
oh, and crockpots... what are those made of? safe?
If you're ever in doubt about an item, you can always call/email the manufacturer to see if their product is PTFE-free.
I'm gonna write this fast because I'm on my way out, but I desperately need to address your post.

1) Yes, natural gas will kill your bird. And blow up your house. Did you see the news about the building explosions in NY last week? Natural gas. Every time you smell a "strong odor" and you light a match to relight the water heater, you are risking an explosion. Call the gas company today. They will shut off the gas and your landlord will be forced to correct the problem immediately.

2) Yes, teflon pans will kill your bird. Do a search about the topic on the forum and you will see how many people have lost birds to teflon.

3) This is the one that has me so riled up - your dogs. Again, forgive the blast of words, I'll be back later if you want to go over anything I write, but you must start TODAY to do better by those dogs. At this point they are on a fast track to the euthanasia needle in the back room of a shelter. Puppies are an enormous amount of work. Two puppies are a ridiculous amount of work and responsibility for even the most dog-experienced dog owners. Do NOT make the dogs outdoor dogs simply because you are too lazy or uninformed on how to train them. House training male dogs is not hard. Female dogs aren't bad either, but male dogs are easier, in my opinion, because they just naturally pee whenever they smell something interesting. So, throw away the sofa if it is soaked in pee. You'll never get the smell out. Clean the rest of the area with Nature's Miracle or some other enzyme based cleaner. Soap and water remove the smell so we can't smell it, but dogs will go back to the same area again and again because they can still smell it. Crate the dogs when you aren't home. Keep them in your sight when you are home. They should not have the opportunity to be off in another room peeing. Use baby gates to keep them corralled. Never ever ever spank them for house training mistakes. They don't know what you are talking about they just know you are hitting them. When they have an accident, clean up with paper towels and put the soiled paper towels outside. Next time it's time to go out, which is very frequent with puppies, take them out on a leash to the soiled paper towels. They will now smell the scent outside.

As for neutering - again, please educate yourself. Neutering will prevent testicular cancer, minimize the risk for anal tumors, help keep the dogs from running away in search of females in heat (which they can smell for a 3 mile radius). It will also help to keep them from fighting as they mature. Two males dogs, especially certain breeds like pit bulls, will start to fight around 18 months old as they reach social maturity. It does NOT make them "dull".

If you do not get these dogs in the right path now, the odds of them ending up in a shelter, completely wild and untrained is extremely high. No one wants to adopt wild, unhousetrained adult dogs. Their odds of being euthanized at that point are all but guaranteed.

I'm late.....I'll be back later to clarify anything I've glossed over .......
Thanks, I went and bought some cast irons pans, some stainless steel pots, and a couple ceramic pans. we are looking for a new couch, and we got a kennel. =D i also called the landlord about the water heater, he want to try and "fix" it? says the part will be in monday or tuesday.
And I have talked my roomy into talking about getting the dogs chopped.
Yea! Glad you are taking care of things. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need help with the dogs. I've worked in shelters and rescues for almost 20 years.
Birds have a very sensitive respiratory system. Things that don't bother people will and do bother them. Candles, sprays (cleaning or otherwise), Teflon cookware, and so many other things can and will make your bird very sick or kill it. Please google things that are toxic to birds and read it. Remember birds are very sensitive and can die very easily.

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