Thread about dreams!

Another parrot dream last night. This one was different then my recurring one; this time I had to keep preventing Salty from flying out an open door. Not so horrid right? But every time I scooped him up off the floor, I felt like I was hurting him, holding him far too tight. Not as nightmarish as the recurring dream but I still woke up feeling terrible! For some reason I am able to wake myself up when I realize the dream is going south, I just wish it would kick in sooner sometimes.
Geez, Rico, how'd I miss this thread? I can't believe I did, but I can't find any entry from me, so here goes.

It's not complicated, really. I find myself in any situation... the back yard, the airport, the grocery store... and suddenly I am confronted with a huge flock of Rickeybirds (Patagonian Conures). It occurs to me that MY Rickeybird must be in there somewhere, buttt... how to find him??? They're all squawking and flapping and carrying on! I have only met 1 other Rickeybird in the 40 years I've had mine... they're just not very popular/common.
So the dream ends in different ways. Sometimes he flies to my shoulder or calls my name or otherwise reunites with me. Other times, the dream ends without a happy ending.

Rico, what a great thread. It was fascinating to peep in on other parronts' dreams! Wow...
Wrenchie, yeah: sometimes I can wake up when the dream is going South, sometimes not!
Does anyone else have vivid dreams of having too many birds and they escape their cages? or you're closing a pet store and find dead animals everywhere? Those are my recurring dreams, usually when I'm stressed. Oddly, I don't class them as nightmares, just as weird.
My recurring dream is that my fids are out of their cages and I realize that I forgot to close the windows - so I try to close them but for some reason I can't and they keep opening. I panic, I ask parents for help but they refuse helping me because they hate closed windows.

The last time I had such dream, even my grandma was having fun at me and she just opened the window even wider, took some leaves from the tree behind the window and she threw them at me

(idk why, she was totally out of her character in that dream - she would never do it.)
Does anyone else have vivid dreams of having too many birds and they escape their cages? or you're closing a pet store and find dead animals everywhere? Those are my recurring dreams, usually when I'm stressed. Oddly, I don't class them as nightmares, just as weird.
Vampy, thats the essence of my bad parrot dream! I have cages all over my house, crammed with WAY too many birds per cage. In the dream I never feed them and some appear to be ex-parrots. But none are Salty. I've had that one so many times, I know enough to try and wake myself up, because that dream never ends well.
Had a weird dream that I moved into my Aunt's place, and she lived in a mall. A mall with birds, too! A pet shop! With Aviaries! And enough room for all my stuff, including the display case! Somehow I was asked the HYacinth Macaw was mine, as someone had it out of its cage.

Ye gods, I have weird dreams.

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