
  1. MissMac


    Hi all, thank you for the lovely welcome. I am proud mum to a 10 week old, Lutino Indian Ringneck called Missy. I hand raised her from 5 weeks, new thing for me, she is now weaning (pretty much off it now... picked at it last night - only time neo food was offered). She is fully flying, landings...
  2. V

    New green cheek conure sweet and aggressive

    Hi All! Since 6 days I have a new Green Cheek Conure called Jippie! He is a male, 2,5 years old and has been staying with a family before me. I have been trying to get him used to my place, and his cage. His behavior is kind of double, he can be super attached to me and sitting on my shoulder...
  3. S

    Green cheek conures not getting along

    Hello everyone. So allow me to get right to the chase. I am currently the owner of two GCCs, Hawk and Swoop. I have had Hawk for about a year and a half and have had him since he was weened (assumed male, non DNA tested) and he has been the sweetest and most playful thing imaginable. He was...
  4. O

    Flight attacks

    Hi, Iā€™m new to the forum. I recently adopted a 4 year old male blue naped amazon. We have reason to believe he has been passed around many families and was abused. He has a large scab on the top of his head and the previous owners kept him in a tiny dog cage and only fed him sunflower seeds...
  5. Ava.rg

    Help!! Advice needed

    Hi everyone! Happy to say I havenā€™t had to make a post in a very long time because my 1 year old green cheek and I have been very happy! So hereā€™s my dilemma I canā€™t decide if I should take my bird with me the weeks I go to my dads house or not. the back story: Every summer I go to my dads...
  6. J

    Questions about caging 2 new budgies together

    Hello all, Let me start by saying that while I have had a few birds in my life, I can only remember one time where I ever had 2 birds in 1 cage, and that transition went very smoothly. I recently purchased 2 budgies, both around 5-6 months old. 1 male, 1 female. I purchased them both from a...
  7. Ava.rg

    2 female budgies and one male?

    Hello so long story short would it be okay to keep 2 female budgies and 1 male together? So I have had 4 budgies for about 1 year and I had two budgies in one cage and two budgies in another but awhile ago one of the budgies passed away (about 5 months so the companion budgie has quarantined)...
  8. A

    Strange budgie behaviour

    Hi there We got a female budgie a week ago from a bad conditioned place. Sheā€™s been there for about four years. Sheā€™s a little cage bound. We let her out for the first time yesterday and she was super calm the whole time. She accepts a millet spray from my hands. She was on an almost all - seed...
  9. Ava.rg

    Conure aggression towards budgie!!! HELP!!!

    Hi everyone! So I recently got a new budgie about a week and a half ago to be with my sisters budgie who is now mine. I changed my sisters budgieā€™s diet and put her in a big cage with toys compared to her crammed cage with other budgies. So Iā€™ve been working on taming them. They used to be...
  10. C

    Aggressive GCC Not Eating Fresh Foods

    Hi! So, I am completely new to parrots. Two days ago, I got a my first one. He is a 2-3 month old green cheek conure from my local pet store (I named him Alfie). The owner had lowered the price from $600 to $200, because Alfie was an aggressive biter and no one wanted him (He was the only one...
  11. P

    Greetings and Questions from a new Meyer's Owner

    Hi everyone! I brought home a new baby Meyer's parrot, Penumbra Pen, a.k.a. Pen Pen, the last week of April, and the two of us have taken to each other in the weeks since. I've done a decent amount of reading, both elsewhere and on these forums, but with a little time and experience under my...
  12. N

    Desperately seeking help with terrified QP!

    Hi everyone, Iā€™ve had my QP Nova for over 6 months now and I really need reassurance and advice. She was 3 months when I got her and would now be around 9 months. Itā€™s important to note also that she has no use of her left foot at all, my vet is aware and happy to leave her be with it since...
  13. L

    Is my bird grieving?

    So I posted a few days ago that one of my parrotlets died at the emergency room, and since I've been home and interacting with my other parrotlet (she's my only bird now), I've noticed she's been biting me more. I can tell that she's also molting it looks like, but I was wondering if it could...
  14. Siorys

    6/7 month cockatiel shows both male and female breeding behaviours?

