What does your bird not like

Kippy also hates my fiance. Its a bit mutual. She will make this angry purring noise, growl, or chatter whenever he walks near her or she accidentally steps up for him, mistaking him for someone else. You can see the fury in her little body when she finally recognizes who is holding her, cue angry bird!
Skittles doesn't like the "shirt", being alone, and visitors.
Fred doesn't like my daughters fingers. Don't know why. I think its because she showed fear once and ever since then he goes on the attack if he sees them. He has gotten her good once.
Rory does not like when I try to remove things from his mouth that shouldn't be in there. He will move his beak away from me I have to pick him up and hang him up side down to get the item out of his mouth and then when I put him down and he puffs up at me and then goes and attacks the dog. He's weird apparently I can do no wrong in his eyes so he blames the closest thing to him at the time (which is usually my dog)
It's confirmed, Boomer also apparently hates CDs and cd cases! Not because of the reflection off the shiny part, he just hates CDs for some reason lol!
Gilbert is pretty easy going and lets most people touch him, pet him, i can lift his wings, roll him around, etc, but he HATES when you touch his toes.
Hmmm...Jackie doesn't really like my husband, and HATES my mil with a passion lol he also doesn't like excessive clinking noises or beeps- if the alarm goes off on my phone he sounds off as if the world is ending....Same thing with ringtones, hubby had to change his ringtone lol knocking on the front door also sets him off...being touched on the back is a no no and he'll run away.

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