Update on Milo aggressive conure


New member
Jan 29, 2023
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Grey and white cockatiel
After my last post and all your advice I have been target training with Milo who is now just over 14 months old. He is brilliant at it but as soon as I open the cage door he literally runs half flies to get to me. He drew blood this morning on my arm as I reached in quickly to get his water dish. His feathers come up on the back of his head like hackles on a dog and he just is intent on biting me. I’ve tried to keep getting him out on a perch I hold rather than step up on my finger but now he just runs along the perch full speed and bites my hand No matter what I do he just wants to bite and he really hurts! Treats don’t work he just snatches them off me and throws them then lunges in to bite me. want him to have his time out of the cage but I’m getting hurt every time and I don’t know why he hates me so much now. I really don’t know what to do other than just leave him alone and I don’t want to do that If I can help it. He has toys that I alternate on a regular basis so he doesn’t get bored and I always have shredded paper in an holder as he loves twiddling with it. He blows kisses and is talking a bit now but then draws me into a false sense of security. Im at my wits end with him. I feel like whatever I do he just attacks Any more suggestions? Do I just leave him in his cage but carry on target training and trying to give him treats?


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Well your not bonded so the time out method is out.

I'd try putting on a long sleeve shirt covering your hands,,,, he might be hand shy keep cloth between you use cloth hands for a bit. Might help.
What Clark said!

I love your patience and caring and goodness in reaching out and working so hard. Birds aren't easy, but they're such treasures.

Stick with us.
Much patience!! Keep at it try to read their body language and avoid causing stress

My boy Budi was vicious towards me first few months busted me up plenty and attacked me

Now we dance together and he sits on my arm all the time chatting away

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