Young, hurt lovebird(pictures of hurt bird) Need help.

I will be amazed and thrilled if he makes it : )
You sound like a very kind person and thank you for taking care of this little guy. Don't count him out just yet, because the little ones can quite the fighters.
[ame=""]Lovebird clicking sound? - YouTube[/ame] He has started making this clicking sound now.. While not being to sure I don't think he is making it

Or mabye he is just tired since I woke him up, he stopped with the sound when sleeping
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I have asked the school how much they want for him if he survives, as I have fallen in love ��


Picture from cuddeling at school before he got hurt
well he's gone through the first night and has perked up which is an awesome sign! Keep going with those meds you got him

as for the clicking in his sleep it sounds a little like beak grinding which means they're feeling content and happy.

Definitely get that bird out of the school, a school is no place for a pet to be. We've all met children
well he's gone through the first night and has perked up which is an awesome sign! Keep going with those meds you got him

as for the clicking in his sleep it sounds a little like beak grinding which means they're feeling content and happy.

Definitely get that bird out of the school, a school is no place for a pet to be. We've all met children

The kids are all between 15-25years, I'm 20 myself, sadly he has nit perked up, he has become more tired, but I think that's from everything happening, he is taking his meds and eating some food. I have gotten him so he will not be going back

Edit: It seems like the clicking comes with his breathing and not from his beak.
Hopefully he'll perk up during the day, he sometimes decides to move around a little, but he is enjoying some sleep(guess it was a long day for him first getting attacked by a cat, then suddenly going from mom and being fed with a syringe
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well he's gone through the first night and has perked up which is an awesome sign! Keep going with those meds you got him

as for the clicking in his sleep it sounds a little like beak grinding which means they're feeling content and happy.

Definitely get that bird out of the school, a school is no place for a pet to be. We've all met children

The kids are all between 15-25years, I'm 20 myself, sadly he has nit perked up, he has become more tired, but I think that's from everything happening, he is taking his meds and eating some food. I have gotten him so he will not be going back

Edit: It seems like the clicking comes with his breathing and not from his beak.
Hopefully he'll perk up during the day, he sometimes decides to move around a little, but he is enjoying some sleep(guess it was a long day for him first getting attacked by a cat, then suddenly going from mom and being fed with a syringe

The 'clicking' maybe from an infection building in his Air Sacks (Lungs). The broad-spectrum antibiotic began late yesterday has likely not been active within him long enough to get ahead of the various infection sites. Warmth, rest and feedings along with the prescribed providing of the broad-spectrum antibiotic is where he is at. Time will tell.

Thank-you, for what you are doing.
well he's gone through the first night and has perked up which is an awesome sign! Keep going with those meds you got him

as for the clicking in his sleep it sounds a little like beak grinding which means they're feeling content and happy.

Definitely get that bird out of the school, a school is no place for a pet to be. We've all met children

The kids are all between 15-25years, I'm 20 myself, sadly he has nit perked up, he has become more tired, but I think that's from everything happening, he is taking his meds and eating some food. I have gotten him so he will not be going back

Edit: It seems like the clicking comes with his breathing and not from his beak.
Hopefully he'll perk up during the day, he sometimes decides to move around a little, but he is enjoying some sleep(guess it was a long day for him first getting attacked by a cat, then suddenly going from mom and being fed with a syringe

The 'clicking' maybe from an infection building in his Air Sacks (Lungs). The broad-spectrum antibiotic began late yesterday has likely not been active within him long enough to get ahead of the various infection sites. Warmth, rest and feedings along with the prescribed providing of the broad-spectrum antibiotic is where he is at. Time will tell.

Thank-you, for what you are doing.

That was my guess to, but atleast everything that can be done for him is being done ❤️ The clicking stops from time to time before it starts again, but I'm allowing myself to be a little hopefull, I'm home at my mothers place with him since I live at a place that dosen't allow pets(losing school, but who cares when I'm trying to help the birdy?)
We have 4cats here(2that is old enough to have lesrned that inside birds/hamster/other stuff is a no touch zone and two that is turning 1 this year that has to be kept at a distance) I have thrown the two youngster away once for both of them and they haven't been back after that(they are not allowed close to him, neither is the older ones) but they try
He is flat on my shoulder right now, but he eats, poops and make sounds when I try to move him, hopefully just tired
Has his eating reduced? That would be a sign of concern, even though the activity level is decreased.

Are the clicking sounds the same or increasing? As Sailboat mentioned, it takes time for the Bactrim takes effect? Is it given by specific dose such as syringe to mouth, or in the water?
Has his eating reduced? That would be a sign of concern, even though the activity level is decreased.

Are the clicking sounds the same or increasing? As Sailboat mentioned, it takes time for the Bactrim takes effect? Is it given by specific dose such as syringe to mouth, or in the water?

He has eaten quite a lot more now(we have been sleeping on the couch the last hours) and just woke up, the clicking sound has reduced a lot now, he is getting the meds by syringe to mouth
He was eating and running a little around, then he suddenly stopped, fell down and died..
Very sorry that your LoveBird has past.

The great news is that in his last hours, he knew that he was Loved Deeply and Cared For! Your kind heart has provided that love and I thank-you for your efforts.

Please advocate for the changes at the School to reduce the likelihood of this happening again!

Deep Warm Feather Hugs and Prays for you.

FYI: Please call the Vet and pass the information along to him and thank him for all of his help.
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Very sorry that your LoveBird has past.

The great news is that in his last hours, he knew that he was Loved Deeply and Cared For! Your kind heart has provided that love and I thank-you for your efforts.

Please advocate for the changes at the School to reduce the likelihood of this happening again!

Deep Warm Feather Hugs and Prays for you.

Yeah, it's not always possible to save them sadly
I will do that.
really sorry to hear he went. IT shows how fast they go and how well they hide it.

Definitely speak to the school about this. This is exactly why school isn't a place for animals
I am so very sorry, I know how hard you tried. Stress is very hard on some animals, especially the little critters. You will see him some day and he will remember your compassion.
I am so sorry that he passed. But as Steven pointed out, he was loved in his final hours. That is a gift beyond price that you gave to him, and I'm certain he treasured it.

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