
  1. M

    Does my Meyer think of me as a mate or parent?

    Hello All, This is a question out of curiosity: I have had my 5-6 yr old male Meyer's parrot, Charlie, for almost 6 months and he has adapted very well to me and my family members. Having owned parrots before, I know there is a chance of mating like behavior and getting a male bird I expected...
  2. Itsohkai

    Sniffing really fast while cuddling

    Ever since I purchased Blaze, she's been an extreme snuggler. She loves laying right on my chest where my hair falls, or she'll climb up onto my shoulder and lean against my neck. It's just the cutest, little thing. However, she does this rapid sniffing (I guess you could call it an avian...
  3. greenthii

    Hop hop hop! c:

    Does anyone elses' tiels' hop? :3 Zero hops like crazy when he's overl excited and happy. I recently took him to school for shooting pictures for Art, and I took him to my boyfriend's to birdsit him till Monday (And I take his tiel, Pikachu xD) And he just started hopping many times on his...
  4. E

    New Pi owner--behavior question

    Hi all, Got a quick question for all of you Pionus owners out there. I've had my 4 month old Maxi Pi, Olive, for two weeks now. She seems to be settling in nicely, but today she did something that I want to make sure I interpret correctly. She called me, and I went over to her cage to talk...
  5. A

    Calvin's favorite trick!

    "I'm gonna sit on the front of the cage and pretend like I wanna come out, so when she opens the door, I'm can turn my head nearly upside down with a bewildered look on my face when she offers her hand and asks me to step up. I'M BRILLIANT!" Oh, Calvin! :orange:
  6. Macaw_nutty

    Do you let your birds groom your eyelashes?

    Hi there fellow bird lovers! I thought in lieu of an intro thread, I'd start a discussion! I searched the forum, and didn't see this one specifically (though I could have missed it, lol), I wondered what everyone's opinion on letting your birds preen you. Big bills, little beaks, and everything...
  7. A

    New conure, trying to nip bad habits in the bud

    Hi everyone, I am learning so much from this forum! My husband and I recently adopted a 13-year-old conure and she is adorable. However, I feel like she's started some bad behaviour since she's been with us (2.5 weeks) that I'd like to nip in the bud, but I have no idea where to begin. She's...
  8. Arjiope

    Cockatiel Yelling for Attention

    I really didn't want to have to post a forum about this. I've Googled everything I could to see if I could help this situation, but it still continues. This started 2 days ago. My 7 month old cockatiel (gender is unknown) Niko keeps yelling every 3 seconds (not quite screaming, but he does...
  9. D

    Dr. Susan Friedman is Coming to Seattle!

    We did not want anyone on to miss out on a great opportunity. Coming to Seattle this October 19th and 20th, 2013, only two weeks away, is Dr. Susan Friedman's LLA workshop taking place during the Seattle Parrot Expo. We encourage anyone who has behavior issues with their birds...
  10. A

    New sun conure!

    New sun conure! Help?? Hello, I need some help with my new sun conure. Back story: he was found by some friends of ours, and we went to great lengths to reunite him with his owners. After calling every shelter, posting flyers, looking of Craigslist and calling every avian vet in the area, we...
  11. ann

    Rules to teach your parrot

    OK, I had the idea to make a thread where everyone can post a certain rule they teach their parrot(s). You can repeat other rules for emphasis, or post something different. They idea is to have a list of things we think help our relationships with our birds, so we can learn from each other. One...
  12. R

    Does my lovebird like it when I do this?

    I have an 8 month old peach-faced lovebird that I got yesterday. It got given around and went back to the pet shop, and was hand-fed, so it's already used to being handled. It doesn't like it when I reach for it, but when the door is left open, it jumps out and onto my shoulder. Sometimes I pet...
  13. CaitlinBird

    Jojo Steps Up!

    After fostering Jojo the Moluccan Cockatoo for a month this Summer he has finally stepped up and liked it! This Summer I wanted to train a bird for Florida Parrot Rescue. I asked my foster coordinator if they had any "difficult" birds that may be hard to adopt out or are at risk for permanent...
  14. P

    Plucking Questions

    I know there are a ton of these threads, but I have some specific questions regarding my 'toos. Bird, my triton, came to me in 2011 as a plucker, but never plucked while he was with me until recently. We did move in December but he didn't start plucking again until April-May. Chula, my...
  15. M

    I Might Lose Her

    My Green Cheek Conure, Mia, has been screaming all day when she isn't outside of her cage, she starts at 7 in the morning and goes until she goes to bed minus the hours she is out every day. She is fine when she is out of the cage, i don't even have to be in the room. So I was wondering, is...
  16. A

    Caique behavioral issues please help!

    My white-bellied Caique, Riley is having some behavioral issues. He is currently a little over two years old. He's always been a nibbler but sometimes he gets extremely "bitey" which we are trying to train him out of. However, he'll sometimes squawk that loud pitch annoying Caique squawk...
  17. ForTheBirds

    A few questions from a new GCC owner

    Hello :) Chloe has been with us for just over a week and during that time I've developed some questions! If it helps she's 3 months old. Whenever I leave the room she's in (my office) she kind of cries. She gets a lot of out of cage time each day (Hours, split up between cage top and hanging...
  18. C

    confused about new conure

    Ok so I just got a sun conure on Sunday night so I have had him for two full days. Yesterday he was really aggressive and scared whenever I would try to take him out of the cage and he bit me so I decided to leave him alone. I don't want him to bite me anymore so I tried to leave him alone...
  19. F

    Dilemma: Could 3 be a crowd?

