Tis the season to be jolly!

Personally, my take on this is that Fargo was raised a Mush Mac, and that's why he's nice to everyone.

THIS is how they should be...

Except that stupid dog kept stealing MY attention... so I drove him off.

Fargo wasn't raised being all cuddly and friendly, have told this story many times :09: But the breeders called him Feral, and advised me not to get him, honestly, the man looked worried when i kept saying i wanted him, because they said he would probably be a breeder not a pet, and then said that he would probably never wear a harness either :54:

He hated being caught, and just didn't enjoy being touched when the breeder finally got a hold of him, thats why they suggested he wouldn't make a good pet

But, is it possible that because he didn't have much time with people as a young one, never got cuddles, and didn't get to interact with people, that NOW that he is older (and realises its fun) that he thrives on it, and loves it even more now that he missed out on it as a youngster?

The breeder honestly couldn't catch him half the time hahaha he would fly around :p
This was him running as the breeder tried to get him

This was where he spent most of his time whilst i was there so no one could catch him

All the others were friendly and loved cuddles and kisses-

and then there was Fargo :rolleyes:

There were 2 people before me who had a deposit on Fargo, but they both ended up pulling out of the deal with him :rolleyes:

I dunno, i just thought considering he missed the opportunity to be with people and get all this attention, that now he wants it?
I do have to commend you on how healthy and beautiful Fargo is, he actually glows with health and that is just so nice to see.

Aw thank you very much :rolleyes: It is nice to see them looking healthy, i just hate looking at pictures of poor rescue birds in dark dirty cages, because their colours should just shine but people take absolutely no care of them!
You should get a sign that says "Beware of the Macaw". I bet he would try to protect you, and those crooks wouldn't know what hit them!


Could you imagine an angry macaw actually attacking someone, ripping their skin, biting deep into the flesh, crunching down on the bones... ;)

They would definitely run for the hills :09:
Fargo is SUCH a beautiful boy!!! His feathers SHINE!!

I think it would be awesome to take him to the retirement home!! It would be fun for all the residents :D and Fargo could show off all his tricks!!

OMG!!! Did they catch those crooks yet!??!

I would be so scared too!! We live on a dead end street and nobody can see into our property (trees and bushes) but we have a German Shepard who patrols the property and does a good job of alerting us... But! We also have guns, so if someone tried anything funny, they'll have quite the surprise- and yes, I do know how to use them!!! Haha :D

Yes and then when Fargo decides to scream, all the elderly people have a heart attack with their hearing aids :rolleyes: hahahaha

No it should be good! Will have to take pictures, if he likes nana, i assume he will like everyone else! :)

Ohhhhh you have guns?!?!??! You crazy americans ;) haha
LOL they can just turn their hearing aid volumes down ;) hahaha

Oh yes, we have guns...about half dozen :D but the only one that gets used "often"is the .22 rifle. We have a lot of coyotes around our property, and the occasional weirdo wandering in the filbert orchards next door lol creeeeeepy!!
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Wow, your posts are always amazing. They always end up like reading a thriller novel. As always, its such a relief to find out that you are ok.

I love the photos of Fargo and your Nana. Those are ones that you are always going to enjoy.

Thanks for sharing more Fargo adventures!

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