Tis the season to be jolly!

HAHAHA Lindsey! That must be it! :eek:

Mum said just to find another ipod on ebay, was just an ipod shuffle, they are bidding for like 10 dollars :p

Definitely on the naughty list this year ;)
Great pictures! I especially love the one with your Nana:)
Merry Christmas!!!
Here are a few more with nana :)

Fargo kept getting closer, i just love how nana is like don't you bite me! ;) hahaha

Then this was him chasing Wesley..

It's interesting that he hates Wesley so much, but he likes Cypher and the horses and possums...

Its just something about Wesley he hates

You're right, the look on her face is priceless. If Fargo knows what's good for him, he will not bite her! Poor Wesley, he looks like he is running for the hills.
Hahaha he didn't bite her ;) He might be going for a trip to her retirement home this weekend... Nana tells everyone about Fargo :09:

Little off topic-

I am re-arranging my room, and then took down his old gym, and have been cutting branches outside, making a new gym for Fargo...

Get inside and there are all these missed calls on the phone :20:

* I am home alone *

Then my dad calls and asks if i am ok.. i said yes ? :confused:

Then mum calls in a panic asking if i am ok..

Apparently there are 2 nasty men along our road who are breaking into houses :eek: and the cops are trying to find them..:eek:

So the neighbours have been trying to call me to see where i was..

and i have been outside wondering around -_-

So mum said to lock the house up, keep Tia (big dog) outside my room, and just wait until everyone gets home..

Next thing, i get off the phone to mum..

and the 2 men are parked outside our house at the gate... and they sat there for about a minute.. :eek: I was like please dont drive in :(

Luckily our house is about 200m from the road, up a hill...
The neighbours said to mum they shouldn't come into our property unless they really have to.. they are just going into houses close to the road..

I was freaking out so much..

I watched the movie Taken.. many times.. and it scares the flip out of me HAHAHAH :rolleyes:

BUT NOW!! My room is a mess with branches and toys scattered all over the place cause now i can't go outside to get everything :rolleyes:
Aaaarrrrggghhh!!!! So where are you now? Where are the men? Where are your folks and the neighbours and the cops??? Are you OK? Have you rung the police to tell them what's going on? For goodness' sake, keep your head down and stay out of sight, no matter what they do. If you get the chance, run like mad to your nearest neighbour's place.

And then post what happened - we're all dying of suspense here!!!

Well, soon after that, neighbours from up the road came, a woman from the dairy farm, and then 2 new zealand men from the other direction haha Funniest thing was, they didnt know each other...

So the poor lady thought the 2 nz guys were the criminals! She was freaking out :p

But then they all stayed with me until mum got home at about 3 !

They said that if a car is near the gate again just to call them, and they will come down with their rifles ;)

There were 4 police cars looking for them all day :eek:

They have shared the cars info and rego plates, so people can say if they see them..

Apparently they are going to houses, saying they are roof inspectors or something :eek:

But apparently they are very nasty men... so a 19 year old girl home alone... haha

The bad thing is, because we live in the middle of no where.. There are trails and roads everywhere into the mountains.. so they COULD hide from the cops...

Gosh i could leave if i wanted to and never be found!

So last everyone heard they still haven't been caught... Dad bought big padlocks today for all the gates...

Tia, our great dane cross, is the best guard dog ever.. She wouldn't hesitate to bite an intruder, of course these men might have a gun...

She went insane when the neighbours all came.. Was barking and running around

and then the best bit ever, while Tia was going nuts..

Kyros came galloping towards me from the other side of his paddock, neighing :eek: Was kinda like he was worried for me and wanting to protect me?

Nearest neighbours place is about 2km up the road :o

Seriously, when the car was at the gate, i was freaking out so much :p
:eek: :eek: :eek: I hope and pray they find those guys tonight!!! OH MY GOSH how scary, Tab!!!!!

Please, whatever you do tomorrow, always take Tia with you.
:eek: :eek: :eek: I hope and pray they find those guys tonight!!! OH MY GOSH how scary, Tab!!!!!

Please, whatever you do tomorrow, always take Tia with you.

Oh yes, Tia is coming on a leash with me in the morning when i do the horses :09: Cypher wouldn't be much help, he just runs and hides when a new person arrives..