    Hello, I have recently become an accidental newbie breeder and have really been enjoying it. I need some advice, here's a bit of background:- I originally had a pair of lovebirds. The hen laid eggs a few times, but none hatched. I have had these birds for 2 years now but I am unsure of their...
  20. L

    Help with a Screaming Canary-Winged Parakeet

    We made the mistake of "rescuing" a year-old canary-winged parakeet that was at Petco for 6 months and whose "personality totally changed" in the time she was there according to staff. I think she has separation anxiety because she screams all of the time when she is OUT of the cage with us...
  21. S

    Macaw's terrible twos

    Hello, we have a 2yo military macaw named Pollo. He is very friendly and will step up and fly to anyone ( his wings aren't clipped). He will nip and nibble, not aggressively but playfully. He is always active and hates being alone in his cage. He has eaten through his aviator harness and...
  22. A

    New Senegal with behavior problems?

    Hello, I'm a first time bird owner and was given my beautiful Sammy yesterday. He has a history of biting but he was very nice when we first met him. He is 7 years old and never took a liking to anyone except the woman who cared for him and we believe he 'imprinted' on to her. I don't understand...
  23. F

    Hawkhead Suddenly Terrified

    I have a 1.5 year old Hawkhead named Ellie. I've had her since she was still all pinfeathers, and she's been great. Recently though, she started to act afraid of me. Flying away all the time, or having a panicked meltdown in her cage. It's a downward spiral right now, because I have to catch...
  24. Q

    My Sunny shares cage with cockatiel.

    My sun conure shares a cage with a cockatiel. The cockatiel is 3-4+ years older than the conure. The cockatiel is the family bird. The conure I got for my bday making it my bird. My parents promised me a cage for her but due to lack of space and my parents don't want it in my basement we were...

    Tesla's New Behavior

    Here is a video showing Tesla's new behavior. He's been doing this about 2-3 months now. I don't think he's afraid really because when he doesn't want me around, he just stays in his cage. This is normally in the morning just after I open his porch or after he eats. He also does this to my...
  26. moearar

    New cockatoo please help!

    Hey guys im new here, So i have been having parrots and other animals for years since i was about 5. So now im 17 i thought a big bird would be amazing and after watching all the videos and seeing how joyful they are i had the choice to choose between a macaw or a cockatoo. However after reading...
  27. ann

    NY parrot conusltant

    hey guys, as some of you know i am re homing Oscar, my patigonian conure. My plan is to train him as best as i can untill i find a home for him. the amount of progress he makes in that time will determine if re homing is still the best option for him. I really think a avian consultant is my best...
  28. U

    question/poll about sleepy lovebirds

    1.) Does your lovebird grind his beak before he goes to sleep? I've had two out of three do this, and I was wondering if it was the species I have (fischer) or if it was just a general lovebird behavior and my peachfaced was the exception. Also, when your birds were babies, how much did they...
  29. L

    Jealous Amazon

    I have had Zoey since 2006. I started dating the girl that is now my wife about 2008. At first Zoey would squawk when she first come into the apartment. Now that we have moved in a house, Zoey will squawk every time my wife talks. Any suggestions to help fix this behavior and make Zoey more...
  30. J

    Sudden Aggression in Male Ekkie

    Ok so about a month ago my male eclectus has started exhibiting aggression towards my mother. I do not live in the house, however plan to take him when I no longer live in an apartment (mine doesn't allow birds). Because Ive had him so long, he is very bonded to me. It started with food...
  31. M

    Sun conure hates cage

    Ok so mango is 3 months old and she absolutlely hates being in her cage! She freaks out when I wont get her out. She gets in her food dish and kicks everything out and tries to lift it with her head to spill it lol She is also trying to open the door where I put her food dish....Should I ignore...
  32. O

    Blood Vessel exposed on wing

    My green cheek had a broken blood feather on his outer most primary flight feather which I pulled and looked as though the second one was bleeding as well. It turns out that only the first one was actually bleeding, but both were pulled. The non-broken, but now pulled blood feather had a blood...
  33. bells

    Charlie having a nap on the couch!

    Aint he sweet!!!?? Posted this on facebook and got very worried replies- he looks less than alive! Lol! I can assure everyone he is fine after his power nap :rolleyes:[IMG]
  34. pityu

    Are they fighting?!! Help!

    I have two peachfaced lovebirds. They where puten together when they where small childs. 1 man and 1 female. I can see that they realy love eachother. They fooding each other help each other with things and problems like, when the other one wants the first to fix the feathers on the unreachable...
  35. N

    new baby parrotlet

    Hi, I recently bought a 10.5 week old male parrotlet. He was hand fed and seemed very tame when I went to pick him up. He sits as close as he can to me in his cage, and if I open the door he comes right up to me and steps-up. However, he went from lightly mouthing my hand to just clamping on...
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