Whats some funny/favorite story about your bird?

I was feeding my macaw 2 pistachio nuts when the doorbell rang. I forgot to put the lid back on the nut box. I came back less than 5 minutes later and came back to 22 (or more) pistachios shelled and eaten! 😂 He must have been hungry. 🥴
The title says it all! Whats stories do you guys have?
My Goffin Cockatoo… barks like my dog did. 3 yaps a pause and 3 more yaps. She also has a “Devil Bird” impression…. Its pretty funny! It’s kinda like someone speaking in tongues. She also dances to “ Another one bites the dust”. She high steps to the bump bump bump another one bites the dust and when the synthesizer sound comes on she twirls her head around…. Its funny to watch. Its like she knows exactly what to do. She looks like she’s marching. She also has the Cockatoo Strut down pat… She can also be a sneaky little birdy, I watched her open her seed cup door in 1.37 minutes. She also tried the door latch but she couldnt get that one open.
We tend to let Bella free range in the house a large part of the day.
She spends much of the time in the kitchen.
We mostly have to depend on sound to know if she is up to no good.
Bananas don’t make much noise :ROFLMAO:

We tend to let Bella free range in the house a large part of the day.
She spends much of the time in the kitchen.
We mostly have to depend on sound to know if she is up to no good.
Bananas don’t make much noise :ROFLMAO:

😂 At least Bella attacked only one banana. Mine would have taken bites out of the middle of each one. 🥴
Scooter the African Grey learned to bark, and did it well enough that she could trigger the dogs to run to the patio door and start barking, looking for an intruder. Then she'd laugh.
She learned crow calls and scared herself when she called to a flock of crows who decided to land in our backyard while she and I were out there enjoying the sun. She doesn't do crow calls to crows anymore.
She learned the pigeons around our house are afraid of crows, so she saves her crow calls for them and scares them away. When they scatter, she laughs.
She has kind of a wicked sense of humor.
We tend to let Bella free range in the house a large part of the day.
She spends much of the time in the kitchen.
We mostly have to depend on sound to know if she is up to no good.
Bananas don’t make much noise :ROFLMAO:

Scooter the African Grey learned to bark, and did it well enough that she could trigger the dogs to run to the patio door and start barking, looking for an intruder. Then she'd laugh.
She learned crow calls and scared herself when she called to a flock of crows who decided to land in our backyard while she and I were out there enjoying the sun. She doesn't do crow calls to crows anymore.
She learned the pigeons around our house are afraid of crows, so she saves her crow calls for them and scares them away. When they scatter, she laughs.
She has kind of a wicked sense of humor.
You're lucky it's crows. Nameliss mimics the red tail hawk(s), owls, and other predator raptors. Yard gets dive bombing on semi-regular basis. I didn't realize how aggressive owls could be! Unlike your Scooter she continues. Her 'Vincent Price' laughs during the episodes convince me she knows just what is doing!
WHo's parrot likes to mimic the Microwave? **Raises hand** Vortex is learning to mimic the microwave. Thank heavens I can tell her voice apart from the actual contraption. She has such a sweet, high-pitched voice! And she does it so softly!
Bella again.

This is a bit embarrassing.
Bella has a signature noise for my son and I.
She only does it now and then and it’s unpredictable.

For my son it’s the sound of blowing your nose.
When my son walks by she makes this blowing honking noise.

For me.
It burps :eek:
I walk past her cage and she makes a loud belch and says “Wes” very clearly.
Piccolo copies my cough. He sometimes gets a terrible, awful cough if he isn't getting enough attention. He won't stop until we go over and ask if he is alright.
WHo's parrot likes to mimic the Microwave? **Raises hand** Vortex is learning to mimic the microwave. Thank heavens I can tell her voice apart from the actual contraption. She has such a sweet, high-pitched voice! And she does it so softly!
I started a thread on “what noise does your parrot fool you with “.
Bella is as good with noises as she is with speech.
The microwave is a favorite but we don’t get fooled by it.

But I have been using solar generators (not an accurate name) to lower my electricity bill. The fans on it can go from sort of noisy to silent depending on power draw and solar input. They also make a very short beep if something is wrong.
When the fans go from noisy to quiet Bella makes that beeping noise and I have to go look at it and make sure everything is copacetic.

That same noise is just about the same as the instant pot makes when programing it.
When Bella….. we’ll Bella associates that noise with my wife and makes it at different times
Bella came up with something so funny I just gota put it down.
but it's gona take some back story

I generally keep the two amazon "twins" separate from Bella. I don't (very often) let them out of cage at the same time. All three can fly and in the past I have had midair collisions.

When I let the Twins out they spend 98% of the time in Livingroom/dining room. once in a while Luna zooms off into the kitchen.

Yesterday Bella was chilling in the kitchen and it was nearing the time for the Twins to come out. I could see they were positioned in the cage waiting to be let out.
I thought it would be alright this once .

Well as soon as I got back to the couch Luna took off and flew into the kitchen. I expected Bella to come zooming out but she didn't . I made tracks to get to the kitchen as quick as I could. Just before I got there Luna came zooming out.

I went into the kitchen to check on Bella, mostly to see where she was sitting because Luna always lands in the same place.

Bella was sitting in her usual location (not too close to Luna's landing spot) and sitting up strait at attention.
She looks right at me and says.

"what's going on?"
I just lost it LOL.

