Video's - Birds Talking - Singing - Playing

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Who is a boy and who is a girl ?????

Ag shame, check out how she re-acts when she has a poopies. She looks so embarrassed !!! How she tries to hide her head.
Mishka is a real little lady.

Ecclipse listen carefully, there is a message especially for you hahahahaha

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

She is the best now matter what she says or does. so funny too!!

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking proud of my Mishi Jade....wahahahahaha....she says it so clearly!!!!! Cleva gal!!!!
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

She is the best now matter what she says or does. so funny too!!

Everyone one of "our" birds is so unique, in their own special way, whether they talk, sing, play etc.
We love them all !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

I love how she changes her voice when saying Halo, i broke out in laughter! :D

Wonder where she learned aaaaashol from?:54:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

WOW - mishka is so beatiful :)
she speaks so clear! a long time passed since i heard an AG, i got used to the rough voice of a sun conure...
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

WOW - mishka is so beatiful :)
she speaks so clear! a long time passed since i heard an AG, i got used to the rough voice of a sun conure...

Hey there Ori, now you know exactly what I sound like :rolleyes:
Mishka is only now starting to imitate other people voices
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Mishka really needs to go, so I had better stop blabbing .................later

"PR" this one is for you !!!!!

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Mishka you are too much. Please tell you mom to use Charmin.

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......theres nothing to say but just to laugh out REALLY loudly - wahahahahahahaha.....I love this parrot - she rocks my world!!!! What a legend!!!!
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Here is Mr Marya trippin and letting the hormones run a bit wild. This time of year he is a bit more hyper than normal. Enjoy the vid.
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Mishka actually needs a webcam on her so we can watch her 24/7. That girl really knows how to make me cry with laughter!
To be honest, I do not put anything above her anymore. :D

Mr Marya is really awesome, I love the way that he displays himself, thanks for sharing!:D How cats and bird get along really amazes me! :rolleyes:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

ANT.... I love Mishka so much... I agree you need to do a 24/7 web cam for her. She is so precious and lovable and smart...

Like I said every time Abby hears Mishka she just goes crazy.:09:

Abby is kind of mad at me for not being home all the time.
I am home today with sinus infection and my son is here and she has been jabbering up a storm and climbing in and out of her cage.
She has grown also...

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Rosie is so cute SB, but she in not window cleaning.
wildheart is correct, she want to go play outside.
Love the way she runs from one end to the next
Your flip camera is awesome OMG, good buy there
I wish you many many happy hours of videoing
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

ANT.... I love Mishka so much... I agree you need to do a 24/7 web cam for her. She is so precious and lovable and smart...

Like I said every time Abby hears Mishka she just goes crazy.:09:

Abby is kind of mad at me for not being home all the time.
I am home today with sinus infection and my son is here and she has been jabbering up a storm and climbing in and out of her cage.
She has grown also...


A 24/7 web cam for Mishka, are you
OMG she talks enough already.
Glad Abby enjoys it, guess they have their own way of communicating, you know like the "birdiebet" haha

Hope your sinus clears up, not to quickly though, then you can spend another day with Abby !!!!!!! :rolleyes:
How is it going having Micheal back home? No fights over the computer and Abby okay !!!!!!
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Mishka really surprises me. When in her cage, and I want to video her, she politely sits on her yellow perch and faces the cell phone.

This is probably as close as having Mishka on a web cam :rolleyes:

Linky listen to what she says about her chommy Sterretjie

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