On an unrelated note:
I didn't know you had a turkey vulture! So did I when I was 12, (when we did wildlife rehab) only ours was a handicapped bird that was injured and couldn't be released back into the wild... He was actually a very sweet bird, ended up loving people even though he was a 100% wild bird when he was found - WITH A FACE THAT ONLY A MOTHER COULD LOVE!
Yeah a farmer dropped one off at our house without even telling me. My son came carrying in a Hardees cheeseburger box with a chick inside. I was like "What is that thing?" Apparently a farmer who knew my Grandfather (who lived behind me) was pulling through and handed the chick to my son and said take it to your Mother. He found it in his barn when they removed all the hay and didn't know what to do with it. So he sent it in to me, and it was either raise it or set it outside to die. That's just not in me, so I raised it. Then we turned him loose at a nature preserve 45 minutes away. I covered the cage so he couldn't get any sense of direction. A week later, I heard a clatter on our roof. I was like oh boy, he found his way home. Sure enough, there he was. And he brought two others with him, but they stayed above up in the sky. They hung out with him until fall and then they all three flew away. I wouldn't feed him anymore so he was finding food fine on his own. Last summer one flew in probably six feet away from our roof and then circled for awhile right above our house in the sky... I knew it had to be him because no others would dream of coming that close. They never had before. So that was two years after we released him. He survived. This was him right after he was dropped off:
An this was him with my daughter after he returned to our house after we dropped him off at the nature preserve:
Over the next few months he got even bigger than that, by finding food on his own.