I cannot find where it says Mung Beans are High in Protein?????
Sugar maybe, not Protein.
We all, including our Fids need a good varied diet. Nobody is going to argue with that!
Sprouts are a Top Way to ensure our Fids are getting a lot of vitamins and minerals, and have not been messed with by white man.
I do not think you are going to find this will change anytime soon.
The Chinese have known about the benefits of sprouting for thousands of years .
I found this item below. Which to my mind confirms, we should all be eating these sprouts.
Used extensively in Asian cuisine, bean sprouts are not often considered by the public as a nutritional element. However, bean sprouts, or rather Mung Bean Sprouts,Used extensively in Asian cuisine, bean sprouts are not often considered by the public as a nutritional element. However, bean sprouts, or rather Mung Bean Sprouts, as they are properly called, contain pure forms of <SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/N5767.associatedconteOX10800/B4623016.7;abr=!ie;sz=300x250;click=;ord=[timestamp]?"> </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT> <a href="http://ads.associatedcontent.com/www/delivery/ck.php?maxparams=2__bannerid=7181__zoneid=2__cb=d994d88fbb__maxdest=http%3A%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net%2Fjump%2FN5767.associatedconteOX10800%2FB4623016.7%3Babr%3D%21ie4%3Babr%3D%21ie5%3Bsz%3D300x250%3Bord%3D%5Btimestamp%5D%3F" target="_blank"> <IMG SRC="http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/N5767.associatedconteOX10800/B4623016.7;abr=!ie4;abr=!ie5;sz=300x250;ord=[timestamp]?" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT="Click Here"></A> </NOSCRIPT>

SORRY cannot get this page to copy out right. So here is the link:
vitamins A, B, C, and E, in addition to an assortment of minerals including Calcium, Iron, and Potassium
vitamins A, B, C, and E, in addition to an assortment of minerals including Calcium, Iron, and Potassium.
Thanks to this vitamin & mineral two-fisted punch of nutrition, bean sprouts are gaining popularity as a health food, turning up in everything from salads to soups or just as a healthy snack. Available fresh all year round, their delightful crunch and mild flavor make for an enjoyable snack experience, and are a welcome addition to many meals as an accompaniment or ingredient. It should be taken into consideration that the actual nutritional content is not sufficient as a total source of vitamins and minerals for the day; rather, they should be used in addition to other healthy, nutritious foods, and as a substitute for other less wholesome foods, such as rice and pasta.
vitamins A, B, C, and E, in addition to an assortment of minerals including Calcium, Iron, and Potassium.
Thanks to this vitamin & mineral two-fisted punch of nutrition, bean sprouts are gaining popularity as a health food, turning up in everything from salads to soups or just as a healthy snack. Available fresh all year round, their delightful crunch and mild flavor make for an enjoyable snack experience, and are a welcome addition to many meals as an accompaniment or ingredient. It should be taken into consideration that the actual nutritional content is not sufficient as a total source of vitamins and minerals for the day; rather, they should be used in addition to other healthy, nutritious foods, and as a substitute for other less wholesome foods, such as rice and pasta.
vitamins A, B, C, and E, in addition to an assortment of minerals including Calcium, Iron, and Potassium.
Thanks to this vitamin & mineral two-fisted punch of nutrition, bean sprouts are gaining popularity as a health food, turning up in everything from salads to soups or just as a healthy snack. Available fresh all year round, their delightful crunch and mild flavor make for an enjoyable snack experience, and are a welcome addition to many meals as an accompaniment or ingredient. It should be taken into consideration that the actual nutritional content is not sufficient as a total source of vitamins and minerals for the day; rather, they should be used in addition to other healthy, nutritious foods, and as a substitute for other less wholesome foods, such as rice and pasta.
Produced from mung beans, the sprouts are free of cholesterol, and are ideal for anyone counting calories. One cup of mung bean sprouts contains only approximately 30 calories, 3 grams of protein, only 6 carbohydrates, and only .2 grams of fat. Sprouts also contain a high source of fiber, are easily digestible and contain a high concentration of enzymes facilitating the digestive process.
A health advisory was issued for raw sprouts some years ago regarding the risk of food-borne illnesses. The reasoning was that sprouts are usually grown in a warm environment, ideal for the growth of bacteria. Cooking the sprouts will destroy this harmful bacteria. Washing and chilling raw sprouts will also reduce the risk of harmful bacteria.
THIS! is due to people trying to store them instead of using them fresh.
Another site: