Today’s the day!!!

Yay!!! Welcome home handsome little guy!

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Well done!!!!

Kisses on day one, he is such a stud ;) Seriously though, that shows huge progress and trust already. Well done, but please, be careful and try and get to know his body language. Ive found they can give false sense of security at times.
I was wondering this morning how things were going with you guys, hopefully as splendid as the first day. Great advice above. Learn his body language well. Example... My YNA Baxter was in the refuge for a year before she picked me. She was on good terms with one of the female volunteers (Men couldn't go near her) and was good for kisses. Same volunteer missed her cue, and was off to the ER for stitches, punctured completely through her lower lip. Happened in an instant.

I love my girl, she adores me, and she's the sweetest, snuggliest bird I've ever had, (For me. Others, not so much) but I still respect that beak since I keep in mind what it's capable of. It's not about fear at all, just awareness.

Anyway, keep us updated... Inquiring minds want to know lol.

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Well done!!!!

Kisses on day one, he is such a stud ;) Seriously though, that shows huge progress and trust already. Well done, but please, be careful and try and get to know his body language. Ive found they can give false sense of security at times.

Yes, we are learning about reading each other’s body language but his way of saying he doesn’t want something has been so gentle. I am
Not saying he is not capable of biting but he really seems like he feels he doesn’t need to. I don’t know really how to explain it, and I hope it’s not a false sense of security, but he has blown my mind with how trusting he seems to be of all of us. My 18yo daughter has not held him yet. She’s too nervous so I told her not to try until she can do it with confidence, and I have still not allowed my 3yo to hold him but he’s been stepping up willingly to anyone else and allowing kisses, sometimes pets and definitely a ton of talking to anyone who will listen.
Thanks for thinking of us. It’s been 1,000 times better than I could have imagined or hoped for. Last night he allowed me a LONG (like 30 minutes) snuggle session cuddling into my chest and allowing me to pet him anywhere. He seems to have so much trust in us which is incredible. He preens my hair and solicits beak kisses often. As far as human interaction is concerned he could not be better. He still isn’t interested in the new toys. Only his trusty existing bell. That’s ok. I expected that could take a long time but I want so much for him to realize the joy in foraging and playing. I look forward to the next year and hopefully watching him bloom in both his personality and appearance. He has truly captured a piece of my heart already.
Sounds like when Enzo joined me. I wasnt too up on parrot etiquette when I first got her and she loved the cuddles too, she would lift her wing etc expecting a tickle and loved me stroking her back........ then she started regurgitating and laying eggs, I simply did not know that you should not touch a parrot anywhere other than neck up and what I was doing is actually giving her the impression i was her mate and what I was doing wasnt just cuddles it was actually parrot foreplay!!!!!!

Now i limit to neck and above, she still does the 'chicken dance' every once in a while, but I just try to distract her onto something else. She still cuddles in though, leaning into me, climbing inside my jacket etc but still its neck and above contact only.

Be careful out there, no matter how adorable he is ;)...sorry to be the spoil sport :(
We buy the plain in jars and pop in sir popper
Wow! I'm so happy to hear that Paco is doing so well already. Especially impressive given the typical grey's aversion to change and new things. I think you found yourself a good match. :-D

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