I am the owner of the 2 Greys that Safira is taking. I am very glad and grateful that she is taking them and I know she will give them a great home. This decision has been very hard for me to make and it will be heart breaking to see them leave my home and my life. It will not be something I will get over easily or soon. They are like my children and have filled my life with lots of love and whistles and kisses and constant talking that I will miss forever. Due to serious health issues and some personal ones the time was right to do this now. Again I am grateful that they are going to a good home and will be loved as much as I love them. I hope that some of you here will not think bad of me for doing this or think I was a bad owner. I did the best I could and I love them very much. I am also grateful to Rios Mom for helping me to place them. I am sorry it did not work out for her to get them when she wanted them but I just wasn't ready mentally or emotionally to do it them and no bad reflection on her as she is a wonderful person. Again thanks Rios Mom! Please pray for me during this hard time of losing my beautiful girls. Thanks, Critterman