Where there is a place...Nigel will poo


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2014
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South Africa
Congo African Grey
So every stand, gym, cage with play top has the feeder cups there. Nigel positions his bum right over the feeder cups and unloads then looks at as if to say you're welcome. Geez. I don't put food in one that he loves to unload in. Often i don't put it out.

Does he need a birdie toilet?

Hahaha! Nigel, I'll outsmart you or die trying!
Hahahahaha! They do have a mischievous nature, don't they? I had a cockatiel that used to poop in his water only as a means of conveying deep displeasure, but your guy seems to be doing it just to mess with you! Lol!
for whatever reason, BB sits on his water bowl and does his duty :o NOT funny! :mad:

What tells you is so very apparent.

Harry poops always in the feed bins and drink containers.
I think he does that to bullying :confused:, he sits always right above them.
Ahhh the never ending poo saga. So Nigel now has learned to say "go poop". He says it in the sweetest voice, quietly. I tell him to poo and he does and then he whispers, "go poop." We are about 75% trained. He's very good until he gets distracted. Then it's oops, "go poop." It's Nigel's world after all.
Vengeful pooping? Take that, subserviant human! LOL, good thing they are silent or I know my house would be noisy as heck.
When Perjo is on my shoulder and poops she starts lifting her leg to step up once she's done. She knows that I'm going to tease her about it, and demand that she get up so I can clean up my shirt.

She's actually pretty good about where she poops.
Every now and then, some of us need a poop-ventilation session, don't we? I feel your pain.

Once again I shall tell the sad story of how the Rickeybird was toilet-trained for about an hour, back in the 90s. I think he was about ten. I was reading Bird Talk, by then, and decided that I would try out some of the techniques. So I began taking the Rbird over a paper every 10 minutes or so and holding him there until he pooped, at which time I said "Boo-boo!" in a happy voice. Soon, I could take him to the paper say Boo-boo and he'd poop. As hoped for, as the day wore on, HE began to say Boo-boo and then poop when I held him over the target. He and I were both delighted, and we practiced and practiced. Sadly, it wasn't even an hour before he began saying Boo-boo every 30 seconds and then flying away when I headed for the paper. I accepted defeat graciously. To this day, he will sometimes yell Boo-boo ten or fifteen times within a minute or so, usually pooping wherever he happens to be. *sigh*

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