What unique noises do your parrots make


Jan 13, 2022
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Hi all, Going through my memories of my childhood Tiels Cocky and Flo, I was reminded of the racket Flo would make constantly! As youtube didn't exist back then in the late 90's/early 2000's we just assumed it was her singing the song of her people and this was normal for the females. Looking through videos on Cockatiel noises I have yet to found any video of the same noise she would make so still not sure what the noise meant. It was a very loud (louder than anything I've heard on videos of Tiels) noise sounding like her going "eheheheheheheh" full shouting stretching herself as tall as she could no matter if she was in the cage, out the cage, covered or uncovered.

It got me thinking though, with all the tutorials and videos online of noises and their meanings for each species, What calls and noises do your fids make that only they seem to make? Have you over time learnt what that means? Is it something you love to hear knowing it's a unique thing that only your feathered friend does?

Just thought it could be a fun topic for people and who knows maybe find out another person has had their feathery friend make the same noise
Vortex, my wc Pionus 'mews'. It's high-pitched and soft and almost sounds like a cat. She's been making it before I had cats. so it must be a Pionus thing. She also mimics the microwave, LOL!
One of my English Budgies softly croaks like a frog and barks like a dog.
My CAG has a weird squawk. It's halfway between a scream and 'awk' sound. It's loud and piercing. She uses it when a swinging toy bounces back, I'm closing cage door as she's hanging on it etc. She doesn't have to be touched. I have assumed it's her way of giving threat, challenge, warning all at once.
Amazon owners will be able to fill pages of the sounds they make. I would not destroy the ears of our members by recording some of the things that come out of Salty sometimes. From ear piercing, high decibel sounds that make the glassware tremble to low pitch grumbles and everything in between.
My Quaker parrot “ purrs” when he’s really getting into his head scratches. I imagine other birds do this but I’ve yet to hear of one.
Piccolo makes the honk sound our car makes when we set the alarm. He does it perfectly. It's adorable, and he will do any time near the car to enter or exit, or when one of us is entering or leaving house.
My Luna has two unusual sounds.
In the morning the first time she flys to the upper play area she makes this woooooo-hoooooo call. I can’t record it cuz when she decides to fly up is unpredictable.

The other noise is a growl when she is truly frightened of something. I don’t think it’s especially unusual cuz I have heard other parrots make similar noise.

Einstein the Texas parrot has a really good growl at the kitchen rug on YouTube.
Not a noise but a statement. Setting all cage cleaning supplies, vacuum etc. My CAG asks...you sure you can survive that? I know it came from one the the B/W distraction films. It's funny because I was mentally moaning, groaning, about this. To bad she didn't say it before I got things ready. Then procrastination could've had a chance.

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