What kind of lighting do you use?


Active member
Mar 27, 2023
Knoxville, TN
One Goffins cockatoo. I would love more but she hates other birds!
I'm scared that might birds are not getting the lighting they need. We have been having record breaking temps (over 95) this summer so I haven't been putting them outside. Why kind of lighting do the rest of you use, bulbs, etc?
I know this isn't possible for everyone, but the Rb is by a huge Western window, and gets sunlight with blinds up all day. Blinds follow a natural light schedule.. up with dawn, down with sundown. When weather permits, the window glasses are open. It isn't perfect, but it's the best I can do.
I hope somebody with artificial lights replies so you can see what they recommend. Good luck!
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I know this isn't possible for everyone, but the Rb is by a huge Western window, and gets sunlight with blinds up all day. Blinds follow a natural light schedule.. up with dawn, down with sundown. When weather permits, the window glasses are open. It isn't perfect, but it's the best I can do.
I hope somebody with artificial lights replies so you can see what they recommend. Good luck!
I have their cages in front of a huge picture window and open the blinds when I get up and I pull the blinds up on the patio door that is next to the picture window but I read that the glass in doors and windows nowadays doesn't really let in the necessary light they need.

"It is important to remember that glass and plastic filter out beneficial UV rays. That is why your bird will not get the benefits of natural sunlight in front of a window. That is also why you need to remove any plastic shielding on bulbs fixtures. The UV output will decrease overtime so bulbs should be replaced every 6-12 months, even if light output is still present." This was from an article titled Ultraviolet Lighting for Companion Birds: Benefits & Risks by Laura Wade, DVM, ABVP (Avian)Specialized Care for Avian & Exotic [email protected].

After reading this I thought maybe I needed to UV bulbs on my birds?
You're right abut windows... I can put the glass completely up with mine. Also, I once got a glass-maker to construct me a window with permeable but still safe glass...
Good for you for being studious!

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