Whats some funny/favorite story about your bird?

We have a big kitchen/family room setup, where one turns into the other at the kitchen island. If I'm in the kitchen, Scooter has to be in the kitchen. It doesn't matter that her cage is 10 feet away, and she can see everything I'm doing, she has to be in there with me. While I work she opens cabinet doors, inspects everything, chews on my shoelaces, opens more cabinet doors, tries to convince me to lift her up to the cooktop (No, we're not doing that), sits on my feet, opens more cabinet doors, slides open a few drawers to inspect them...
Your Scooter has dreams of being a chef. Nameliss has her dreams set on crafts; crochet, beading, sewing and more. She inspects everything. The most irritating is that she ignores bead work made for her explicit use. Nameliss lurks the grabs and empties the bags, drawers of beads. Pony beads are ignored, she goes for the micro beads. I wear trifocal so this is a major catastrophe! Look at micro beads compared to a dime and regular pony beads.


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My 4-year-old budgie Ginger has always had an obsession with feet, I know other bird owners can relate with their birds. Whenever I take her out of her cage she immediately flies to my feet attacking them. When I bring guests over and I take him out the same thing happens he goes chasing everybody's feet.

Your Scooter has dreams of being a chef. Nameliss has her dreams set on crafts; crochet, beading, sewing and more. She inspects everything. The most irritating is that she ignores bead work made for her explicit use. Nameliss lurks the grabs and empties the bags, drawers of beads. Pony beads are ignored, she goes for the micro beads. I wear trifocal so this is a major catastrophe! Look at micro beads compared to a dime and regular pony beads.
Fascinating inspiration! Our birds are really just expressing their ambitions through behaviors.
So... the Rickeybird apparently aspires to be aspiring to be a professional impersonator of the Tasmanian Devil!
Now for a non-Salty story. Our dearly departed Canary Winged Parrot (a BeeBee parrot) Max was so typical of small parrots like parrotlets and similar species. They are bold and stubborn. And usually have volatile tempers. We had one of those table top waterfall things popular a decade ago, with multiple levels filled with small river stones like 1/2" (12mm) big. Max was hanging out on the top level when he dislodged one of the stones and it went tumbling down a few levels. This upset Max and he climbed down and grabbed one stone from that level and brought it back to the top. BUT - in doing that, more stones came loose and cascaded down. This ENRAGED 😤😱😖 this bird!! And for the next 10 minutes he climbed up and down trying to replace all these little stones, making tiny angry parrot noises the whole time. All the time making it worse and worse. Very funny to watch!

Another time we were playing Scrabble, and Max decided to join in, throwing the letter tiles from my rack faster then I could replace them. Fling, fling, fling and suddenly I got no letters left!
We had some good friends visiting over the Thanksgiving holiday a couple weeks ago. As we sat around talking late in the evening, our friends were startled and confused by the sound of a baby crying. We explained to them it was just JJ the Quaker parrot who learned to mimic my youngest niece crying when she was an infant. They thought that was pretty funny!
Bella our CAG has learned how to open the cage of my two female cockatiels (The Girls).
Bella likes to hang out with the Tiels though I don’t know why.
Most of the time is unsupervised. We can hear her and I have a camera set up to check on her.

But I was in there a few days ago and was surprised to see The Girls out of their cage. At the time I thought I forgot to latch it after scratching them.

But today Mango (one of the girls) came flying out into the living room.
Unfortunately Angel can’t fly and isn’t supposed to be out. She got out too and injured her feathers trying to fly.

Now we have to put an extra lock on the cage’s.
Not just The Girls because I have seen Bella at the front of Popeye’s cage. At the time I couldn’t figure out why but I think she was trying to open the small lift type feeding door. Bella has broken 2 feeding dishes for Popeye’s cage. .
You/I are delusional in thinking we have a parrot safe environment. Those feathered brains are 😂laughing🤣 at us as they plan the next step in causing their human frustration.
Pickles often finds really creative ways to entertain himself. He has tough himself how to use our ceiling fan as a merry go round. Before anyone gets alarmed, please note that we have disconnected and removed the wiring from it for him, and insured no places for little toes to get injured, etc. It is now only

Eclectus powered. He figured out that the farther out he gets the farther it will spin for him. He hasn't gotten it to go all the way around yet, but we can certainly tell that is what he is going for. He will spend up to an hour some evenings running back over to the other side to get it moving again. It's pretty amusing to see.
My budgies sometimes sit on the stationary blades too. It's very high, about 10 feet, so I can't easily get them down. To get them off, and give them a ride, I need to tap the blades with a broomstick!
🐈 and 🐕 are only amateurs at training humans. Avians are successful at that particular enterprise!
My budgies sometimes sit on the stationary blades too. It's very high, about 10 feet, so I can't easily get them down. To get them off, and give them a ride, I need to tap the blades with a broomstick!
We made Piccolo an "elevator". I took pvc pipe and made a perch for him to step onto. I wrapped the perch part in the colorful gauze tape. Works like a charm. Just the one long part, a corner fitting, and a piece cut to a perch size.
We made Piccolo an "elevator". I took pvc pipe and made a perch for him to step onto. I wrapped the perch part in the colorful gauze tape. Works like a charm. Just the one long part, a corner fitting, and a piece cut to a perch size.
Great idea! I hate having to bring in a stepladder. Directly above the ceiling fan is a 6x6x6 coupola with fixed glass windows. It's really a pain when a budgie goes up there 12 feet and sits on a sill. Bad budgie!
Great idea! I hate having to bring in a stepladder. Directly above the ceiling fan is a 6x6x6 coupola with fixed glass windows. It's really a pain when a budgie goes up there 12 feet and sits on a sill. Bad budgie!
We were going through the same issues trying to get him down. He would go up there right at bedtime to avoid being tucked in. He is pretty funny riding his elevator down. Knows what to expect, and half the time starts lifting his foot to step up when he gets to the bottom. Too cute. The elevator has the advantage too of just being tucked behind couch, no bulky step ladder.
We were going through the same issues trying to get him down. He would go up there right at bedtime to avoid being tucked in. He is pretty funny riding his elevator down. Knows what to expect, and half the time starts lifting his foot to step up when he gets to the bottom. Too cute. The elevator has the advantage too of just being tucked behind couch, no bulky step ladder.
Can you post a picture of this "elevator"? My husband can build me one.
Can you post a picture of this "elevator"? My husband can build me one.
It is just 3/4 inch pvc pipe with the elbow fitting. I just went to Lowe's Hardware and they actually cut it for me. The tape is on amazon too. I didn't use any glue for the joint, it is just held with the tape. Hope this helps.


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It is just 3/4 inch pvc pipe with the elbow fitting. I just went to Lowe's Hardware and they actually cut it for me. The tape is on amazon too. I didn't use any glue for the joint, it is just held with the tape. Hope this helps.
Thanks again. How long is yours? The longer it is the thicker the pipe needs to be and some of my windowsills are very high.

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