
  1. J

    Sun Conure Obsessed with Me - the New Boyfriend ā€“ How to Rebalance Her Bond?

    Hi everyone, Iā€™ve been with my girlfriend for a year, and her 7-year-old sun conure Lola has become extremely attached to me. I really like Lola and want her to be happy, but she seems obsessed, restless and upset when sheā€™s not allowed near me. Interestingly, when Iā€™m not home, she can sit...
  2. H

    Cage aggressive/hormonal macaw

    First video Iā€™ll attach below is the parrots behavior on cage and inside etc. and second will be how she behaved outside of the cage while at the vet. This is the first parrot that Iā€™ve foster who has had this severe level of cage aggression/hormonal issue. Sheā€™s a current foster Iā€™m debating...
  3. M

    Behavioural issues and need training help with cockatoo

    Hey! I have a blue-eyed cockatoo whoā€˜s been with us for 7 years, adopted when he was around 2 years old. We have a dedicated open space in our backyard which is essentially just a room-sized cage where he spends 90% of his time there. Weā€˜ve always struggled with training and the idea of...
  4. L

    Is my male conure sexually frustrated?

    Hello, A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I adopted another conure. We already had one conure by the name of Reggae who is 8 months old. The other conure we got (gender is unknown but we refer to her as she) was just weaned before we took her home, she is two months. We kept them in separate...
  5. B

    2 7 y/o budgies - one passed away, recommendations for the other boy?

    Hi there, I have 3, 7 year old budgies, well had 3 budgies. 2 males, 1 female. They were all housed together until the female had egg binding and were separated as per the avian veterinarian's recommendation. The 2 boys were in 1 flight cage, the female sits across the room in another flight...
  6. L

    I can't choose between an African Grey and a Galah

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. My. name is Luan (m, 31), I live in Switzerland and a huge parrots lover. I've always been surrounded by parrots ever since I' was a Kid. My parents did't want for us to have a dog or a cat so they suggested a bird. I was lucky enough to live near a old neighbor...
  7. moss

    Why is my 3yo conure flying away from only one person?

    My 3yo GCC has recently started flying away from and avoiding a family member, but he is still friendly and cuddly with the rest of us. We don't know why he is suddenly behaving like this, especially since that family member hasn't done anything to make him make him uncomfortable. Prior to the...
  8. P

    Weird parakeet behavior

    Hi eveyone, my birds are good still, but lately I noticed weird behavior from my budgie, Whiskey, we bought them a little house and they like eating it which is y'know normal parrot activities, but today I noticed he is spending a lot of time in the house there's no eggs (I checked and I know...
  9. S

    Struggling to find my lost budgie :(

    It's been 3 days since my budgie flew away from my home. He initially was in a tree nearby but later on disappeared. I've been putting up missing posters, placing his cage outside, reporting a missing bird to the local vets and communities, going around the area calling his name, playing bird...
  10. D

    Baby Green Cheek Conure really loud.

    I just recently adopted 2 baby green cheeks (about 1 month old). Recently one of them has become really loud. Always squeaking in their sleep. Specially during nighttime. They currently live in a crate until they can go to their proper cage. Like I said, one is really loud and has recently begun...
  11. laniturner6

    Needing advice - first time bird owner šŸ˜Š

    Hi, I have recently bought a 4 month old green cheek from a breeder. My partner and I are having issues with biting. My bird loves to sit on our head and shoulders and walk all over us, but if we donā€™t have fingers or ears covered he bites very very hard. He has actually cracked the cartilage...
  12. V

    Amazon sounds and meaning

    I ended up saving an Amazon parrot from someone who bought one and didnā€™t have any patience and only wanted a parrot that talks. Heā€™s seems young, but heā€™s always making this chirping sound and Im wondering if he makes it when happy. He does it a lot when I let him out of his cage to explore
  13. E


    Iā€™ve made a few posts on here about my sun conure as he is my first ā€œlargerā€ bird and want to get advice from the more experienced. Lately Ive noticed his chest is larger and today noticed a bald spot. Is he plucking? Is there something underlying? He goes to the vet monthly for his scissor beak...
  14. acainhurst

    Ceaseless bar biting

    Hello. My GCC, Roach, is going to be 2 in the summer and over the past month or so he's picked up an absolutely awful habit of biting at the bars of his cage for hours at a time. I can hear it through earplugs, through headphones, throughout my entire house and it's driving me crazy! I've tried...
  15. NibbleTheGremlin

    GCC using sleeves as tunnels?

