Which one???

I know all birds are individuals but my rose breasted cockatoo is relatively quiet, except his happy, fighting-with-his-toy "battle cry," and that's very short duration and actually pretty hilarious. He talks mostly, one of the best talkers in my flock, super clear and contextual. When I hear people say how loud they are in the wild (and sometimes in the home environment), I am happily amazed that he didn't seem to inherit that (he's 9 years old now and I've had him since he was weaned). Good luck on your choice. I'm jealous they're that inexpensive there. Here, they're 15x that. I've found them to be the most wonderful pet. I can hand mine to ANYONE and that's fun when you can share your love of your parrot with others.
You are ! What about the alexandrine ? What are you going to name it ? I would call it fluffy !:D
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  • #24
We visited the Alex, (housed in poor conditions). We are getting this galah from a dealer that has a friend that hand rears 150 Galahs each year!
Then you better edit parrots on your user to " getting a galah nests week !"
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  • #26
I'm on my iPad right now, doesn't seem 2 work. Have 2wait till my brother gets off the computer to edit my profile.
I have a I pad too ! That's what I use to post, the laptop is too slow. Much easier to type too . Right now I have to use my dads I phone
I know all birds are individuals but my rose breasted cockatoo is relatively quiet, except his happy, fighting-with-his-toy "battle cry," and that's very short duration and actually pretty hilarious. He talks mostly, one of the best talkers in my flock, super clear and contextual. When I hear people say how loud they are in the wild (and sometimes in the home environment), I am happily amazed that he didn't seem to inherit that (he's 9 years old now and I've had him since he was weaned). Good luck on your choice. I'm jealous they're that inexpensive there. Here, they're 15x that. I've found them to be the most wonderful pet. I can hand mine to ANYONE and that's fun when you can share your love of your parrot with others.

Someone said they are $100... I think they don't know their bird prices :p Even certain cockatiel mutations cost more than that handreared. You can get an aviary bird for about $100, but it wont be friendly LOL

Galahs are $350 handreared. Bare eyeds are $400 handreared. I have occasionally seen the odd one for $290 handreared but the majority of breeders are firmly at the $350 mark. They are VERY popular even here and there are usually long waiting lists for handreared babies.

I wish they were $100, it would give me more spare cash to spend on toys and awesome cage stuff :D

And no, Galahs are not noisy, people are intolerant :) Your Galah sounds pretty typical, mine was the same. But when you love your bird, that sound is like music to your ears. When cockatoos are in huge flocks they turn up the noise LOL But the average small family group make pretty much no sound.

There is a small family group at my daughters school who hang out in the casuarinas near the gate I collect my daughter through... I didn't realise they hung out there until one day the cheeky male swung down onto the lowest branch right above my head and let out a big squawk! I have never been so taken by surprise LOL
I noticed them from that day on and the male continued his cheeky ways, one day flying down to the branch next to me at my head height with a leaf in his mouth as if to tease me with his new toy LOL
Every day they are in the trees there, he is always coming down close to say hi... he must know I am a galah lover :)
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  • #29
The galahs that are selling for $140 are sold, the bird i'm getting is $200.
Mike I am very excited for you! I adore my baby and learn something from her each day! And I enjoy her noise also. :) But she is lots quieter than the Quakers IMO! Will be looking forward to pics when you are settled. Are you getting a male or female? Have you chosen a name?

Laurie & Rowan :grey: (Wish there was a rose & grey smily!)
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  • #31
:I will post pics when he settles:)
:I'm getting a male.
:I have not yet thought of a name. (my dad did say: Cockie :rolleyes:, but I reckon that's more of a name for a sulphur crested or umbrella)
What about taboo? Fergie ? I have to admit I am a black eyed peas fan

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