducorps Cockatoo, and he is the sweetest thing, he cuddles up to every.. Besides me. He will get puffy and relaxed whenever anyone in the house comes up to him, besides when I do, but...
  32. F

    Galah's and LSC2 as companions

    I might be getting one or the other sometime soon, I know the important things like, pellets and seeds as a staple, human grade fruit and veg baring avocado and raw onions as food, cage should be at least 2X the wing span, they also need 4+ hrs a day to be happy, but there is no what I consider...
  33. jenphilly

    Anyone near Bucks County, PA for cockatoo boarding

    We have a bare eyed cockatoo female, very sweet girl, but typical cockatoo attention fiend. We are going away in January for about 6 days and this will be our first trip since Ivory came to live with us. She will be 4 in January. We have a pet sitter that comes to our home for the small...
  34. ann

    Tell me about your Rosies/Galahs!!!

    OK, so I had my heart absolutely set on getting a yellow collared macaw as my next bird. I even had the opportunity to play with a bunch of babies and I loved them! However, the more I think about it, the more I need a family bird that would be less prone to becoming a one person bird. A YCM has...
  35. K

    Newly Adopted Cockatoo

    I have had Bentley, an umbrella crested cockatoo, for two days now. His former owners got him as a baby so I am only his second (and hopefully final) home. Bentley's dad passed away and due to major changes in his mom's life she had to give him up. I have known Bentley for several years and he...
  36. K

    Looking for Cockatoo in Ohio

    Hi everyone! I'm having a REAL hard time finding a cockatoo (in OHIO) that needs a new home. I'm not looking to buy from a breeder, and I've had no luck with reaching any rescues in my area. Anyone know of any Cockatoo's that are looking for a new home? Let me know! :) THANKS!!
  37. Y


    I am considering getting an Umbrella, or Lesser Sulpher Crested, or perhaps a Major Mitchells Cockatoo in the future when we're slightly more settled in a home, I currently have a ducorps and he is the greatest bird, I know they take alot of work (I have had to put alot of work into my ducorps...
  38. NeverBroken

    Advice on Female U2's first(?) Breeding season

    So Miss Lola's been home with us 3 weeks now, and was an absolute doll the first two weeks. She and I got along great, but she adored my husband right from the start- even though she spent most of her time with me, as I work from home and he leaves for work each day. The last owners said she was...
  39. BirdyMomma

    Amazon & cockatoo compatibility?

    Hello, I am the proud parent of a 4 month old, male Lilac Crowned Amazon named Bacci. During a recent visit to his breeder, I was introduced to a lovely six month old, female Lesser Sulpher Crested Cockatoo, who I fell in love with. The breeder, who is very well known and highly reputable...
  40. Y


    Thought I'd drop an introduction, since I will probably be posting questions every once in awhile! :rainbow1: I am currently the proud owner of a Green Cheek Conure named Zuko. He is a spunky little guy, who has a true sense of little bird syndrome! My other bird Coco, is a Ducorps Cockatoo...
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