    Hello! I recently got a new tiel and now that it's growing up it's confusing me loads. I noticed that he "relieves himself" on objects like a male cockatiel would do and he'sstarting to sing too and is really really attention seeking and noisy, but for some reason he shows some female...
  15. FourFeathers

    GC super aggressive all of the sudden, PLEASE HELP ;-;

    A few months ago I had my GC out and out of nowhere he started biting me like crazy. I'm talking repeatedly trying to tear chunks out of my finger. He's about 3 years old and I've heard of them hitting puberty late, but he isn't showing any signs of wanting to mate with anything at all. At this...
  16. J

    Earning my Cockatoo's Trust Back

    Hey Guys, A few months ago I posted about my Goffin Cockatoo (Jojo) suddenly becoming terrified of me. I have been working with him, but I feel like I need a little help in making progression. He's terrified to leave his cage most of the time. I will leave it open for hours (keeping distance)...
  17. G

    Please help with new cockatiel

    Hello. I bought a new cockatiel from the local pet store (The parrot is completely untamed and scared of everything) and I am new to keeping a parrot as a pet, so I have a few questions regarding their behavior if anyone could answer them! :) ā€¢ The cockatiel has not made one chirp since I...
  18. A

    Is My Budgie Sick?

    She eats normally, temperatures haven't ranged in my home, and she even leaves her cage to explore and play. It's starting to worry me however that she seems to have her days like this more and more often..tail seems to be shaking, and her breathing might seem rapid. I cant quite figure out this...
  19. A

    Is my budgie sick?

    I recently took in my boyfriend's roommate's budgie. He's had him for some time, a few months or so now, and he wasn't exactly kept in the best conditions. He's been fed only seeds. He had a mirror toy that he became obsessed with and as a result became very bitey. He took to pleasuring himself...
  20. A

    Budgie Started Biting

    My boyfriend and I take care of this little parakeet. At first, he was a little skittish but then warmed up to me and let me give him scratches. He then started to grow a bunch of pin feathers around his neck and head and wings. He didn't want to be touched for awhile, and I thought this was...
  21. G

    Confusing Conure behavior

    What is going on here? It seems like he wants scritches but when I try he bites.
  22. B

    post-egg-laying behavior ā€“ā€“ not returning to tent

    Hi, all. My lovebird laid four eggs (non-fertile; she's alone) over a week period, and during that time she stuffed her little 'tent' with paper strips that she'd placed into her 'hind' feathers and transported to her home. About three weeks later, after she'd seemingly stopped producing eggs...
  23. Cthebird

    What is your bird's personality like?

    I imagine that certain types of macaws tend to have a certain amount of similar behaviors, but certainly they are individuals and they are their own birds. I know nature and nurture also play a part in making them who they are. What is your type of macaw? And what is their personality like? My...
  24. A

    Young Lovebird biting issues...

    Hello, first off, please forgive me if this is not the right way to begin a thread - this is my first time using a forum and I am just looking for some advice. Anyways, the issue is regarding my new peach faced lovebird, Darby. I got him from a pet shop, but not a large chain like PetCo, a small...
  25. S

    Need senegal behavioural help....

    Hi, I'm new to the forum, but have come to read as a non user for a while. I have a Senegal parrot, whom my family and I rescued over 12 years ago. We're not sure about age or gender. He can range from sweet to noisy, as it seems normal for the species. Lol. However, there are several behaviors...
  26. A

    Conure Behavior Problems

    Hello All :) I need some advice on how to work with my green cheek conure. Merlin is about a year and a half old. He's a pretty friendly bird and he knows some basic training like step up. I've been feeding him a combination of pellets and fresh fruits and veggies. My husband and I work full...
  27. W

    IRN screaming behavior help

    I have an approximately 5yo IRN named angel. Iā€™ve had him for about four years and Iā€™m his third home. His first home was a breeder and his second home couldnā€™t keep him after several months due to a disabled child. I say this because I donā€™t know if this is partly why he is so attached to me...
  28. S

    Can a cage be too big?

