
He is probably removing the skin of many of the foods (beans, peas, corn, rice) and eating just the kernel. Also often they bite into a piece of food like a chunk of squash or apple and extract the juice and a bit of the pulp then let the rest fall out of their beak. So, he could be eating more than you think.

I'd keep refilling the bowls like you are a few times a day. Sounds like you are giving him a good diet.
Oops. I was totally thinking grams as oz. thanks sodakat for clearing that up :)
I'm so glad you have said the same about drinking from your fingers. I've been a little concerned about that too.

thanks for sharing x
My vet surprised me when he told me not to be too concerned if Oliver didn't drink much water that it was normal. He told me to always have fresh water available but that he'd only take minor sips because he gets liquid from the fruits and veggies. With that said, Oliver does like to dunk his beak in his water after his meals--or wipe the food on his perch...depending on his mood.

As for the amount of food Oliver eats, it seems he's really going to it...but in the end much is on the floor or the bottom of his cage depending on where he's eating, but his weight is good...so no worries...

Oliver does sleep in his cage but I live in Florida and keep the temp about 78 at all times...

So glad to hear an update on Charlie...I wondered how he and you were doing. All in all, it sounds like things are going fantastic as he's adjusting...
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  • #65
One last question... is it okay for parrots to eat ladybugs? Because that's the only kind of bug that ever gets into my room (don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you) and Charlie seeks them out like a hawk if they get near or in his cage. I've seen him with a ladybug wing dangling from his beak... It's really funny, actually, but I just want to make sure they're not dangerous!
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  • #67
Hey everyone! I haven't been on in quite some time... lots of life happening lately. But I just wanted to say that I'm very happy because Charlie just let me give him head scratches for the first time!

He's only ever really tolerated petting and doesn't very much like touching anywhere other than his head or chest, but tonight while gently petting I actually started gradually giving deeper and better scritches... for the first time, he started poofing his feathers for me and really getting into it without jerking away or guarding! He let me scratch all over his head and neck, really touching and scritching his skin for the first time, under his beak, around his nares and ears... he really loved it.

I'm so happy! I feel like it's a big step in how he trusts me, despite the stuff we've been going through. :) I just had to share.

I really need to start training him more now so he can branch out and have more stimulation. He doesn't play much... he only sits there or preens if he's not eating and I can't hold him.

And he still doesn't much like to be anywhere but in (or even more preferred, on top of) his cage, even though he's been living out of his travel cage until I can get his big one moved here. Any tips on encouraging him to branch out? Any attempts so far have just led to him trying ceaselessly to get back to his cage. I've made some baby steps, like having him comfortable being held around two feet away from his cage, but any farther than that and he freaks. I just want him to not be bound to such a small space!
Yay! I know many Eclectus don't like head scritches, but as humans we sure like to give them! One of mine--Tina just loves them. Right now she's go some many new pin feathers and really likes me to scratch her head.

I'm glad he is bonding well with you!
Well, good, I was wondering if you guys were sleeping in a tent.....I was getting some stuff out of the store room.....actually doing some spring cleaning & for whatever reason, when I decided to throw out a couple of old fans...worked, but had motor problems (probably fire hazards in the offing) I wondered if you'd found a workable solution to your problem.....glad to see you've not fallen through any cracks.....
Glad to hear your news! Oliver is not one for head scratches but loves to be held and pet, which is so unusual for this breed. As for his cage, I transport him to different parts of the house on his playstand or basket and rarely let him play on top of his cage to avoid him getting territorial. So far it works like a charm!
well done, he looks like he is enjoying his new home, keep up the good work.

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