Playing the waiting game.. [Hahns]


New member
May 31, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Yuki - Snow white budgie; Luna - Blue budgie; Pocket - Hahn's Macaw
So - it's the time of year when Hahn's Macaws go into breeding season; and I've been busy preparing for my little guy/girl.

Update from me~

I've had to go through and select a new breeder as my original breeder said that her's aren't laying and she's unsure if they will soon. (Temps keep going form 10C to 28C] I tried multiple aviaries including Golden Gate, Perky Parrots, Casuarina Parrot Gardens, Priam, etc. No one had any babies available for me. :( (They're ALL very good breeders, their stock just doesn't start breeding until January, and that would be too late for me)

I found one guy, but my conversation with him on the phone didn't feel great and I was really starting to stress out and get upset because I was worried that I might have to wait until next season. I'm in a situation where I have finished teaching for the year, so I have a three month break - so this is a very good time for me to get a bird, have time to train it, etc and socialise. I want to get my Hahn's basically between now and at latest, late January. (Class resumes mid Feb)

Given the nature of my teaching field, I can't take leave because there isn't anyone who can replace me at campus. :S

Sooo... fast forward to now. Mark from Perky Parrots recommended I talk to Les who is a well known breeder in Queensland - his aviary was actually a feature article in BirdKeeper earlier in the year. Had a chat to him, and oh my god, I was so excited. He. Had. BABIES! *squeal*

They were about 16-20 days old and still in the nest. He had some that had just fledged but were never handled so asked me what I was after. Told him I wanted it as a companion, and he said he could hand rear a baby for me if I'm interested. I told him I'd confirm with my partner (he's pitching in for it as my birthday/Christmas present) - got the A-OK, so called him back and he's begun hand rearing them!

I'm so, so, SO excited!

I don't know if it will be a boy or girl, but I have a name picked out already that will fit regardless of gender. (Tis a secret ;))

Needless to say, my stress levels have dropped drastically. I've had a very stressful year, and not being able to get my mini-macaw was making me rather upset. (The last thing I wanted was to get it from a dodgy breeder, or someone who I couldn't 'talk' with) I feel very confident with Les. I've asked if he could take some pictures for me, however he is in his 70s so he said that if he can find someone who can work a camera, he'd be happy to. :p

Anyway, keep an eye out. The moment I get some pictures, I'll send them through!

Wish me luck! :green2:
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Speaking of cameras... I've misplaced mine, but here are some of the toys I made today that I took on my phone:


Congratulations. I'm excited for you...
The breeder I got my Ecky off has some B&G's that have just hatched... I am so so tempted, just not sure if I can raise the funds in time for when it will be ready.. I keep looking at the pics she sent me and fall in love more every time.
Looking forward to seeing your pictures.
congratulations! you must be so happy!

I got Fargo from perky parrots, mark was so nice and helpful! maybe when you get your blue and gold/greenwing you can have a look there :)

the toys are super cute, no doubt he/she will chew through them quickly ;) haha

you will have so much fun with your new hahns when you get him/her home :D good luck!
Say, Alisana, you're not excited, are you? :D Those are some AWESOME news!!! I am SO happy for you!

It won't be long now. ;)
Congrats, Alisana! I'm happy to know you've found the right source from which to obtain your new baby, and that your toys are now officially waiting to be destroyed! :smiley3:
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Congratulations. I'm excited for you...
The breeder I got my Ecky off has some B&G's that have just hatched... I am so so tempted, just not sure if I can raise the funds in time for when it will be ready.. I keep looking at the pics she sent me and fall in love more every time.
Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Thanks! Yeah, my B&G or GW is the next project, but that's for next year. We're planning on getting a cage shipped in about Jan/Feb-ish, but it'll cost just $2500 for the cage alone, hehe.

congratulations! you must be so happy!

I got Fargo from perky parrots, mark was so nice and helpful! maybe when you get your blue and gold/greenwing you can have a look there :)

the toys are super cute, no doubt he/she will chew through them quickly ;) haha

you will have so much fun with your new hahns when you get him/her home :D good luck!

Thank you! Yeah, Mark was great. :) Really wished him or Michelle had babies though. :p We have a breeder down in Tassie selected already for our big guy. :)

Say, Alisana, you're not excited, are you? :D Those are some AWESOME news!!! I am SO happy for you!

It won't be long now. ;)

hehehe I know! I'm so giddy. It'll be about mid to late December. :D

Congrats, Alisana! I'm happy to know you've found the right source from which to obtain your new baby, and that your toys are now officially waiting to be destroyed! :smiley3:

Thanks! And oh yes, =3 many, many a toy to be destroyed. XD I'll have to get a photo of all the toys/boxes of accessories I'm getting ready.
Alisana, which food dye did you use when you colored those awesome blocks? :D The stuff I use costs an arm and a leg, that's why I'm asking ;)
they are adorable. I am so happy for you. your going to make a great birdy mom:)
Excited for ya! I know what it's like looking for a specific species, not being able to find it and then having a miracle-type situation where you find one! Good luck to you and your new macaw!
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Oh my god!!! *squeal*

DNA results are back and the Hahn's is a little hen bird!

AHHH! I'm so excited, I can't stop fidgeting!
Very nice looking Hahns :)
Enjoy. My Hahns is quite a character. I had a conure before and wasnt sure what to expect but have been pleasantly surprised by my "little Napolean".
Gorgeous... when is she/he coming home?
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Gorgeous... when is she/he coming home?

A bit after New years :) She'll be coming up from Toowoomba - the breeder is keeping a hold on her to ensure she is COMPLETELY weaned before he sends her up, which is great. She's on two feedings a day at the moment, but is eating food on her own as well. Apparently loves corn and passionfruit.
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Very nice looking Hahns :)

Enjoy. My Hahns is quite a character. I had a conure before and wasnt sure what to expect but have been pleasantly surprised by my "little Napolean".

Thanks :D

I'm hoping she will be a nice bundle of socialble energy =3 (famous last words.... haha)

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