You know, as soon as mum called me and told me what was going on.. and she said, if they DO come, and they go to the stables, do not go down there..

My first thought was... DON'T LET KITAI OUT OF HIS STABLE!!!!!! :p Take anything you want, but just don't let Kitai out into the paddock :09:

My first thought was... DON'T LET KITAI OUT OF HIS STABLE!!!!!! :p Take anything you want, but just don't let Kitai out into the paddock :09:

NAAWWW!!! You ALWAYS think of your babies first!!! I LOVE that so much about you!!!!

So yes, when you have to do your things tomorrow, have Kia on the leash, phone in your pocket, and keep your eyes and ears open. Please don't use any earphones or listen to music while you are out and about doing chores, as that will distract you from what's around you, promise????
Geez! That was chilling, Tab! Wendy's right: for the next few days, keep your wits about you and don't be listening to your ipod. Oh. No ipod. Yeah, well, that was fate (and Fargo) taking care of you, wasn't it?

Even if those guys had done nothing or taken nothing, it would have scarred you for a long time if they'd invaded your house and kept you hostage or worse. I'm so glad nothing did happen! Let's just hope they get caught pretty soon. In the meantime, I hope they get afflicted with a nasty itching rash for frightening you like that.
That is terrifying! I hope to hear that they have caught them soon. I totally understand about thinking about your animals before yourself, but you have to take care of you as well:)
Wow, what an interesting thread! First the absolutely gorgeous pics of Fargo and then all the suspense with the baddies!
Glad you're ok and they didn't come onto your property. Stay safe and keep your wits and tia about you.
Personally, my take on this is that Fargo was raised a Mush Mac, and that's why he's nice to everyone.

THIS is how they should be...

Except that stupid dog kept stealing MY attention... so I drove him off.
I do have to commend you on how healthy and beautiful Fargo is, he actually glows with health and that is just so nice to see.
Fargo is SUCH a beautiful boy!!! His feathers SHINE!!

I think it would be awesome to take him to the retirement home!! It would be fun for all the residents :D and Fargo could show off all his tricks!!

OMG!!! Did they catch those crooks yet!??!

I would be so scared too!! We live on a dead end street and nobody can see into our property (trees and bushes) but we have a German Shepard who patrols the property and does a good job of alerting us... But! We also have guns, so if someone tried anything funny, they'll have quite the surprise- and yes, I do know how to use them!!! Haha :D
Geez! That was chilling, Tab! Wendy's right: for the next few days, keep your wits about you and don't be listening to your ipod. Oh. No ipod. Yeah, well, that was fate (and Fargo) taking care of you, wasn't it?

Even if those guys had done nothing or taken nothing, it would have scarred you for a long time if they'd invaded your house and kept you hostage or worse. I'm so glad nothing did happen! Let's just hope they get caught pretty soon. In the meantime, I hope they get afflicted with a nasty itching rash for frightening you like that.

I think mum is staying home from work today :D

Fargo would probably try and kill someone if they grabbed me, would be interesting to see what his reaction is though.. I know when we are playing around with Tia, and we pretend we get hurt and scream, she goes into full protection mode and guards us...

Would be cool to see if Fargo recognised if i was in danger.. He might just fly onto them and start doing some tricks ;) haha
That is terrifying! I hope to hear that they have caught them soon. I totally understand about thinking about your animals before yourself, but you have to take care of you as well:)

Ohhh everyone in my family says that i should care for myself more than my animals..

But i cant help it :rolleyes: Animals always come first..

Just like when Kyros and i had the accident, all i could say was- go get kyros and make sure he is ok..

and my brother was like no, i am calling the ambulance and staying with you..

sams on the phone and i am just yelling- GO GET KYROS AND CHECK IF HE IS OKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :09:
Wow, what an interesting thread! First the absolutely gorgeous pics of Fargo and then all the suspense with the baddies!
Glad you're ok and they didn't come onto your property. Stay safe and keep your wits and tia about you.

HAHAHA My threads always go off topic :rolleyes:

Just like a horror story.. Starts off normal, everyones happy... then it gets dark! ;)

Thank you! Will do :)
You should get a sign that says "Beware of the Macaw". I bet he would try to protect you, and those crooks wouldn't know what hit them!

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