Tsali deserves more...

This is just an emotional thread Terry. I'm sure we are all aware that this could happen to us and just want the best for all involved, emotions are high.
I am truly sorry for offending anyone and causing alarm, I understand we are all very passionate about our feathered family. It seems that some of the things I said were misinterpreted and some were a bit harsh.

Mr. Grinder, I am especially sorry that you were offended. I WAS very defensive. Had you stated up front that you were only trying to provide alternatives, I wouldn't have felt like you were trying to determine if you lived close enough to get a free deal. The absolute worst thing about forums is you can't "read" what the person on the other side of the screen didn't type. I hope you will accept my apology.

The whole thread started because I want so much more for Tsali than I am giving him and he is actually living a pretty decent captive birdie life. I just can't believe that I am the only one on this forum that questions whether or not they are giving their feathered family the best possible life. How many amongst us would be willing to sacrifice self if it would mean their bird would have a better life than they can provide. I truly want what is best for Tsali - for the rest of his life. It is very likely that I am going to have to make some significant life changes due to my family situation.

Moderators, I apologise for the turn in this thread that has become so emotionally charged. It was never my intention to cause drama.
I just can't believe that I am the only one on this forum that questions whether or not they are giving their feathered family the best possible life. How many amongst us would be willing to sacrifice self if it would mean their bird would have a better life than they can provide. I truly want what is best for Tsali - for the rest of his life. It is very likely that I am going to have to make some significant life changes due to my family situation.

I'm having that internal debate myself. This is literally the only thing stopping me from putting a deposit down on a bird right now. What with work and my other commitments that I need to make I can sometimes only get in at 7PM having left at 7:30AM which doesn't feel fair to me
I'm having that internal debate myself. This is literally the only thing stopping me from putting a deposit down on a bird right now. What with work and my other commitments that I need to make I can sometimes only get in at 7PM having left at 7:30AM which doesn't feel fair to me

Im away from home from 8:30am till 6pm during the working week, and it feels bad leaving Enzo alone with just the radio and the many wild birds outside. I do however spend every waking minute with Enzo when not at work and she is such a happy little bird.

We can only do what we can I suppose and if we didn't worry about such things then maybe we shouldn't have pets/companions at all. Can you imagine how many old relatives are left in nursing homes who only get visits once in a while, just for a little perspective....
I am truly sorry for offending anyone and causing alarm, I understand we are all very passionate about our feathered family. It seems that some of the things I said were misinterpreted and some were a bit harsh.....

Moderators, I apologise for the turn in this thread that has become so emotionally charged. It was never my intention to cause drama.

IMO no need to apologize; the tone you set was ideal but the thread was bound to become uncomfortable and reflect your agonizing choices. At best the forum is a sounding board to bring all facets to the fore and help you make the very best decision for Tsali. I don't believe any of the participants had ill intent, and my hope is the dialog will continue without rancor.
Darn I couldn't find the thread but it was about people releasing their birds into the wild and what not. Congos actually have an older bird showing them the ropes for a bit and Timnehs do not. Your not alone in this feeling though. maybe someone else can find it.
Darn I couldn't find the thread but it was about people releasing their birds into the wild and what not. Congos actually have an older bird showing them the ropes for a bit and Timnehs do not. Your not alone in this feeling though. maybe someone else can find it.

Releasing a previously captive bird to the wild is one of the very worst fates imaginable. That said, some folks do this, though it is absolutely not condoned as solution.
Wild birds fly free yes. But they don't know where their next meal is coming from and don't have climate control. They are not safe from predators, disease, poachers or man made hazzards.
Ie the design of the Superbowl building us causing birds to fly into it and die.

Captive birds don't have free flight but they live in relative safety, get good regular meals and vet care.

Maybe you could get a companion bird for your Tealu just not another grey. If not a parrot that requires attention and time maybe a finch or something. It's my understanding that finches don't need out of cage time or require as much human interaction.

If I'm wrong or this is a horrible ideal I apologise.
Wild birds fly free yes. But they don't know where their next meal is coming from and don't have climate control. They are not safe from predators, disease, poachers or man made hazzards.
Ie the design of the Superbowl building us causing birds to fly into it and die.

Captive birds don't have free flight but they live in relative safety, get good regular meals and vet care.

Maybe you could get a companion bird for your Tealu just not another grey. If not a parrot that requires attention and time maybe a finch or something. It's my understanding that finches don't need out of cage time or require as much human interaction.

If I'm wrong or this is a horrible ideal I apologise.

Some IRNs either escaped or released in London in the 1950's, there is now a very large population of them


I wouldn't release a bird though, especially in a rural area where I live due to the large amount (and growing) predatory birds
Please, don't worry, forum family. The Sanctuary idea was a bad idea and won't happen. I grew up with "Born Free" and just had this really IGNORANT idea. Thankfully, I was educated. Tsali deserves the best possible life and I will do my best to see that he does have the best of everything.
So you’re keeping him?

It’s important to remember that keeping him may not be the best option for the owner or the bird; it’s hard to know from the outside.

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