The bowls that came with our Prevue cage are absolutely too big for a single bird so we're going to order some new ones. Would you suggest plastic with or without a perch or stainless steel? And would you say 5 oz is a good size?
I would say stainless steel. I use the plastic ones that came with the cages and man are they hard to clean! I'd like to try stainless steel to see if they're easier to clean.
I use stainless steel bowls. They're easy to clean and durable.
My bird loves to chew on things, regardless if it's a toy or a bowl, so plastic wasn't really suitable.
I use stainless for BB's water,and I use one of those plexi/plastic "tidy bowl" three sides with a roof and perch inside for his food. The tidy bowl keeps him from flinging stuff half way across the room!
Only bad part about it,is you have to cut about three bars from his house to hang it
I use a stainless steel bowl for Jordan's food, and one for the Cockatiels' food. Opal has plastic bowls for both food and water, Jordan has a locking plastic bowl for water, and the cockatiels have a plastic bowl for their water and another plastic one for food.
I would, however, recommend stainless steel bowls, they are easier to clean, and last longer.
I've been using stainless steel bowls for years. They clean better than plastic ones. They came with Baby's cage and I bought another extra one since it only 2. They shine very nicely.
After everyone's responses, I ordered stainless steel. Thank you for the help! Although I'm so excited that I want my baby to come home NOW, having this next month to prepare her cage and get everything perfect is for the best.