This morning I emailed my CAV just to see if he had any suggestions about Cairo's case. I basically just summed-up the situation and told him that Cairo was seemingly fine (though he refused his Chop the morning before the vomiting started), no other symptoms at all, and that you had gotten a shipment of new toys and wood to chew on, and after playing with/chewing on them for a while he started to vomit, and has continued to pretty-much vomit up everything he's gotten in him, and isn't eating much at all except for some watermelon that he kept down yesterday, but this morning he again vomited everything up again. I copied your blood-work results photo to him, and told him that he was admitted to the animal hospital this morning, and that your vet's plan was to "wait and see if he's better by Wednesday, and if not then they will possibly do an x-ray", and that they will not give Sub-Q fluids due to the stress of doing it, but that they may be doing more blood-work...Usually he gets back to me within a day or so, but he replied to my email about 45 minutes after I sent it. I forgot to tell him that you don't live in the US, so that's why he commented about taking him elsewhere or finding another Avian Vet to take him to, but here's his email response:
HI ellen. I was going to call you today about scheduling Bowie for a re-check of his toe anyway so give me a call about then when you get a chance. I'm sure he's fine though or I would have heard about it or seen him already.
I would put this Eclectus in the Guarded-to-Grave category and would suggest finding another doctor to send his records to and get the proper diagnostics completed as soon as possible today. Continuous vomiting for days is not something seen in birds much at all and is one of the issues that sets my alarm bells off. He has to be very dehydrated and my worry is always acute kidney failure when they are losing fluids like this and not taking any fluids in even for a day. When it's for multiple days you have to worry about the kidneys. The blood work results on that computer slip are all normal but need to be repeated often because of the dehydration and his Uric Acid and his Phosphorous need to be checked often as I'm sure they are different right now then they were whenever they ran this blood work.
What you're describing has a differential including bacterial or fungal infection (WBC's are normal so that's not it, and the vomiting was acute so that's a rule-out for me immediately), poisoning or toxicity due to the bird getting into something like a pesticide, chemical, cleaner, etc., foreign body obstruction in the Crop or intestinal tract, lead or zinc poisoning, allergy (acute so rule-out for me), severe kidney disease, viral infection, GI Cancer, or some kind of sudden trauma. Most of these can be ruled-out due to the acute-onset of the vomiting and others because of the continuation of the vomiting over two or three days. This bird is very sick and I myself don't agree with worrying first about stress, though some doctors do put stress in birds above everything else. The problem with that here is that the bird is going to go into kidney failure or collapse due to blood pressure.
The unboxing of new toys can be easily assumed as the cause because of the sudden vomiting right after the bird played with them and that's why I'm not in agreement with not doing rads right now. And if the bird is too dehydrated to place an IV catheter then I would be putting in a IO catheter immediately to give fluids through, but if they are too hesitant to give fluids under the skin then they aren't going to want to put an IO catheter in for sure. I suggest that they find another doctor that can do rads right away and in the meantime it's all supportive-care like fluids and anti-nausea meds. If you let me know where he lives I can make a recommendation. I hope this turns around for him. It's a sick bird.
Call me later about Bowie!
Dr. N
EDIT: I forgot, I called him right after he sent me this email, and he asked me if your Vet had run a "serum biochemical panel" yet? This is a blood-test that confirms/rules-out poisoning/toxicity with many different things, such as metals, plants, etc. I told him I had no idea what blood-work, if any, was run except for the basic tests I sent him...He said they looked fine, but if his Uric Acid, Phosphorous, or his CPK levels are repeated and are off even a little, it's an indication of kidney damage/failure due to the dehydration.