Eagles Apex Predator Birds


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2021
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Minnesota, USA
Eclectus Parrot: Nico (male)
Jenday Conure: Kiwi (female)
Sun Conure: Charlie (male)

So I wanted to share this. My husband was out duck hunting. He sent out our lab to fetch a duck. A bald eagle decided that duck was for his lunch, and our black lab didn’t even faze the eagle. Some of these apex predator birds really are something nightmares are made of. My husband had to call our dog in because the eagle wasn’t giving up his lunch, and we didn’t want our dog to get hurt.
Good thing your pup listened. Some retrievers don't like to loose their 'item'. It's a sense of pride for them.
Eagles are awesome. I have a lot of respect for those birds of prey! Also, good dog for listening 🙂
Eagles are awesome. I have a lot of respect for those birds of prey! Also, good dog for listening 🙂
I have more questions about apex birds than anything. If that eagle was swooping down at our dog to steal away an injured duck for food… my assumption is that this eagle probably does this to wild dogs that are much stronger than our pet dogs. I think the Freddy Kruger character in nightmare on elm street was designed after with the Harpy Eagle in mind.
Maybe. Swooping down with that wing span will trigger an instinct run response in man or beast!
I love apex predator birds. As intimidating and fearless as these big birds seem, I will never forget that when helping rehab an injured Great Horned Owl, that bird was so incredibly calm and good tempered. I always handled him with gloves and a towel because those talons on his feet were impressive but he was such a gentleman that all my precautions seemed like overkill lol! I don’t know if raptors like eagles would have a similar temperament but they sure are impressive birds. Around us, we have lots of Bald Eagles but I rarely see them hunting; usually they’re scavenging meat off of roadkill and gut piles from hunters. Lead shot is banned for use in hunting in my state as eagles and hawks were ingesting it while eating off of carcasses and getting lead poisoning 😕.
I can’t even imagine how powerful a bald eagles talons are. Like I said something nightmares are made of. Everything about them is built to kill. My macaw is the only parrot that I have handled that can leave indents on my arms. He has some strong claws. He only does it if I am going down the stairs. He must feel unstable, and just grips harder or something. It doesn’t especially feel good. I’m sure an eagle would pierce the skin, and do some damage. Not just little indents that last a few minutes like my macaw.
I like watching a live camera feed coming from Big bear. There is a pair of Bald eagles incubating three eggs. Last year the eggs didn’t hatch. Hoping they have better luck this year.
Don't forget the smaller raptors. I live in the city. A pair of red tail hawks live near me. When they dive bomb prey it's scary. Especially when the prey they are diving is a motor beak CAG in bird carrier. CAG loves mimicking them. I admire and respect them.
Don't forget the smaller raptors. I live in the city. A pair of red tail hawks live near me. When they dive bomb prey it's scary. Especially when the prey they are diving is a motor beak CAG in bird carrier. CAG loves mimicking them. I admire and respect them.
You have had that happen?
I might move somewhere that has a resident breeding pair of red tailed hawks. I was wondering how much threat/danger they might be.
You have had that happen?
I might move somewhere that has a resident breeding pair of red tailed hawks. I was wondering how much threat/danger they might be.
They're hunters of pigeons, doves, mice, rats etc. They've been known to go after other types of birds like chickens. Around here someone, knows someone, who has a friend of a friend whose chihuahua was snatched out of hand or yard. Their range is in miles. CAG mimics them. So they hunt for the intruder. They know my house. Periodically during breeding season they come by screaming challenges. My CAG as a result is never allowed outside except in her carrier or pet stroller. I like them because they help keep rodent, pigeon population down.
I like watching a live camera feed coming from Big bear. There is a pair of Bald eagles incubating three eggs. Last year the eggs didn’t hatch. Hoping they have better luck this year.
I am obsessed with birds. They fascinate me. I probably will watch this.
They're hunters of pigeons, doves, mice, rats etc. They've been known to go after other types of birds like chickens. Around here someone, knows someone, who has a friend of a friend whose chihuahua was snatched out of hand or yard. Their range is in miles. CAG mimics them. So they hunt for the intruder. They know my house. Periodically during breeding season they come by screaming challenges. My CAG as a result is never allowed outside except in her carrier or pet stroller. I like them because they help keep rodent, pigeon population down.
The most aggressive bird so far that I’ve came across surprisingly is a blue jay. They are bully birds. They are little but they pack a punch.
This is another good YouTube channel for avian predators. Place does amazing work.

We have a lot of bald eagles here in Maine. I live on a lake and they're here year round but mostly eat fish.
We have a lot of bald eagles here in Maine. I live on a lake and they're here year round but mostly eat fish.

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