This is one of her favorite phrases but to come out with it in such an appropriate time was just too much.
My favorite is with my grey. We were at a motel in Georgia. I went to take a shower. As usual he walked the shower rod. I ignored him as per my usual. About 15 minutes after I was out and dressed, security and police were knocking on door. They were looking for a woman in duress. They came in, did a brief look around. I was glaring at my grey. He sat in travel cage with 'talk? me?' look. I asked if it could've been a TV or something. Police said be careful, be alert. I didn't remember until they showed, that my grey liked to mimic a movie scene of a female being murdered in shower and while he was in shower! I don't even remember the movie. He was subsequently banned from showers in motels and hotels.
WHo's parrot likes to mimic the Microwave? **Raises hand** Vortex is learning to mimic the microwave.

The microwave, the toaster oven, the rice cooker, an alarm clock she must have heard before she came here, crows, a very small bird that hangs around our front porch and just does a "peep!" call. She also does a falling whistle sound, an explosion, then laughs and says "Scootie bombs!" Former owner, apparently.
I love these stories!

The Rickeybird is not a wordsmith, but he has his moments. After 40 years, he knows our names, semi-appropriate comments, various noises, BUT...
When he is so incensed and furious that no real words will do, he screams out "MITBOT! MITBOT MITBOT!" while snapping his beak and lunging and stomping. I don't know what it means, but he's been yelling it since he was only a few years old.
Family and friends who are aware of this sometimes will hurl the epithet around. I have also shared this here, and it really tickles me when folks will use the term, like back a ways in a thread about people who don't leash their dogs... we all agreed. They're MITBOTS!"
I love these stories!

The Rickeybird is not a wordsmith, but he has his moments. After 40 years, he knows our names, semi-appropriate comments, various noises, BUT...
When he is so incensed and furious that no real words will do, he screams out "MITBOT! MITBOT MITBOT!" while snapping his beak and lunging and stomping. I don't know what it means, but he's been yelling it since he was only a few years old.
Family and friends who are aware of this sometimes will hurl the epithet around. I have also shared this here, and it really tickles me when folks will use the term, like back a ways in a thread about people who don't leash their dogs... we all agreed. They're MITBOTS!"
No matter what the 'specialists' birdies can choose words they like to indicate things, people. Nameliss does mimic. I've spent weeks trying to figure out some things; the sound of dog kibble hitting dish and floor took the longest.
No matter what the 'specialists' birdies can choose words they like to indicate things, people. Nameliss does mimic. I've spent weeks trying to figure out some things; the sound of dog kibble hitting dish and floor took the longest.
Well, there's an instant classic! Hysterical!!
My 4-year-old budgie Ginger has always had an obsession with feet, I know other bird owners can relate with their birds. Whenever I take her out of her cage she immediately flies to my feet attacking them. When I bring guests over and I take him out the same thing happens he goes chasing everybody's feet.
My 4-year-old budgie Ginger has always had an obsession with feet, I know other bird owners can relate with their birds. Whenever I take her out of her cage she immediately flies to my feet attacking them. When I bring guests over and I take him out the same thing happens he goes chasing everybody's feet.
Birds can develop obsessions about their people. Removing pierced earrings, necklaces, watches, barrettes, fingernail polish or tips and yes feet! My grey watched a sitcom where they did the foot tickling with 'woochie, coochie coo'. The actors would laugh and be silly. He then flew to coffee table I had my bare feet on. Rubbing his beak on bottom of my bare feet repeating that phrase. I ignored him and I am not ticklish there. He grabbed my big toe repeatedly saying 'woochie, coochie coo'. In terror I forced laughter. He laughed and kept ahold and repeating himself. He finally got tired and let me go. After that I wore shoes or socks and extra LONG pants plus used a blanket when laying on couch. When they get an obsession distraction works very well. The type depends on your birds personality. My grey only went after bare feet. In my case I had a reason and easy fix. Does your friend like toys, foraging items ect. I suggest that rather than food. You don't want to reward with a treat which has a chance of encouraging this behavior. Believe me, I sympathize completely. The terror of having that razor sharp nut cracking beak around my big toe has me very careful.
My 4-year-old budgie Ginger has always had an obsession with feet

Scooter doesn't attack my feet, she sits on them. Like she's trying to hatch them. I either wear running shoes or socks in the house, and she climbs up and sits on my feet whenever she gets a chance.
Bingo”s kitchen fascination.

As I have mentioned before Bingo can’t fly and indicates where he wants to go by body language.

More and more often he just wants to go to the kitchen.
I let him sit on the back of a chair in there.
I usually go back to the living room after I drop him off.
I have to. If I don’t go back there the Twins will start screaming.

But after 5/10 minutes Bingo will start working up to screaming. I go back in and try to pick him up but he about refuses a step up.

But I know what’s going on.

He wants me to cook/fix something to eat.
THEN he’s happy to go back so long as I give him something.
Bingo”s kitchen fascination.

We have a big kitchen/family room setup, where one turns into the other at the kitchen island. If I'm in the kitchen, Scooter has to be in the kitchen. It doesn't matter that her cage is 10 feet away, and she can see everything I'm doing, she has to be in there with me. While I work she opens cabinet doors, inspects everything, chews on my shoelaces, opens more cabinet doors, tries to convince me to lift her up to the cooktop (No, we're not doing that), sits on my feet, opens more cabinet doors, slides open a few drawers to inspect them...

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