What happened?! Green Cheek

Sounds good to me, as long as the birds get along!
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  • #22
This is Cricket.
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Wow the past two days have been hell!

Cricket has gone on an insane deadly screaming rant! I've been running around moving things and trying to find the cause but there simply is nothing. He's been checked over and he's all fine and healthy and now he's getting much more vegatables and getting ready for pellets.

I've been ignoring his screams but I'm pretty sure I could just kill him anytime soon. It's awful to say and I love him dearly but I'm pretty sure soon I'm going to have to move him into another room or something.

AAAAAAAAAAAA. He is now addicted to play time and Jack is becoming better with him, hes trusting jack to hold him more.

I'l keep you posted. Thanks

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