whats you DREAM bird :)

In all the world?
Hilariously the birds I love most are NOT kept as human companions and typically die in captivity- The Kea Parrot and the Lilac Breasted Roller (I have a tattoo of one on my shoulder). I would love to see these babies in the wild, but I'd hate to disturb them.

Extinct, I'd want a Dodo bird or a Carolina Conure. (doom on you?)
However, I'm content with any feathered friend that I can care for and cares for me in return.
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I have all my dream birds! This little guy is today's dream bird, right before I took this photo, he leaned over and said, "I love you so much." I think he knew I was having a bad day.

I have my ultimate dream species as far as parrot species go. Raven my Bronze Winged Pionus :). I had a female years ago who passed at a year old, but got Raven because I absolutely needed a BWP.

I never thought of a Green Cheek Conure as my dream bird, but as our relationship grows I love her more and more, maybe by the minute. I'm definitely a conure person though. I don't desire to have another bird, but it's Jendays that make my heart flutter ♡♡♡♡♡

ConureKid and Kobe...

I would LOVE a Golden Conure, but the Rickeybird would be jealous.
Kobe, can we pleeeeeeeeeeeease see some more pictures of that QofB beauty???? I have admired those birds ever since I saw my first one. They completely mesmerize me.
Hyancith macaw for a big bird. I got to see a yellow collard macaw today, and he (maybe she) was pretty cool, I wouldn't mind having one of those in the future either
Hyancith macaw for a big bird. I got to see a yellow collard macaw today, and he (maybe she) was pretty cool, I wouldn't mind having one of those in the future either

The Rickeybird named himself, thanks to a Yellow Collared Macaw! When I bought him, he had spent a few days perching next to a RCM... they're about the same size, somewhat similar colors. The YCM was named Ricky, and said that name a lot: Rb picked it up. At the time I got him, I didn't know if he'd ever learn more words, so I just kept it. 30 years (and maybe 30 words later, not counting his version of J-Lo's "Booty") I wish I'd given it more thought!
I'd forgotten that story; thanks for reminding me!!!
Hmnn....at the moment I can't really think of any.
I've always wanted a Severe Macaw or a Hawk-headed Parrot, though.
Like others, I have my dream birds. But if I could improve on near-perfection, they would not scream, nip, fight, waste food, crap everywhere, or get sick. :)
I have my dream birds, including the bird I didn't even know I wanted. Leo, my senegal is just so amazing. I never thought I'd like a small bird, but he proved me wrong. I've also always wanted a macaw, and thought I might start looking around maybe in a year or so when I stumbled upon Charlotte. So now I have both, and I couldn't be happier.

Note: Goofy and Cookie are not technically my birds even though I do the vast majority of the work with them. They belong to MrC.
If funds weren't an issue, I'd have an entire aviary set up like the one at the philadelphia zoo so I could be surrounded by a flock when I have my coffee next to a waterfall. Seriously, I'd build a rainforest if I could. My favorite, by far are the umbrella cockatoos, they're love bugs.

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