    Hello all. About a week ago I purchased a Panama Amazon, she was hatched in early June so she is about five months old. She is great. She is cuddly, very gentle when she bites, and is very open to trying new things be it food or toys. She is a little clumsy and is unsure how to negotiate...
  29. Pansexualpuns

    very suddenly aggressive bird

    hi! my black capped conure, theo, has suddenly become hyper agressive- enough so that im incapable of taking him out of his cage, in the last day or so. hes bitten me hard enough to draw blood the two times i attempted, which is very upsetting because he hasnt done so since i got him. i got...
  30. Chewyena

    Hormonal Parrotlet šŸ˜©

    Hey yā€™all, my little guy Keo is going through a VERY hormonal stage. Heā€™s about a year old now, Iā€™d attach pictures but Iā€™m on mobile atm (if you know how to upload images correctly via mobile feel free to let me know!) but anyways! Iā€™m doing everything I can to discourage Keo from this...
  31. I

    Overhumanizing parrot behavior

    Parrots are so freakishly intelligent, sometimes I find myself stunned by what Kermit does. It seems rather human-like, so different than all the dogs I've owned, and I struggle to find anything strictly behavioral to explain it. For instance, Kermit has demonstrated to me that she must have...
  32. H

    Pairing, Separating, and Behavior

    Hello everyone, well this is my first post here on Parrot-Forums and I have a question(s) about pairing and/or separating already bonded lovebird pairs. In my case I was recently given the opportunity to care for two lovebirds of different species (a black-mask and a peach-face) after their...
  33. B

    The girl I'm dating is bringing her 2 Sun Conures over

    The girl I'm dating has 2 beautiful Sun Conure parrots (both male) and she plans on bringing them over. What is the best way for me to greet them and make sure that they like me and that I do not pose a threat etc.? They are very close with her...and very protective. Any advice is appreciated...
  34. C


    Hi, I'm a new Galah owner and forum member! My new boy (?) is a few months old and we love him to bits already. Quick question however; he shakes and nuzles closing his eyes whenever he is scratched and petted whilst on his perch (by me). Any ideas? Should I be concerned? There is no aggression...
  35. X

    Ducorp's Cockatoo Fearful Behavior

    Hello all, I have a 4 year old ducorp's cockatoo named Willow who has been with me since he was 7 months old. Previously in the years past, Willow would willingly step up out of his cage, but starting last year, he has become quite reluctant to step up out of his cage. He used to also...
  36. M

    Mango hates the bath :(

    From the first time I got Mango, he has absolutely HATED bath time. I try to give him one every 2-3 days but he still hates it. Iā€™ve tried sprinkling water gently on him, making him a little bird bath in a glass bowl, leaving a small bath in his cage, nothing works. And then I have to...
  37. CakeMarie

    What is the cockatiel doing?

    Hi! This is a cockatiel at the pet shop that was rescued and he is a total sweetheart. I'll be adopting him by the end of the ! I'm sure he's just trying to be friendly...but I'm also not sure. What do you think he's doing? Pic attachedā¤ :yellow1:
  38. H

    My Parrot tries to mate with my hand

    Hey. My name is Harris. I have a 4 years old male IRN. I've had him since he was 12 days old. So he has developed a good bond with me and my family. I know males reach maturity around 3 years.Well i didnt notice any behavior like this last year but now everytime I cuddle or even hold him he...
  39. J

    Is showing his vent bad?

    We have a blue fronted Amazon named Skipper. :green: He is around 28ish. We have had him 1 year. He is fairly aggressive to most people, including myself but loves my husband. We are working on it, but its a process. Yesterday my husband mentioned 'Skipper' was making cooing sounds and...
  40. L

    How to tame sadistic bitey parakeets?

    :gcc:Hello guys, I'm new to the forum and to owning birds so I need some advice. I got my first pair of Orange-Chinned Parakeets recently and one of them was pretty friendly the first day I got him and would perch on my fingers(he seemed hand tamed) but then after one day he suddenly turned to...
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