    Hi all! I just got Nibble, my 3.5-month-old green cheek, 2 weeks ago. We have been bonding well apart from the occasional nips here and there. lately, she has been using my sweater sleeves as a tunnel/hidey hole of sorts? I don't know whether this is just an example of her being cute or if she...
  16. E

    What is this?

    Since Iā€™ve gotten my sun conure he has always done the behavior in the video. Iā€™ve always equated it to excitement or contentment but now as my pineapple has gotten more comfortable she started doing it. What is it called and why do they do it? Everytime I look it up I just get the head bobbing...
  17. H

    Is my new bird already bonded to me or does he hate me?

    We just brought home a ~14YO male Senegal from a home that wasn't spending much time with him. He seems to be settling in well so far - no plucking, he's vocalizing to us a lot, and he has willingly stepped up off of his cage a few times despite some territorial strutting. What I'm finding...
  18. F

    Old GCC Jealous of New Bird

    I got a second green cheek conure a couple of months ago and the dynamics have shifted between my old GCC and me. Below is whatā€™s going on: My old bird is a 16 year old GCC (M) that was rehomed to me a year ago. My new GCC (M) is only about 5 months old. Iā€™ve had him for about a couple of...
  19. ifnlovebirds

    back from vacation behavior

    So i went on a trip for about a month and a half and my mom had been taking care of him. (Male eclectus 1yr) As soon as i got back i got him out of his cage and he was letting me hold him and kiss him and cuddle him. Not even two minutes after he flew away from me back to his cage. (my fault for...
  20. A

    Change in sun conure behavior

    Our familyā€™s sun conure is 1 year and will turn 2 years old in October 2023. He was really my dads bird. My dad took the time to train him to step up, turn around, fly over. We all fed our bird and played with him. Cuddle with our bird on our neck, give him kisses, scratch our fingers on his...
  21. RingneckRave

    Anyone else's ringneck growl?

    So I've noticed something with my two, they make this noise that sounds like a growl and in the exact kind of context you'd expect it to be. When they're irritated, or annoyed, they make this growl sound to express that. It's like a little warning that they're uncomfy and to back off. Usually...
  22. psitticine

    Head Bobbing!

    Hi all! I wanted to share about some behavior my parrot has been experiencing since she grew up. Rainy loves music and noise, and it's an everyday occurrence for her to bob her head whenever there is music, or if I tap on a hard surface. Just about any noise will excite her, or she'll just bob...
  23. E

    Is this ok?

    my male conure enjoys sitting on me and recently has gotten very comfortableā€¦. too comfortable. Hes falling asleep! Though its cute I want to make sure im not re-enforcing bad/frowned upon behavior by letting him continue.
  24. GloomySamurai

    Corner obsessed bird

    Recently got a baby albino ringneck literally like a couple days ago. Sheā€™s doing well but thereā€™s this shelf she was trying super hard to get into so we cleared it out for her and put some old tshirts to make it a bit more comfy. But whenever sheā€™s in there she literally just like walks beak...
  25. mimiandtuna

    Help with lovebird's behaviour

    Hello everyone, I am caring for a lovebird that I've named tuna. I say "caring for" considering this little guy flew onto a friend's head as they were walking home and has refused to leave my house since. I have no idea where it could have come from, perhaps it escaped from his previous home or...
  26. BB03

    African grey aggression when training

    Hello, I have recently adopted a 3yo African grey called George from a friend who no longer had time for him. We get along well and George will allow me to put my hand in his cage to change things and will happily let me touch his beak, feet and belly when I put my fingers through the cage and...
  27. A

    Help with taming ringneck

    Got this untamed 7 month ringneck two weeks ago and as my family have never owned a bird we are unsure if things are not going well. -In the beginning he was very scared of us and would cling to the back of his cage. He would be pacing back and forth and that didn't seem like a good sign so we...
  28. S

