You know you're a Parront when...

I'd say they have you trained except I am guilty of pretty much the same thing on school days as I usually am first up and have tea and coffee going before the first wave hits. The teens are fun when I am not actually trying to murder them.
ok, heres one I haven't heard yet:

when digging through your pockets too find coins you encounter fogotten stashes of sunflower seeds.
Ohhh...been there
..done that...only it was cherios cereal...and I found them after the slacks had gone through the washer. go to Farmer's Market and when asked if you would like the carrot tops cut off, you say, "no, we eat them." Actually our cockatiel will, but I'm hoping our ekkie eventually will. (:
Walking into a pool shop, take a product to the counter, and the assistant asks, ma'am is it the correct size? I tell him it's the correct size, but I need all the insides cut out completely. Ma'am then it won't work. I tell him it will work with my parrot. I need a loop for my bird to learn to walk through. He happily cut them out, (for a small fee) and they had the pleasure of watching one of Mishka's video's.




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I think I saw that one, Ant! Was it part of your signature for while?
I think I saw that one, Ant! Was it part of your signature for while?

Barbara you have just qualified to be a member of the elite "Bird Brain" family

I purchased the "object" on Friday, took the pic's a minute ago and uploaded them. Never been part of my signature.

Welcome, this is definitely where you belong
When your bird reminds you about your cell phone

Mishka and I walking out our apartment to go visit Linky.
As I opened the door Mishka says mom have you got your cell phone?
I had actually forgotten it on the kitchen counter

You used to have a pic of Mishka with rings as your signature pic or maybe it was the avatar Ant, but I believe they were steele rings, not the white Barbs at least half right :09:
....when you have $40 to last you all this next week, but that doesn't stop you from picking up a new bag of pellets, dried fruit treats, and a new frayed rope swing (which she really enjoys preening!).

Yeah, this next week will be interesting indeed. :D
When you are away from home all day working and when you call home and no one answers, your first thought is not, Gee, where is my spouse or my son?" (Kat is out of town) but rather, "Gee, I hope the birds are okay."
YES, the carrot top deal!! As I was browsing the produce stand for excellent sources of yummies for Maui to try, the cashier had actually started to cut the tops off, I came running up and saying "NO, NO, NO" very loudly, poor guy, he must have thought I was NUTZ! I did explain, I'm sorry, but the only reason I even get my carrots here is for the tops :D, See my baby LOVES them, and they're so good for him too.

Then realizing, I'd better explain that I"m talking about my baby BIRD! LOL
You used to have a pic of Mishka with rings as your signature pic or maybe it was the avatar Ant, but I believe they were steele rings, not the white Barbs at least half right :09:

Spot on Bobby, my previous avatar pic, Mishka was climbing through steel rings. The loop is a big big while plastic one .

Will change my avatar pic back to the rings.
Barbara you are only half
Also, at school, I have done this a few times. I'd forget to do a homework assignment. My teacher asks why I didn't do it. My excuse: My parrots shredded it.

And I have used this excuse too. The big issue was that it was a major final assignment and my galah actually did shred it! This was before we had a pc in the house, so it was a pile of handwritten paper, so I couldn't exactly press print again :/

Told the teacher, class burst out laughing, and I got detention for lying. It wasn't until mum came to school with me to see the principal with a pile of shredded paper that anyone actually believed me.
When your landlord remarks how lovely all the sunflowers look in the garden and you just think to yourself rather out there than in my bird
( hense why there there as I remove them all from
my old boys food and chuck them in the garden )

He does love eating the petals from them though so I hope there not bad for him
You know you're a parront when you ask your husband to pass you a pack of baby bottle brushes in the shop and further confuse him by saying: The pink ones...duh!

How was he to know what they were for?!
LOL Ben!

Or when your kitchen smells of Sunday roast because you've been cooking veg at mid day!

EDIT: I forgot my ultamite one for this weekend! I was speaking to my mum on Saturday and explaining how we're going to buy a harness for Cal. She's 68 this month and was like....erm....well....whatever makes you happy. Why Ma? She's going to love it! I'm sure she will darling, but I didn't think you had any aspirations to be a Pirate.....

Oh MUM! ha!
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LOL Ben!

Or when your kitchen smells of Sunday roast because you've been cooking veg at mid day!

Or simply looks like a twister went through it ;)....I'm a messy cook lol

There are also times when I spend so long making their breakfast, I think I have eaten and I forget to eat my own breakfast. I get to uni...."dam, I did it again! I'm so hungry!" hehe. I found the trick is to eat bits of the F&V while your cutting it up, at least its healthy ;)

EDIT: I forgot my ultamite one for this weekend! I was speaking to my mum on Saturday and explaining how we're going to buy a harness for Cal. She's 68 this month and was like....erm....well....whatever makes you happy. Why Ma? She's going to love it! I'm sure she will darling, but I didn't think you had any aspirations to be a Pirate.....

Oh MUM! ha!

HAHA 'argh matey'!
haha! I told Dave we must start teaching Cal "pieces of 8" :D

Another one.....

This weekend we had a "movie Sunday" and FINALLY watched Avatar (I know, we're in the stone age! But we work a staggering 72 hr week lol) We decided to treat ourselves with pizza and popcorn. I had Cal SITTING on my pizza before I had a chance to give her any and I had to make her her own popcorn as I found her edging over to an open bag of Sweet Popcorn! lol!

So, you know you're a parront when your fid stomps all over your pizza and you STILL eat it lol.

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