Video's - Birds Talking - Singing - Playing

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

That is both heart warming and sad at the same time, calling out for her new found friend, birds still never cease to amaze me :)

Yipe they sure do Bobby, think :grey: is pinning for Sterretjie :rolleyes:
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Here is the one I posted wrong in the correct place. Rosie says her cute little hello, what doing and hey baby. This is all of her words but we are working on that. My cat comes into the camera at the end and distracts Rosie.

Tannie, Rosie is adorable! :D

You need to have verbal diarrhea like Ant then Rosie will start as well. I cant talk that much, even if I concentrate on doing it! :rolleyes:

Well my "bird brain" concentration talking span works 24/7 :eek:
Sorry for you !!!!!
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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

"Playing" on her playpen with an audio recording of her talking

I think she should get "danger pay" :eek:

Mishka does not have a fear in the world! I love how she swings and go crazy!

Now you need to teach her: Mishka is a CLOWN.

Mishka does have one fear !!!!!!! your bearded dragons, remember how she stared at it for ages at the braai and refused to move or say a word :eek:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Linky this is for Sterretjie, OKAY I guess for you and Craig as well!!!!!!!!
Mishka practiced very hard to say Sterretjie's name, never ever thought she would pronounce it correctly, but she did.

She still says it very softly, later on she will be SHOUTING Sterretjie.

Sterretjie is an Afrikaans name here in South Africa.
The way you pronounce it sounds like this Sterrrrrrrrr eeee kie

Her next mission is to say what Sterretjie means Sterretjie is a star

Mishka you are BRILLIANT! Both Craig and I were speechless!

Ant, you are such an incredible woman, you make me wish I had a BIRD BRAIN.



You have got it incorrect :grey: is the BRILLIANT ONE, she just loves to talk and learn ALL THE TIME.

About the bird brain, it's easy, think less and talk more hehe :18:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Rosie really listened to this video. Why don't you have Mish. teach parrot speaking lessons?

Hey what about me then, if :grey: was giving parrots speaking lessons what the heck would I do :eek:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Sterretjie fell off my shoulder when she saw her friend calling
- and the doctor said I must keep her still!

Mishka is soooo adorable, you better watch that I dont kidnap her and keep her by me when you come again :54:..... and according to our birds - it better happen soon!:D

sorry Sterretjie my little star, you must remain calm at all times.
Sterretjie obviously recognized :grey: not her voice, the day at the braai, the only word Mishka whispered in my ear was poo poo for the train :rolleyes:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

I said to Craig last night, that we must put them in their small cages and leave them in the lounge with the camera rolling, while we are at bar. Maybe they will talk then.:D
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

I said to Craig last night, that we must put them in their small cages and leave them in the lounge with the camera rolling, while we are at bar. Maybe they will talk then.:D

LoL was thinking about if while on deliveries earlier this morning

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Posting one from Rosie. Again I must say I am sorry for the color distortion. I do not know how to get rid of it. In the background you will hear a CD that she often sings with called Feathered Phonics. Her new word comes about half way through and it is the first time I heard it. She is saying shower. If you listen carefully you can hear her immitate my sneeze with a big ehh choooo

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Re: "Our" Birds Talking

OMG Rosie Alexander is sure coming out her shell now, and SB this is a waring, there's now going back

You can now hear her clearly saying hello, I love the accent
Do you really sneeze that deep???? I had a good giggle
Keep up the great work, it sure is paying off
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Yes I do BIG sneezes and so does she. Now I thnk Mishka has an accent. It is cute the way birds learn accents and different languages. On You tube I heard a parrot talking in french and another one talking in Chinese.
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Yes I do BIG sneezes and so does she. Now I thnk Mishka has an accent. It is cute the way birds learn accents and different languages. On You tube I heard a parrot talking in french and another one talking in Chinese.

I also watched a video on you tube, where the bird was talking Chinese, I was hysterical, LoL and I did not understand a thing the bird was saying. :eek:
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

:grey: and I visited Linky, Craig and Sterretjie on Saturday
You gotta see this one 'WHO STEALS THE LEAVES"

This must be the most hilarious video
I have ever shot, trying to keep a steady hand, trying not to laugh, where Sterretjie steals leaves and Mishka just watches her.


[ame=""]YouTube - Mishka & Sterretjie Bonding[/ame]
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

[ame=]YouTube - Soc stealing food from Marya[/ame]
I was asked to place this here.
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

That is so awesome to watch, Soc was determined to get it time and time again. When the opportunity arose he was so quick.
The seem to get along extremely well.
Loved watching the little horse in the back ground
Thanks for sharing, keep them rolling in okay
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

:grey: and I visited Linky, Craig and Sterretjie on Saturday
You gotta see this one 'WHO STEALS THE LEAVES"

This must be the most hilarious video
I have ever shot, trying to keep a steady hand, trying not to laugh, where Sterretjie steals leaves and Mishka just watches her.


YouTube - Mishka & Sterretjie Bonding

That is hilarious! OMG they are just so funny!
I love how she tries to run with a leaf that is even bigger than her and keeps on stepping on it.

You should have made a thread just for them.:p
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

:grey: and I visited Linky, Craig and Sterretjie on Saturday
You gotta see this one 'WHO STEALS THE LEAVES"

This must be the most hilarious video
I have ever shot, trying to keep a steady hand, trying not to laugh, where Sterretjie steals leaves and Mishka just watches her.


YouTube - Mishka & Sterretjie Bonding

That is hilarious! OMG they are just so funny!
I love how she tries to run with a leaf that is even bigger than her and keeps on stepping on it.

You should have made a thread just for them.:p

Sterretjie reminds me of Rosie May, Ellipse's bird, goes on and on like a Duracell battery

Sterretjie DID sit still for two minutes.......
When we were on the busy on the laptop, watching one of Mishka's video's. She sat on your arm, eyes glued to the screen. Damn we should have got her on film, that is bound never to happen again ever.
Re: "Our" Birds Talking

shes not making all of her "talking" noises but some of them

[ame=""]YouTube - My Rainbow lorri Playing[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Bobbie playing with the water bottle[/ame]

she also makes.....:grey::white1::yellow1:
makes the phones noise then says hello or hello bobbie
says Hello
Says Hello bobbie
makes the microwave beeping noise
says kisses/ bobbie kisses/ Kisses bobbie
Says what u doing
Says whats that
Say bobbie repeatedly (while jumping up and down)
she makes kisses noises
the spungbob laugh
and makes zebra noises
she also says Emma..when i walk out of the room she screams
it and when i wake up in the morning (she hears my alarm go off)
or when i am not give her attention
She also says Raarr Raarr
She ticks her tongue out and hisses at the same time
(my brother used to continuously did it to her then she started to do it:p)

Re: "Our" Birds Talking

Adorable and so tiny. Thanks so much for sharing her joy.

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