What do pet stores do with unsold parrots/animals

That is SCARY that a customer can devastate a whole business like that!! Ugh, that poor owner. That's true, aquarium shops have tanks open from the front for easy access.

My ex used to own an aquarium shop, and people used to come in (more than once or twice) with an extra large fast food drink cup and when no one was looking, grab a piece of coral out of the tank and put it in there and walk out.
There was an aquarium shop that I use to go to but it's now close down and not because it was dirty or the owner was lazy, in fact it was one of the cleanest shops I had seen. Some nasty person went into this aquarium shop and dropped a number of small copper discs into a number of the marine tanks. This killed off the whole marine section of the shop. every single marine creature. The owner was devastated.

The owner had to clean the whole marine section and this included the filtration systems because he needed to find all the copper discs before he could re-stock. This cost the owner tens of thousands dollars (nearly 50 thousand). around two weeks after he had decontaminated and re-stocked the marine section, it happened again and put him out of business. His tanks were contaminated twice by a very nasty person. :mad:

I think it's an individual thing in how a pet shop staff look after the animals and not just the big name pet stores. But the big name pet store should do more checks on how their staff are looking after the animals. The pet shop that we use mainly for animals needs, focuses on re-homing / adoption of cats and dogs rather than the puppy and kitten mills. Yet they don't seem to get many birds to be re-homing or adopted.


I understand they have strongly held opinions that people shouldn't keep fish tanks. But you don't do that!
There was an aquarium shop that I use to go to but it's now close down and not because it was dirty or the owner was lazy, in fact it was one of the cleanest shops I had seen. Some nasty person went into this aquarium shop and dropped a number of small copper discs into a number of the marine tanks. This killed off the whole marine section of the shop. every single marine creature. The owner was devastated.

The owner had to clean the whole marine section and this included the filtration systems because he needed to find all the copper discs before he could re-stock. This cost the owner tens of thousands dollars (nearly 50 thousand). around two weeks after he had decontaminated and re-stocked the marine section, it happened again and put him out of business. His tanks were contaminated twice by a very nasty person. :mad:

What sort of malevolent sociopathic thug would do that? :mad::mad: One thing to grotesquely sabotage a business, another to massacre innocent life. :mad::mad:
I was at petsmart last week and did resist a budgie. I was tempted though. It had escaped it's cage. The employee said he escaped every day. I thought if he was with me he could be free more. At least he had a clean cage with clean food and water. If I got every cute budgie I saw I couldn't care for them right.
That's unbelievable that someone would have such a lack of regard for both life and someone's investment and livelihood to destroy the tanks like that. People suck,
The owner felt it was either the competition or a disgruntled former employee. He was very distressed over the lost of marine life first then the money second. The owner believed it was a very painful death for these creatures. I never realised that a small amount of copper could be so toxic to marine creatures.

He was always cleaning and tending to the fish, a rare individual that put the creatures in his charge, first.
I don't really care for the way pet stores sell animals at all. They hardly model appropriate care. And the employees know jack all unless the manager is actually caring. I honestly wish they'd stop selling anything with fur or feathers unless it's through the SPCA or surrendered animals. There's enough out there already that need good homes. And I HATE seeing the poor "fancy" conures at Petsmart. The clips are poor, they look horrendously ratty, and the poor things get fed a terrible diet in a puny plexiglass cage with zero appropriate toys.


I totally agree with you on that! Never buy a bird from a pet store. In fact, the only animals I'll buy from pet stores are fish, and they usually don't live long.

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