Universe is punishing me?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
I am SUPER ANNOYED. I seem to have caught some kind of cold. In June. WTF? First time I've been sick enough to interfere with my daily activities since that swine flu was going around. I'm not knock-down sick like that flu made me, but I've been coughing and sneezing and my nose and throat have that burning sensation for several days now and the cough is especially irritating to deal with. I don't believe in medicine unless I have an exceptionally high fever so I've just been drinking a ton of water and eating bland food. My immune system normally knocks these things out quickly, but this little ****** cold is putting up quite the fight:mad: Oh and then I went out to run some errands today only to discover my car has a flat tire:31: Since we have guests coming this weekend for a few days, I kind of have to get the house really clean and ready, so no rest for the wicked I guess! WTF did I do to incur this slap from the universe though:33::33::33:

I blame the:green:
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You can blame the Rb, too! I'm sure he is in communion with all demons and agents of chaos and contamination!
Hmmm, that finger pointing explains the recent request that Julio has been working on, an injunction.

I have used a non-sugar based hard candy like juicy fruits to help my throat. The slow release of the hard candy keeps my throat from going dry, which causes me to cough. I cannot tell you how many speeches this has allowed me to finish.

Sorry to hear that you got hit by a bug that your system has not prepared to fight. Prior to Mrs. Boats retirement, I was introduced to like hundreds of bugs each school year. The new ones took me out for a couple of weeks, where she may have felt it for a day or two. Now retired and the constant exposure greatly reduced, she gets hit more often.

May you recover quickly!
I'll see if I can slowdown the development of that paperwork. :D
You can blame the Rb, too! I'm sure he is in communion with all demons and agents of chaos and contamination!

So we have a few accomplices then? :green:+:green:(Julio, since there is no DYH)+:rainbow1: in an avian conspiracy? Wouldn't be shocked if one of them popped my tire while another infected me with some kind of bird germs:p
Hmmm, that finger pointing explains the recent request that Julio has been working on, an injunction.

I have used a non-sugar based hard candy like juicy fruits to help my throat. The slow release of the hard candy keeps my throat from going dry, which causes me to cough. I cannot tell you how many speeches this has allowed me to finish.

Sorry to hear that you got hit by a bug that your system has not prepared to fight. Prior to Mrs. Boats retirement, I was introduced to like hundreds of bugs each school year. The new ones took me out for a couple of weeks, where she may have felt it for a day or two. Now retired and the constant exposure greatly reduced, she gets hit more often.

May you recover quickly!
I'll see if I can slowdown the development of that paperwork. :D

Can't imagine where I caught this bug. And it's an annoying one too! The kind that's enough to drive you nuts but not bad enough to make you stay in bed. So I have a total dichotomy between feeling overall energetic so laying around is like torture, yet still have this awful cough and a sensation like I've been inhaling habanero pepper powder:31: Good suggestion, we went to the health food store and got some organic lollypops. A little sugar every once in a while won't kill me and will be easy fuel for my body to help fight this thing off. I can't do the artificial sweeteners in sugar-free. That'll give me a massive migraine on top of the cold! Oh and you tell Julio to stop scheming with Kiwi (not that a human ever stopped conspiring amazons before!):D
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Ugh, ugh, and ugh! Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t feel well. Thank goodness parrotlets donā€™t get in on all this conspiring, germ warfare, and tire damage nonsense!

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Ugh, ugh, and ugh! Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t feel well. Thank goodness parrotlets donā€™t get in on all this conspiring, germ warfare, and tire damage nonsense!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bumble is definitely free of suspicion. Parrotlets are far too cute to participate in such nefarious activities.
Ugh, ugh, and ugh! Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t feel well. Thank goodness parrotlets donā€™t get in on all this conspiring, germ warfare, and tire damage nonsense! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bumble is definitely free of suspicion. Parrotlets are far too cute to participate in such nefarious activities.

That is so true! The Amazons wouldn't bring them into such activities. Way too cute.

FYI: You may want to check your tire's valve cover. Amazons have been know to remove those things and play with the valve to get a shot of air. Its been rumored that they play tunes, but that is not supportable information. Hope the lollypops are working and you are feeling a bit better.

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