Air filters


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2024
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Within chirping distance
Ollie McBudgie the Fluffinator
I just got an air filter and I was wondering do they need to be off gassed before use? I have it running in the closed off bathroom and there is definitely a smell. I don't know if air purifiers typically make funny smelling air? It comes with ozone plates but I didn't even put them in for safety reasons. It has a sediment filter, HEPA filter, carbon filter and a titanium dioxide filter with ultra-violet light. Any of these can be removed and the unit will still run. I would like to leave the titanium dioxide filter with UV light in if it isn't harmful to the birdie. I live in a high mold situation and it kills mold. Any advice is welcomed.
I have several Honeywell HEPA room filters with pre-filter, carbon and HEPA filters but no titanium or UV light. I wouldn't think twice about it except I don't know much about the titanium dioxide part. I just read that titanium dioxide is a known carcinogen. I wouldn't use it for my OWN health much less my birds. The idea is to kill airborne microbes but most microbes are not airborne except mold spores. It's effective against bacteria but bacteria don't fly or blow around like spores do. It won't kill mold on surfaces or in the wall spaces where most water intrusion mold grows. I'd just use the HEPA and pre-filter which will also remove spores.
Thanks! I took out that filter and turned off the UV light. Hopefully a few days in the bathroom will take care of the weird air smell..
I even buy replacement HEPA and prefilters on Amazon for a lot less and no problems. Consuder my 19 budgies test subjects. The amount of dust and bird dander they remove from the air is unbelievable.

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