You know you're a Parront when...

You know your a parront when... ;)

We were driving around the neighbourhood when we see a huge pile of branches because someone was cutting down their tree. My mom stops the car, and we ran outside asking the construction people if we could use the branches for our parrot. We then took over an hour to look through each and every branch, looking for the perfect ones. I swear the construction people were thinking I was insane as I loaded all the branches into the back of the car. LOL
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Lol von it's far to true

You know your a parront when sitting at the cafe enjoying your coffee you brush your face and a huge lump of hr mix falls off your nose
and instead of thinking to yourself o dear how embarrasing I hope not to many people noticed you think o bless this bird for his messy kisses
when your spouse spends two hours of his day off dismantling some crucial stuck piece in the dishwasher and then he comes to stand by your desk holding out a metal skewer and saying, you know... I wondered where this went.... and he isn't even mad. He and Gem are an item.
When you wake your teenagers up in the morning and say


Good One
Ant :p
LOL Ant!

I can imagine that SO well.

I just tell Cal to stop barking and the dogs to "no shout".

When the late night nip to the shops is not to get cream for your pudding, but to pick up frozen veggies for the next morning. ;)
When you sit on the couch covered in poop just so you can enjoy a snuggle with your baby fid
when you come home from an overnight wedding and within 2 minutes of walking in the door you have a ball of feathers attempting to climb down inside your shirt.
When your teenagers feel left out, saying it's always Mishka that comes first.

I agree, they can do things for themselves, Mishka can't.
When giving Mishka a chicken bone, I then offered my guys a bone as well.
I included them........... and STILL got a weird look
We just don't win do we
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How funny that you say that... My daughter who is now 29 was here a few weekends ago. She commented that I discouraged a mess on the floor when she was a child, and most foods were eaten at the table. Fred gets to make an incredible mess without a comment from me. It actually made me feel a little guilty!!!
You know you are a parront when your friends come over and they say all you talk about is Abby.
Abby did this Abby did that... look at this picture of Abby... look at the video of Abby..

Hey I am just getting started... what until she starts talking... LOL...
You know you are a parront when your friends come over and they say all you talk about is Abby.
Abby did this Abby did that... look at this picture of Abby... look at the video of Abby..

Hey I am just getting started... what until she starts talking... LOL...

Just wait until she starts talking she won't keep quiet
When your bird tells YOU.............. Mommy must go to the bathroom to poppie

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When your still awake at midnight feeding and playing with your fid ( late night feed made even later by human baby not going sleep , usually 10pm )
When you come home from the dentist, crying (long story) walk through the door ,bad day in business, and your bird says mom mommy I love you Mommy's got a bird brain hey
That made my day
When your kids trys to pat your bird and he lunges at them and instead of telling the bird off you loose it at your child fm
You know your a parront when your supposed to be cramming between two exams on one day and instead find yourself playing Joan Of Arch at the local petshop. The owner was lucky his sister was holding the fort - she knows I will be back...I made it quiet clear that I wasn't there to buy anything - I walked around like I was avoiding the abola virus - hahahaha!!!! As Bobby says, "What you gonna do when we come for you!"

At least I have a good reason if I fail the exam ;) LOL - Dont worry, exam went fine :)

We have a phrase in the eduaction world - window dressing. That petshop was a whole lot of window dressing but there will be eyes watching...
You know your a parront when your supposed to be cramming between two exams on one day and instead find yourself playing Joan Of Arch at the local petshop. The owner was lucky his sister was holding the fort - she knows I will be back...I made it quiet clear that I wasn't there to buy anything - I walked around like I was avoiding the abola virus - hahahaha!!!! As Bobby says, "What you gonna do when we come for you!"

At least I have a good reason if I fail the exam ;) LOL - Dont worry, exam went fine :)

We have a phrase in the eduaction world - window dressing. That petshop was a whole lot of window dressing but there will be eyes watching...

I had better get down there and sought you out Jess, not Rosie. AND I thought you were studying mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm instead

Glad you stood your ground,someone must speak for our feathered friends that can't speak for themselves. I remember how upset you were, you wanted to take all the babies home. Go back, as you said you would, if things have not improved report them.
So proud of you sis
When your insurance broker pops in and gives you great news, you passed your full Medical. Your bird sits nearby listening, and he says do you talk birdie?
Your bird replies in a loud sharp voice Mommy's got a bird brain

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