WARNING: Teflon, Non-stick Coatings, PFOA's and other coatings deadly to your Parrots

I just looked up band aids as a protection against biting and found alarming PFOA content in a lot of popular brands. The list is extensive. https://techthelead.com/all-the-ban...st-of-brands-found-to-have-forever-chemicals/
Bingo hates me when I wear a 🩹 even though I am wearing it because of him (usually).
When he notices one on me when I am holding him it’s both funny and scary at the same time.

He rears back and away from it but can’t fly away and I have to try to get rid of him without getting bitten (again).


Protecting our birds needs eternal vigilance. Thanks, y'all.
Like I keep saying, these type coatings are sneaking into products all the time!!
Ollie has a shredder toy that he just started loving and I feel bad but I just cut half of it off because it was foam type material and who knows what's in that...Now he only has half a toy because the other one looked like it could have lead.
Found this picture in a recent email.


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