This or That?

prob MTC (Pyrhurra genus!)
pionus or corella?
Pionus all the way!

Sleeping or eating?
should i still add the MTC or does it exist?

Emma’s conure or gcc (any mutation)

Apparently tiki really likes her sleep lol

budgie or parrotlet?
eclectus or conure?
Eclectus duh why is that even a question lol?

Also here is my funny question from yesterday. Take your parrot on a walk with a harness on or your bird taking you on a walk with your harness on?
birddddyyyy ur messing up the order :(

ur bird takes u for a walk
Unfrosted cake I HATE FROSTING.

Christmas or Hanukah
It was pie or cake but ok

None :)

Now the real question..

Math or science?
neither I hate all things school but yet somewhere I kinda wanna be a doctor-writer-song writer- Avian vet- Mega bird owner- Parent.

Vacations or stay vactions.
I want to sleep for 17 hours..
And play video games all day..

🍎 or 🍐 ?

Do you play animal crossing at all?

Ekkies or pionus?

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