Warm toes.


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Dec 24, 2015
New Hampshire
Nike a Hawk Head Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
Nike's been especially active today flying between her perch in the living room and this lamp. Today she ate all of her Harrison's by flying to the food bowl, grabbing one and then eating it while perched on the lamp.

It's 0° outside and she seems to like the combination of heat generated by the light and pellet stove.

(note, I keep a fireplace screen in front of the stove in case she were to fly to it but removed it for the photo op)

Ya got us beat by 1 degree Bill. I can't ever remember it being this low in NYC before. 5, 6 7 and up yes, but 1 degree? Gloabl warming, where are you when we need you. And Nike is as gorgeous as always!
I don't blame Nike one bit for trying to keep her toes warm Bill..My furnace has been constantly running the last couple day's to the point where I turned on my "electric Amish fireplace" to keep the kid's warm. Currently 6 degree's here in CT :o

Nike is so clever! Bumble and I are sending cozy warm thoughts to all of you folks on the east coast.

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