Why is my conure attacking me ?

I wanted to respond sooner but haven't had the time. I dont know how to edit my original post either, sorry, I'm on mobile also. I took the advice of removing huts/tunnels and anything nesting from his cages(replaced with more variety of branches/toys) and at first there wasn't much difference, first being like two days where he did bite and attack my hand, but it's been a while now and he hasn't been agressive like he was at all. When I think about it it's so obvious but I didn't see it.
I want to thank everyone for the advice. I put my hand in his cage just today to switch out a toy and he watched me and chattered but didn't attack my arm. And he was on top of his cage eating a banana and before I put him to bed tonight I removed the banana, where before he'd seek out my hand and attack it when it reached the top of the cage, he didn't do anything. Just looked at me and watched. I wanna really thank everyone for the help I should know better but I've had him so long that bird things cease to be bird things and I forget that he's a near-wild animal sometimes. You guys are great and if I have any questions I know where to go
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I'm so glad he's doing better! That is awesome!

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