Renting - appartment has 2 smells please help!


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Mar 5, 2022
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I am having to rent soon and have already signed everything. It is spacious and has a bedroom (if I need to do light cooking, use microwave). The building is I believe pretty old but appartments seem well maintained. This appartment has radiators at the bottom of the floor for heat no vents.

Two problems I never noticed (still haven't moved bird but will soon)...

the overflow drain in the bathroom has a smell and the fan in the bathroom didn't work and still the new replacement fan doesn't do much so going to switch this with a stronger one to see if it is a building issue or fan issue.

there is musty smell in the appartment, it feels stuffy in there constantly. I had been looking for the source of the smell (appartment seems renovated not too long ago, no mice or pest problems) but the smell...I was scared it was mold inside the appartment but think it is the carpet in the hallway now (not sure if mold/mildew/just old on the carpet in stuffy hallway).

Also, I need to get a window ac but I'd like one I can control from my phone if I am outside, newer ones have other functions wondering if they are a danger to birds?
I got the airthings air quality monitor in the bedroom it is reading as "fair" with the window open.
I also order the A3 rabbit filter

Are these two smells dangerous to my bird ?

I'm scared to bring in my bird...what to do ? One option put the bird in the bedroom with a rabbit filter and ac since it is summer when I am out to work. When I am back the balcony doors open and can be in the main area but the musty smell is around the entrance door probably in main living area... I'm not sure how stuffy it will feel in Ontario in the winter...
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