Roadside Zoos, DISGUSTING


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
I am very angry at the moment because I have discovered this place about an hour away from where I live. If you are on facebook, check out this group

Alberta Zoo Action Group - Shut down Guzoo - End Roadside Prisons's Wall

This is a so called zoo. They have a Cockatoo in an outdoor cage with snow on the ground. An Amazon with an electrical outlet practically inside the cage as well as 6 inches thick of poo. I can't write anymore at the moment because I'm so angry and am going to vent some anger on to my local parrot rescue on how this is allowed. Please check out the petition and sign it if you can.
Ugh, I can't stand stuff like this. Going to go figure out how to join facebook. thanks for showing us, maybe we can help shut it down.
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When you find the group you will see the pictures. It is disgusting and they call themselves a "rescue" :eek:

When you look at the zoo webpage, it looks like a great place but when you visit it is completly different.

I will post some pictures of it for people on the forums to see.

The petition is only available for Alberta residents but I'm going to see about one for other people.
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Here are pictures. Which speak for themselves on how disgusting this place really is.

Here is the Amazon Cage, see the electrical outlet inside the cage and all the metal that may be causing poisioning.


This is the poop on the bottom of the cage, how long as it been since this cage has been cleaned.


Here is the beautiful Amazon, check out the diet and the filth in the food dish.


This is a cockatoo, caged outside in the cold with no toys.


Here are the doves in an enclosure, see the poop.

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This here is a poor lioncub.


Here is just one of many monkeys, they are very depressed there.


Here is a Pigeon cage, no room to fly and their only perch is fallen down.


Here is another Pigeon cage.


Here is a rabbit cage, no pellets only a banana and some baby carrots.

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Here is a raccoon enclosure.


Here is the Tiger enclosure.


Look at the water dishes.


Wolves Enclosure

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They call themselves a rescue, yet they breed their animals. First place I know of you have bred rescued animals. :mad:
Hmmmmm ... who do we need to write to? We took on E-Bay and won ... This one should be a walk in the park ... :smile011::smile011::smile011:
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I'm sending letters of digust to Humaine Societies, my local parrot rescue, I also wrote Peta. I'm gonna fight for this one to be shut down, hopefully we can make it happen.
... I also wrote Peta ...

Well, that's all well and good, but if you give her a few hours she will be on here and she will see these pictures and I am sure she will be just as outraged as we are ... save the postage and the time she will see it soon enough!

*insert Laughter here folks, this thread needed some comedic relief in a big way*​

For the record Tracy was talking about P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals)

IT'S A JOKE!!! C'mon people ... A JOKE!!

*Dot walks away shaking his head*
lol yeah we all know we don't agree with PETA not Peta on everything but if you want action they will get results. and as a side I do agree with Peta on everything she has such a wealth of bird knowledge and has helped me tremendously :)
:eek: :mad: :mad: :mad: :eek: OMG I couldn't quite believe this when I first saw it, I'm so bloody (xcuse language) angry right now,

Kelli, we have a link that we can get an International petition up which Jemma is going to do (She has the link on her putor) she is then going to post it here.

I have to admit I'm not a big fan of PETA (this is very confusing) but yeah they do seem to get things done. Agree we took on ebay, we can take on this hell hole and WIN. I'm so darn angry that I'm gonna have to leave this here cos the room is becoming very BLUE. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I really dont know what to say here... but I am feeling very sick now :mad:
I think I might have to go to canada

Well, that's all well and good, but if you give her a few hours she will be on here and she will see these pictures and I am sure she will be just as outraged as we are ... save the postage and the time she will see it soon enough!

*insert Laughter here folks, this thread needed some comedic relief in a big way*

For the record Tracy was talking about P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals)

IT'S A JOKE!!! C'mon people ... A JOKE!!

*Dot walks away shaking his head*

you such a dork :p
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I think I may actually be speechless. Which is a big deal, because I'm never speechless!

Those pictures are awful! I can't believe a 'rescue' center can be allowed to 'help' animals in this way. :eek: I mean, what the hell (excuse my 'french') do they think they're doing? Do they honestly think they are helping the animals???? :confused:

And yeah, I can set up a national petition if you guys want, I'll address it from The Parrot Forums and everything. Let me know.

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