U2 Mated with Hubby


Nov 4, 2018
Greensboro, NC
U2 - Francis "Francie"
Just what I was trying to avoid! Despite our best efforts to redirect Fancy when she exhibited mating behavior with either of us, she seems to have developed _mating feelings" for my husband. This morning she was walking all over him while he was sleeping in a chair. Later on he woke up and left the room to go upstairs. Fancy went crazy and started attacking me relentlessly! Fortunately I had thick clothing on, because it's starting to get cold, but jeez!

After a while I got her out of the cage when he wasn't there, and she returned to her normal sweet self. I'm not sure what to do about this. Should I keep her in the cage when my husband is in the room?

Thanks a lot,
- Linda
nice classic double post.

Anyways see everyone! birds can tell human genders! I'm not crazy!

Sorry fancysmom your not excluded, you just not as sexy as daddy.

Your bird is probably just really hormonal right now, ignoring the problem well... crap it will go away in time; but I personally wouldn't back down to my pet. But if she walks off toward his side of the couch just accept it I guess.
Do you mean mounted and mated or selected your husband as a partner/mate?

I think you posted this twice by mistake. Here is the same reply (copied and pasted) from the other thread:

Without more details it is hard to know...He needs to avoid giving her any attention if she attacks you. What did he do when she attacked you...was he in the room?
How did you react? What did you do immediately before and after and where was he prior, during and after? And I need details (in terms of volume, eye-contact, proximity, words etc).
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Hubby had just left the room when she came after me. He took yesterday off but is back at work today so she's back to normal (whatever that is).

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