    I need some advice on how to handle my male parrotā€™s new behavior

    I have two green cheek conuresā€” Louie and Mango. Iā€™m pretty sure Louie is male and Mango is female. Louie has always been a biter, drawing blood on multiple occasions, and his favorite places to bite are my lips, nose, ears, and fingers; however, he is not always like this. He enjoys cuddling...
  29. M

    Just slightly concerned with Sun Conure behavior

    Hello, I have green cheek conures. I am used to their behavior. To me it tends to be slightly different than Sun Conure. I just recently purchased a 6 month old Sun Conure. It's behavior has me confused as being used to the small hyper green cheeks. Sun conure, does not have constant wing...
  30. fury

    Sudden aggression/behavioral changes in Jenday conure

    Hello, this is my first post on parrotforums, but I felt like it was neccessary to ask this because I'm not sure what to do ... (Hope I'm doing this right lol) I've had my Jenday for about 4 years now and I raised her from a fledgeling, she(I think she is a girl, though nobody knows for sure)'s...
  31. EugeneKiselev

    Funny green cheek behavior question

    Hello everyone, I've been reading the forum (very appreciate the help parrots' parents get here!) for a while but had to register to ask a question about our 1.5 year green cheeked conure Kivi behavior. When she hears a laud noise (like a vacuum or when one of us is singing :)) she fluffs and...
  32. ifnlovebirds

    pls help!! baby Eclectus extremely fearful of hands!!

    hello, I adopted my 12 week-old baby male Eclectus two weeks ago. Before his arrival, the breeder contacted me 2 days prior to his adoption date with concerns about his behavior. She said that ever since his brother got adopted, his behavior has become aggressive. I believed this story because I...
  33. mylilbaileybird

    Looking for an avian behavioral specialist for my rescued disabled caique.

    Hi, everyone! Iā€™m new here and I think Iā€™m posting in the right place but please be sure to let me know if not. Iā€™m a long-time exotic parrot owner and handler. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good avian behavioral specialist, particularly with caique experience as Iā€™m in need of some...
  34. Raz

    Training tips?

    Iā€™ve got two adult jenday conures( why is this always the way I start my posts) and Iā€™m interested in getting them to be recalled trained and up the step up training. They are extremely fast learners and Iā€™m fully prepared to put in the time and effort! Theyā€™ve got the special treats and a...
  35. SamBeben

    Moustached Parakeet behavior

    Hey all! I have a 2 year old female moustached parakeet. I've had her since she was about 7 weeks old. It's very difficult to find information on their behaviors both in the wild and captivity. One behavior that I would love to know about if anyone has any info is that she taps a lot of stuff...
  36. Squeeing_Onion

    Adopted IRN - wordy Backstory, Question on his size, & other tidbits

    Heya! Man, it's been a while since I've posted on the forums here, but I've poked my head in now and then over the years to read up on other posts. A handful of you may remember me as my late Sun Conure, Chicken's owner -- I am now a very proud caretaker of a little sassy Green Cheek, Bongo...
  37. OinkyThePiggy

    Change in Behavior of my 5yo GCC

    Monkey is about 5 years old and I've had him for the last 3. My husband and I take him out, he hangs out with us and everything. He's been particularly attached to me. That said, when I wasn't home he would be sweet with my husband. Let him hold him, would fall asleep in his hand, would let him...
  38. A

    Baby GCC Behavior?

    Last Saturday I picked up my 8 week old, hand fed baby. Everything has been fine and normal, but Iā€™ve noticed that the baby sometimes makes beeping or chirping noises and slightly moves his wings, this usually starts when he is cuddling under my chin. I donā€™t have much experience with young...
  39. C

    Help for a first time budgie owneršŸ˜…

    (Itā€™s my first time posting here so please excuse me if I posted this in the wrong spot) So about a week ago I got my first budgie, I was told heā€™s a male but that it was a bit hard to tell bc of his age. Before this I was really nervous so I just gathered as much info as I could, I consulted...
  40. T

    New and odd behavior

    We have a female Alexandrine parakeet that came from the SPCA about 15 years ago and was around 5 or 6 years old then. She has a large cage and we let her out loose for about 6-8 hours a day. She does not talk, but whistles, mumbles, chirps, other funny sounds, but mostly squawks. Her hobby is...
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