Your Oddest Quirks!

It would be faster to list the non-quirky aspects because I'm pretty much a pastiche of quirks according to friends. To me it all seems pretty normal.
Ok. I like even numbers. I eat even numbers of things like chips slices of bacon and small pieces of candy. I also take even numbers of bites when eating. If the last bite is odd ill cut it in half to make 2 small bites.

Larger things like eggs just fall into the even number of bites category.
Okay, as I was over-thinking, yet another topic. Over-applying far too boring a level of Logic, thus finding even more connections between concepts that seemingly share none! This flashed-up: What came first or what was the outgrowth: Crazy Bird Person or Quirky Person? Neither, they are one and the same! And, thank God for that connection!!!

I have traveled all my life across North and Central America, All of Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Europe and a bit of the Middle East. There is a more than fair likelihood that an individual; a SM here, has likely driven me at 39,000 ft at some point without either of us knowing it! I have stayed and eaten at places that are on bucket lists and also places that it was all that was available.

So, what do I crave most (to my Mrs' confusion) for Vacation? As far North as possible with as few people around as possible and simple campfire cooking! May not at first seem all that Quirky until you look at just how basic a level I feel comfortable at.

Between those visits; my Mrs' and our Amazon keep me somewhat sane. And, thank God for that connection!!!
Hahaha, these are great. I have three main quirks:

1.) I cannot, will not, and will forever choose not to eat yogurt in public. It's already filled with Bifidobacteria. All I can envision is someone sneezing or coughing in my yogurt and it becoming a haven for bacteria that I then eat and culture in my intestines. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE yogurt. But I will never, ever, ever eat it in a public place.

2.) All of my clothes in my closest must always be right facing, colour co-ordinated, and organized based on season and occasion. I've had fights (hilariously minor, but fights non-the-less) with my boyfriend after finding clothes facing the wrong way or placed in the wrong spot. Thankfully my boyfriend is very loving and easily trained and thus my closet is always organized.

3.) My life must be placed on a giant 1' by 2' calendar on my bedroom wall, nearest to my bed with all work dates written, all events, pay days, life events, etc. that are highlighted based on event type (pink for special dates, green for work days, purple for pay days, blue for personal events/to-do's). I can't sleep if I don't see my calendar filled before going to bed.
There is a more than fair likelihood that an individual; a SM here, has likely driven me at 39,000 ft at some point without either of us knowing it!

Small world indeed! Anything is possible, we may have shared the same aluminum tube for a while. Most of my flying is domestic USA with a bit of Canada on occasion.
Here's my contribution. When I meet men, I always mentally size them up, like - could I take them/defend myself/defend my wife/etc. Pretty junior high. Woops. I mean Middle School. lol Kind of a Texan thang. Silly.
Here's my contribution. When I meet men, I always mentally size them up, like - could I take them/defend myself/defend my wife/etc. Pretty junior high. Woops. I mean Middle School. lol Kind of a Texan thang. Silly.

Stop it, I think.
That's something the Rickeybird would do.
Haha these all made me laugh! Keep them coming :). Man.. I'm not the only crazy one after all!
I have some ocd once i get into a topic I have to know everything about it and be quite knowledgeable and then go on to the next thing. These past few months it has been parrots and now I am focused on making sure that I don't teach bonkers bad behaviors by accident(very stressful).

Also I have to walk around the back of the car before I get into drive. I don't know why but if I am walking toward my car head on I will make a weird loop around it and then get in.
Haha these all made me laugh! Keep them coming :). Man.. I'm not the only crazy one after all!

Really? This is the Parrot Forum, its like a common Thread that holds us all together!!! :D And, life couldn't be better linked then with friends found right here!
When I'm in the car, I have to have my rear view mirror at just the EXACT right height. I am constantly fiddling with it. Of course the level of it seems to change depending on how I'm sitting in the seat. If I'm sitting low and I adjust the mirror, then I have to re-adjust it if the next time I'm sitting a bit higher (farther back into the seat). It drives me nuts, and it has to be exactly in the perfect position at all times or I will be uncomfortable until I fix it. Not too far to the left or right either.
I noticed another quirk the other day when putting my socks and shoes on. I think probably most people put both socks on first, then their shoes. I put the right sock on, then the right shoe on and tie it up before putting the left sock (and shoe) on. I'm not even sure how long I've been doing it this way. Whether I've always done it that way or not. I just thought it was funny and sort of odd lol.
Oooo! I just stumbled on this topic by accident and it sums up my family and me perfectly. We're all quirky!

