Wound from Vet - Is this Normal?

I took him to the ER, they stabilized him, oxygen tank, warm, he was not able to see an avian vet.

So I called the original vetā€™s office to see his wound. Thatā€™s when they told me about what happened. I brought him in, they checked out the wound and used a cold laser to help promote healing. They said it should be healing fine.

I worked with the lead vet tech this time.

I will be seeking a second opinion.

Iā€™m scared to death that he will have another stroke/seizure. Iā€™m wondering if the stroke/seizure could have occurred because of all the blood loss he experienced 2 days prior? The paralysis was also of the left leg - same side as the hematoma.

Thank you for all the support and help. I truly do appreciate it.

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he might benefit from offering baby burd hand rearing formula. I used Kaytee exact found at pet stores. Most if my sick burds liked. I warmed up in a coffee mug I sat in a pot of water , watch as warms quickly on stove. Make like yogurt or slightly thinner. There is a thickness and warmth level thst makes them like it better. I just dripped in beak , few drops at time, 1 cc syringe worked best. Start out around 2ml . Every couple of hours. Adult birds crops don't stretch like baby birds. I wouldn't give more than 7ml st a time for your size bird. Daily total fir my sick bird that ate nothing on her own was around 20ml. The others took 3-6ml as one time daily support.

Offer all foods he likes. He will need Xtra calories to heal.
This is one tough birdy! Please let us know how he is doing!
I took him to the ER, they stabilized him, oxygen tank, warm, he was not able to see an avian vet.

So I called the original vetā€™s office to see his wound. Thatā€™s when they told me about what happened. I brought him in, they checked out the wound and used a cold laser to help promote healing. They said it should be healing fine.

I worked with the lead vet tech this time.

I will be seeking a second opinion.

Iā€™m scared to death that he will have another stroke/seizure. Iā€™m wondering if the stroke/seizure could have occurred because of all the blood loss he experienced 2 days prior? The paralysis was also of the left leg - same side as the hematoma.

Thank you for all the support and help. I truly do appreciate it.

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I am so happy he has stabilized and undergoing restorative treatment. Whether he will have another stroke/seizure is question for skilled avian vet; I'd definitely seek second opinion.
Thank you all for the insights and support.

Yes Iā€™m definitely going to seek a second opinion in a few weeks. I just think at this point, he had undergone sooo much stress / blood loss the last 3 days, Iā€™m just trying to have him rest and be relaxed as much as I can.

Iā€™m also thinking that perhaps if it was a stroke, stay away from foods high in vitamin K for the time being, just in case?

He just needs to rest up. My poor baby.

I really really appreciate your help and support guys. I joined this forum looking for those things, but I got so much more. Thank you [emoji1665]

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I mean how many birds that are 83 grams could have survived a burst jugular vein and a large hematoma in his inguinal area/leg on the same damn day? I honestly do think itā€™s a small miracle.

Weā€™re not out of the woods yet, but Iā€™m just hoping we can slowly and progressively improve.


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I figured it out.

the hematoma they caused created nerve damage in his left leg. His left leg is spasming/cramping.

heā€™s then freaking out and flying around because heā€™s scared.

it just happened again. Itā€™s not a stroke or seizure. He was able to use both wings. He was alert, and awake. Just his left leg was spasming.

nerve damage is irreparable right?

they caused lasting nerve damage to my baby :(((((

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Let us hope your gorgeous bird fully recovers from the consequences of poor treatment. You've both been through a lot and deserve far better!

I believe some nerve damage caused by swelling tissue and bruising is reversible as conditions ease. You'll need expert analysis by avian vet to better assess. Found a short illustrative thread: http://www.parrotforums.com/general-health-care/33869-nerve-damage.html
Let us hope your gorgeous bird fully recovers from the consequences of poor treatment. You've both been through a lot and deserve far better!

I believe some nerve damage caused by swelling tissue and bruising is reversible as conditions ease. You'll need expert analysis by avian vet to better assess. Found a short illustrative thread: http://www.parrotforums.com/general-health-care/33869-nerve-damage.html

Thank you for the reply and well wishes. I hope you are right. I pray so. [emoji1374]

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Hi! No, nerve damage isnā€™t permanent! He most likely is also reacting to the pain from that burn!

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