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  • #48
I'm sorry I waited so long but we've been playing and cuddling. :D







Thanks to my mother and sister for modeling haha.
Beautiful!!! You must be coming undone by all the excitement! Congratulations to you and your birdy, your both lucky to have eachother.
Wow! How exciting to have him home with you now! Great photos!
We need an update.

Word of caution with cement perches. You don't want them to be the highest perch in the cage as they will spend most of their time on them and can cause hot spots on the bottom of their feet. I removed mine completely as this became an issue. Now I am using wood branches and rope perches only. I may re-introduce the cement perch later on in a lower position.
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  • #55
Hey guys! Everything is going pretty awesome with Charlie. I love him to death. He's slowly but surely decided that he's open to some training with his special granola (the breeder sells it and everyone says it's like bird crack, and I think they're right) so I've gotten him to step up and turn a circle on command.

He also loves warm showers and perching on his open cage door. I've only just last night started putting him in his small travel cage for sleeping because my room isn't getting as much of the heating as I'd like and Charlie seems to be chilly sometimes. I figured covering that cage would keep more heat than him sleeping in that big open cage uncovered.

Some slight concerns:

1. He doesn't much like to be anywhere but in/on/around his cage. He doesn't even like being on his playstand in the same room or in a different room. He only just flies back to his cage.

2. He's eating at every meal, but doesn't eat much of his meals before deciding he's finished, and he doesn't go back for more. I want him to decide these things, of course, but he's dropped 1 3/8 oz in the last week. Should I be concerned? Is there a way to encourage him to eat more?

3. He doesn't ever drink water on his own. He only drinks it off my finger or if I let him drink it off my finger and then hold the bowl up for him. I know eckies get most of their water from their fresh food, but he always seems eager to drink from my finger.

Thanks for any input you all can provide!
1. He still maybe unsure of his environment. He associates his cage as is "safe" place. Nalani had a similar issue, in that she screamed like hell whenever she was out of her cage (in another room) but was silent and happy when she was on/around her cage. What I did was let her roam, I put her on the ground and let her just walk around and test her surroundings. after a few days of doing this she calmed down a lot. Let him observe you in other rooms and check out what he wants to check out.

2. Offer him his favorite foods. You mentioned that he's been flying quite a bit. So his weight loss most likely is associated with him flying. 1 3/8 oz I think isn't something that should be rushed to an emergency. But you can call your vet and get an opinion. Offer him maybe a walnut a day or an almond, they contain healthy fat (just don't give him an excessive amount).

3. If he has water in his bowl, he should be drinking out of it. Drinking off your finger is habitual or even a way of bonding, but I wouldn't be too worried about him not "drinking" all around. I only caught a glimpse of Nalani drinking once the whole time I've had her. She usually drinks in secret. ;)

Hope this helps! Charlie is GORGEOUS by the way!!
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  • #57
That helps a lot!! Thank you very much. I will try letting Charlie explore more on his own and see if he takes to it. :)
Trying to translate the 1 3/8 oz to grams I came up with about 38 grams. That is quite a bit if he weighed less than 330 grams the week before, but not a lot if he weighed 380 grams. Usually more than 10 percent of body weight loss is something to pay attention to.

Sometimes cutting fresh foods into smaller pieces encourages youngsters to eat more. Not mush or minced, but tiny cubes about the size of peas.
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  • #59
I feed Charlie a chop mix with at least two dozen different healthy fruit, vegetable, and grain components (not counting the 16 bean mix) and they're all different shapes and sizes but none bigger than a shred of carrot or a small cube of butternut squash. He eats everything fairly well, it's just the amount that he eats that concerns me. He leaves most of it left in the bowl.

And for the record I did the math and he went from about 397 grams (exactly 14 oz) to about 358 grams (12 5/8 oz)

Thank you for your insight!
I have had Maui home just a bit longer than you. Last week he started to pig out. But it took about 10 days for Maui. Now he finishes all during the day, except beets? And looks forward to dinner.

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