Firstly, my dear Hunn must - I repeat: MUST - drop things exactly where he last finished using them in the expectation that when he next sees them, they will inspire him to finish whatever it was he was doing with them in the first instance. Now, that might sound a bit far-fetched, but my dear Hunn has been officially diagnosed with adult ADHD and a thing called OCPD, both of which can have this little quirk as symptoms. What fun! :D

My daughter will turn around through 360º so that she can touch or use a thing with her right hand first. If her left hand touches something first, then she has to wipe the thing and then turn her whole body around so the right hand touches it. She has been doing this since she was four and she's now twenty-two. There are other things she does as well (for example, she MUST tap the nearest wooden thing three times every time she hears someone inhale or sigh sharply), but I won't list them. They go on forever. Dear daughter has only a diagnosis of ADHD so far: she just has her 'little ways' and that's OK.

My son has a walloping number of diagnoses, beginning with Asperger's, OCD, Tourette's, GORD and etcetera. He's probably the sanest of us all, though. He went through a period where he would have to wash his hands until they bled, but thankfully that's over now. Later, he had a thing where he was obliged to pray before entering a doorway, but (also thankfully) that's gone also. Well, mostly. When he gets excited, my son feels compelled to flap his hands. Now, I don't mean just flapping as if to indicate a seagull flying peacefully into the distance. O no! I mean flapping so hard I fear his hands might fly off from his wrists! I kid you not! And he's doing it right now as he plays 'Assassin's Creed' beside me. He's up to a difficult bit and so the need to flap is really overwhelming right at this point. It doesn't bother me because I've lived with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) since he was born. However, it does cause various things to 'walk' off shelves from time to time. Once, a small anvil I use for leatherwork 'walked' off the shelf because of Matt's flapping and landed in my lap. I can't TELL you how glad I was that it hadn't landed in my left cerebral hemisphere!

Me. Well. As the mother of both these kids, I have my own set of 'little quirks' too. The one I'm willing to share today is that if I have to take a tablet from a blister pack, I absolutely HAVE to peel off every last scrap of the alumininum foil backing on the pack. This might sound simple enough, but it's not. That stuff is stuck so firmly to the package that I've worn my fingernails down to the elbows trying to lift off the tiniest corner so I can peel fragments of foil away from the package. It's not so crucial while there are still tablets left in the pack: I'm allowed to keep trying until the last tablet comes out. If there's still foil left on the pack, I might spend quite a while teasing and picking at it to get the desired result. It's becoming annoying, so very soon I'll do the exercise and 'allow' myself to stop that little habit. But not quite yet... ;)
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I love this thread!

I re-read my faves!!!!!
One of my earliest memories of OCD was watching my dad unscrew his bottle of Mennen After Shave, apply liberally, reseal, place the bottle back into the cabinet, remove, unscrew, replace the lid again, and be done with it! :eek:
I love these too :).

Keep them coming! I know I personally have enough to keep adding for a long time, and I'll add them as I remember them. Only if they're not too embarrassing lol.
I love these too :).

Keep them coming! I know I personally have enough to keep adding for a long time, and I'll add them as I remember them. Only if they're not too embarrassing lol.

Oh Julie, no matter what the quirk, others have or will experience the same! Great stuff, glad this thread was revived!!
When I'm in the car, I have to have my rear view mirror at just the EXACT right height. I am constantly fiddling with it. Of course the level of it seems to change depending on how I'm sitting in the seat. If I'm sitting low and I adjust the mirror, then I have to re-adjust it if the next time I'm sitting a bit higher (farther back into the seat). It drives me nuts, and it has to be exactly in the perfect position at all times or I will be uncomfortable until I fix it. Not too far to the left or right either.

I DO THIS! I play with it constantly, as well as my posture and position. I didn't even realize that I did this until reading your post.
When I'm in the car, I have to have my rear view mirror at just the EXACT right height. I am constantly fiddling with it. Of course the level of it seems to change depending on how I'm sitting in the seat. If I'm sitting low and I adjust the mirror, then I have to re-adjust it if the next time I'm sitting a bit higher (farther back into the seat). It drives me nuts, and it has to be exactly in the perfect position at all times or I will be uncomfortable until I fix it. Not too far to the left or right either.

I DO THIS! I play with it constantly, as well as my posture and position. I didn't even realize that I did this until reading your post.

It drives me absolutely nuts!! Nice to know I'm not the only one suffering from that lol!

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